Now we hear I interfere with Politics a lot which is utter nonsense; what really happens is that people have come to enjoy a lot the business of leaving home to pretend they were attending to a day job while they spent all day savaging my finances and academic work and Politicians operate at the top end of this. They have now developed from sending out their children to chase my bum at University, claiming I am there to copy how kids get by while they go off to lay claims to my Public image and Literary empire – we have now reached a conclusion on the matter, they hate my guts and loath me because they are a few years off being stuck with me forever and no longer being able to access their dreams for it but still have got some failsafe mechanism that involve other young people that want to attend University copying the way I have behaved towards them. It has therefore been a matter of Politicians wanting to get me sharing what I have but then I suppose they will share it by insulting me and this was always their challenge. Their Media goons ensure these occurrences and its experiences cannot be put down to the bad days and bad weeks and bad years of course because it will be deployed and run off for the Public every single day and it just makes me wonder what people have to be to leave home and get to the Office to spend time doing this to the finances of somebody that is more important than they are; they have been for the last 12 years and need to understand I have had enough of it too, hence the claimed interference; I was there on day one when the whole business of becoming more important than I am was an expedition they had embarked upon.

They always love to make out I have this complex whereby I want people to think I am bad and tough which is utter nonsense; they show up here to run my life and tell me how to exist, wrecking everything while the Politicians claim they want co-operation from me by getting me to drop out of University because I stood up for myself when tackled by barely criminal goons who want to peddle my public image for fame and fortune or wild women who claim I had stolen personality from those who can actually do the security that keeps people safe, about which they are now complaining of the actions of the same individuals they wrecked my academic work and finances to support and want to get my support by insulting me – so it’s one of those cases where they are going to make out they expect me to ignore the problems all together as it were. Much as we see them tell me my issues are a matter of my links with the Armed Forces considering bad things people who work there do, while reality is more that they are constantly being told by people who work there, that it is a job that is challenging in a life threatening way, thus some behaviour means people will do their dreams for them – I am not actually engaged in an Office that is challenging in a life threatening way for my part anyway but it goes without saying it’s all very well for people to show up and have a go like this, it just becomes more of an issue when it is obvious they are dealing with a dangerous person too; as we can see they are unable to control those they get off fucking around with but want to control me instead, so what the Nazis did not achieve they have, such as my Books showing up at Parliament where the sales are stifled, while Nazis burned Books but did not have the facility to stop an author’s incomes all together, therefore taking their own a stage further and showing up to gain my support by insulting me.

I do get told I have no respect for the Celebrities, now that I have been unhinged, detached them from the Politicians and Media and become very free to attack them as well but the warnings have been there all along as equally as I shall say it goes without saying here yet again, I wish to see an end to their involvement with my Books and Public image as I have no wish to sell my Books to their Celebrity stupidities anymore. My chest hurts, I smell like my loo, the job that was done to write the Books have to be redone and there is no time they show up in Public places we do not find their insolence cling to my Public image and tell lies about me, much the same way we see their wild girls continue the story of personality I stole from those that can do security for everybody, which leaves the society goons the means to claim certain jobs I have taken up is a process of being the boss while they were the real Boss, hence I have stolen their way of life which generally means they make a mess of my Public work looking for more of what their mocking stupidities are complaining about every single second that I step outside my Door. I do get told there is probably a reason that is worth paying attention to because most people have been blinded by this nonsense; there is no reason whatsoever, its wild girls who like to hurt boys and there is that insult about me being a little man they can hurt as much as they wish when the Politicians and Media have to rescue them from me to an extent where I am physically sick all the time but again it still matters the subject matter; I have had enough of it, I have had enough of them, what I am doing now is to ensure their Popular culture pays the bills for the damage they have done here, so if I get back to an academic institution to find them follow me around again there will be trouble that certainly goes beyond the business of getting the gangs and racists to chase their money issues and society lies personality as well, the way they think they should basically skin my life and use it as a blanket - everybody can clearly see that if I play up these sorts of stupid games as well, somebody is certainly going to lose their life in the process. I should confess then that I have only ever seen them behave in circumstances where they are complaining about a certain behaviour or way of talking which may cause the return of the gangs and criminals and terrorists, in a bid to look like they want to be living breathing human beings and not a memory, like little Men who steal personality from those that can do security for everybody.

I shall begin this business of making sure they had stopped handling anything I do at this Office by engaging with the business of their mates leaving them behind in the world of career success, which then allows them to pick on me all the time, so when the damage is done to the livelihood, I happen to get involved with the work force and everybody wants to attack me the way they attacked people to get where they are. I mean I cannot imagine normal people having an ego that is so big that since a victim will not respond, they are so important if they find his Books irritating they set about a campaign to stop his entire career, hence looking like they are not being told regularly that they are incredibly stupid people especially the famous ones. They always love to tell me I would not dare and there is nothing I can do about them but it’s an old story of preaching wealth inequality all over people’s lives; while I am engaged with the business if supporting people who are willing to employ people that have been stigmatised with joblessness, they are busy building crowds of idiots that regard me as the enemy of equality, not because I am but because it is how much CD gets sold if they want to use my public image for it, meaning each time I set about something important my identity vanishes and they can never be told off; they have done these things and I have not yet become interested in where they have kept the money on the global stage just yet, for now it as simple as it has always been; I do not wish to tolerate any more of their involvement with my concerns or my Books. As for the respect for Celebrities bits, the reality of the way I was raised is that if I have as I do at present, a court of female journalist and then it all came to an end, being single was bad enough in terms of the question of who it is all for, losing it is something I must recognise as a very bad thing indeed..

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland