Now I am not too troubled about the things concerning Church people, reality is that idiots always think the Church is a safe place from which to channel people’s children in any direction they wish, I always think they believe they can do it with everybody even if they have done it before and it is a big mouth yapping too. Truth of course is the old stuff about the fact the deviance of this world must find ways of entangling what belongs to you with them when they have an advantage of age and seek prerogatives for their stupid children and then they will always comply by telling you they are not your mate and it always means you should deal with all the problems which of course you do except that they continue to go ahead and make out you steal their vision which you do not mind as it is a factor of an old story they are aware of; that God is not mocked and every man must reap what he sows The most Important point of the attrition they invent therefore being that of how they keep away from me and their foolish women their insults where those belong.

Aware therefore one is of vanities and lasciviousness and carnality that can be operated in a Family setting of an environment of government, which The Arch Prince of the Monarch should be aware of and deal with in clear, secure, and efficient manner. Of course the issue of the UK Class society is usually largely misrepresented around the world; the reality is that the biggest problem with the lower classes is some inbuilt desire that is insatiable, to act in one way and deserve a completely different outcome from the same action on the other hand, concerning which that outcome must always be hugely beneficial - hence by their moto the Country is free to eat itself up from inside because another person has a responsibility and the reality they have to deal with is that others feel otherwise.

The claim I am so obsessed with everything I do not allow others get to it or indeed buy and make use of the products is entirely wrong, the reality of what they do those who make such complains, is a plan to change the nature of my lifestyle, make it their own and give me a different one that is violent and full of problems in the most hurtful way imaginable and will not seek an alternative good feeling for trade but that first of all which of course we are all aware will not cease to get them into trouble and especially on that stupid media of theirs as well and then they turn up to deny a lot that unreasonable wickedness people practice in my direction is a matter of something I have not done in order to discredit religion and the existence of both God and the devil. In the end of which they never mind their business, and I will not cease to dish it out for them as well and there is always for me a time for everything, and as it applies in this case, a time to work and a time to think about staying out of trouble.

The case of getting into trouble with women at the Monarchy is an old one; it has given birth to an Heir, so it wants to create a position of power for itself that influences the Politicians; I was an Arch Prince before Kate Married William, Americans will help to ensure my existence is constantly a new thing to the world and it goes on and on and on, then we hear its women playing with me when I have expressly shown I do not like people playing with me in such ways all together and then it big mouth will be all over the place to show its perfectly aware of the effects of its stupidities, especially when it points out what Princess Diana got up to etc – whereby the first time I had to deal with this so called necromancer stuff, it involved Politicians either pushing me into crime to rehabilitate me away from my personality in order to claim it or setting off criminals who need to return to the right side to be on so as to stay out of trouble on my public image to secure a process of being served by them criminals in order to be glorious either way; since then, every other new invention on this nonsense I have had to content with has been invented by these female idiots talking nonsense about power of which Diana who went off to engage with some Africans and risk the future of her Children was still the preferred way to handle a matter they had no idea how to handle as it were and it still all comes down to the same old case of whether people think the fact it is a woman means it does not know what it is doing when it grab everything that benefits you as a result of being British and tosses it to the dogs in order to sit about mocking you, playing Children’s video games on mobile phone screens. So, I have done it again as it were and await another insolent occasion whereby it would mean that having done so amounts to a process where they can take it up and do it for me all over again to extricate women power and show themselves to be happy fools, considering Princess Diana is not here anyway.

We see it all over gender pay gap issues which they say my activities support but I look as though I am going back on it because I am not being supported, which is not actually true; what is true is that Politicians and as reflected by the activities of their media fools are usually only interested in some sexual deviance that can be extricated from processes of handling gender issues and this is why rather than make laws that simply say a Man and a Woman cannot be paid different salaries for the same job, we find all kinds of gimmicks that will preserve access to the deviance while some form of middle ground is being reached. This means that whenever I mention media fools are up in arms blabbing about my inability to protect myself from being touched but we all know that protecting myself from being touched is a matter of taking what hurts me seriously and the most prolific of that is people I do not know getting involved with me and more so finding their corruptions of involvement to be a form of power that they will never let go of and thus invent excuses every single time I detach myself from them, which is what the media does and nothing else, about which I was not addressing them at this point, only responding to what is obviously a gender pay issues which have been put to me by somebody else. It is however a regular form of insult that they believe gives their ageism and advantage over me because anything I do in response will be avenged on their behalf by somebody younger than I am, which I would like to see them try on as well, especially when they are talking nonsense about what might likely happen at the Monarchy: I am an Arch Prince and a very good one for that matter for my part and their insults have come to a point, feeds into the need to enforce it when I say they need to find a civil way of making money by the beginning of September and show up here only to buy a Book otherwise there will be trouble. As for which ones I have no idea how it will end, everybody knows I am going to ensure that whenever I am responding to state matters at this Office or running my life as I see fit without having to accommodate others and deal with insults about some older goon that wants my Estate at the Monarchy as well, I do not get hurt by a self-seeking scum either on the part of celebrities or anybody else’s, which will ensure I can talk to people without my bottom hurting as a result of being used in abusive ways by evil scum with problems and that will involve running their stupid lives for them so I can decide a limit for it, setting out a campaign that will let me ensure their jobs and shares and positions at companies are never ever safe, then get hold of those stupid celebrities and turn them around to help sell my Books and see which one will be hurting me from there as well. I was not addressing them it should be noted; what happens is that women have their lives sorted out and get ready for work but doing so disturbs others and then when they get jobs anyway, they get less pay for doing the same work that men do – besides which for me when they sort their lives out it does make me happy because it is a probability that if somebody starts a business it will be successful and then there is the bit about public matters that is messing it up for them, which they respond to in ways that means they fancy me in personal ways and the sensuality of it can then be deployed to make pornography by money mad goons, then I get told by the same idiots not to watch it, while at the same time when Pop stars get involved and try to make me watch them instead of the pornographers, somebody takes that way, which is why that stupid pay gap is so important to them: so what I get by simply stating that the Politicians would rather dance around loss of their sexual pleasures than make laws that simply say that men should not earn more than women for the same job is these ageist scum addressing and hurting me as strangers I do not know getting involved with me, to talk nonsense about how I have no idea how it will end whereas everybody knows it is the guys they think I should be scared of that are the reasons they need to find a civil way to make money by the beginning of September 2017 or else that stupid need to take things that belong to me and ensure I can never find anything I own the way I left it in order to make me sick all the time and talk nonsense about freedom will lead to something far more serious than they give it credit for and especially so at tourism economic scum fingering my bum as this marks an example of their insults really getting to me especially over the involvement that does not involve custom for my Books.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland