The story of enemies One has made around Royal Circles in Europe and Allies cross Atlantic and their various other Locations in the Eastern World considering their various ventures in those parts of the world that has caused them to reside there among other reasons but these ventures as well as involvement in diplomatic work being the prime reason for an alliance with The Arch Prince, has no basis on reality whatsoever: the reality of which is that it is rather surprising that for ambition and self advancement there are those bold enough and more so in context still bold enough at this stage, to think about and foster the prognosis of having an extra marital sex with HM The Queen in the UK and it is for this that they will disappear and none will have taken any the notice of it because there is really no actual reason that their activities should consistently continue to become as violent as they are bearing in mind their non-important status. The same occasion therefore reflects at Industry at the Company Trust system especially in Europe: Ones Personal life and this Company are not available for sharing or negotiation of any nonsense idiots come up with to stir trouble and seek money they can own without working for it as a means of living off crimes that are above the law and any other reasons including the need for fame and importance for it - what is, is the Company products and the status is that they are either purchased or not.

It was not by any means conceived that one would have with the strength of his leadership and ability to protect his allies and interests and property failed to have made enemies among those who seek to cheat and steal company finances and cannot therefore stop losing for it as well. The state of affairs are still the same - if they do not spy on me or make a mess of my personal life they love to claim I have been exasperated into sharing with the world to be pillaged for fame and fortune or make claims of work and property of mine they have access to or even so claims of things they have found out about me which I try to be, become or do that others can take up and be become or do as well, then there will be no violence against me that provokes me because they are trying to keep it for themselves permanently and are therefore making me understand there will be consequences if I change it - personally I do not care if they spy on me, I am concerned if they proliferate my work but the violence will always be followed with reprisals.

The Politicians understand above all what I mean - they make that game of having lots of conversations about how the Economy we have now is one of recovery and rise in employment but weak wages and weak productivity alongside it as if nobody knows that - when we can clearly see that when the Germans ask people to open up and take people in, the result is always that you find out they are weak on social matters but strong on Industry so there is a Political exchange on that basis but soon enough the Politicians want to provide leadership on your company and it is the least of your worries. So of course I have made myself very clear - spying on me does not solve anything because the system is such that I can decide what consumers do with their money if and when I have a product in front of them and a conversation with them about that product, which is the same system that should work for them as well, considering it works even for a Christian such as myself. So if they are not normal enough to see that as a warning they need to understand that in terms of British - American Integration I am winning, in terms of British-German integration I am winning, in terms of British- French relations I am winning, in terms of British-South American relations I am winning, in terms of British-Communist relations I am winning, in terms of British-African relations I am winning and those like to abuse people but do not stand a chance, in terms of British- Asian and British-Middle Eastern relations I am winning. Their media insults are only an evidence they are eternal optimists of course, a sign that warnings can never take root with them as there is only one language they understand with that big mouth. They are separate from everybody - the system does not work for them and spying on me is something they need to shut down as there is only one result we get from that all the time (pricks). The only interest these idiots have in my personal life that was their business in the first place is whether or not I have a Court and they are doing all they can to keep me from being alone and how they can do something about it to lend me agony and make popular culture videos to get rich and it does get to a point as well, considering the only interest in my Company is to control my sales and keep it that way as well.

I do not think this is a complicated matter - its a simple reality that the Personal life is not up for it and the Company is not up for it and only the Books are and those who do not have a bought copy of their own had better started packing. They do have their ideas about how I open up the personal life to people and then complain when they are in - like that deceit that homosexuality is largely about people having an alternative form of making love when such facts would have proven that sort of theory to be entirely wrong - I know like most other things advocates of republics do, it exists solely to find out if I have a Court and whether or not they are doing their best to ensure I am not alone and how that fits into which Country I am involved with that happens to be bigger than mine for them to pillage and abuse whatever they like - so as usual warnings never pay off because they are eternal optimists and have media to play around with for it as well and if I see that culture which is clearly the one thing they have that gets my attention to turn up here and talk nonsense about what they do not have and cling to my possessions to make me comply I will cut it to bits again - just like I did before I took up the Integration and did it for both sides and put it up in public so they can turn up at mine and get it back like that big mouth we see on Media all the time - we all know they complain about this state of affairs as well and I will never stop winning too - like being so inferior when people see your books in their Country what it means is that you turn up where there are already celebrities to make yourself one when nobody knows you and cannot therefore stop stealing your income. I do not open up my personal life to anybody - its just the reality of Royal work that each case involves a certain level of personal life exposure and that is how you work and it is how you marry into other peoples Establishments and so on - even the cultural violence cannot be managed if you do not let it into your personal life in order to manage it with those you have to account of what happens in your personal life to - the question is how these fools got there and how they got to the personal life that was concerned only with the Company as well and all those big shows and perverted nonsense they build up all over the place making noise about royalty they have pillaged to have the same thing they have as well and lifestyles that their stupid money has purchased? I do not see anything wrong with all that Transvestites, Drag Queens, Pornography and Celebrities nonsense we see all the time and cannot be free from on the Internet but when it is about me we do have a problem because I have had enough of them already: never really a complicated matter, just an apt warning needed over their need to face you with the horror of absolute destruction of your finances everyday and robbing it on your face a popular culture because things can be the right thing to do for them if they laugh at the effects together as a community - an apt warning for a condition where they cannot be reasoned with when it comes to handling your possessions in ways you have made clear to them you do not want it handled, an apt warning just before you put their Celebrities in their place and secure enough respect from them for the Celebrities.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland