They claim I am becoming evil and its utter rubbish as
well – we all know what it does is get involved with service processes of my
Bookshop to make a mess until a new problem emerges before it starts blabbing
the things we hear people mutter to get others complaining about having a lot
of talent until the stupidities came into the scene, it spends most of its
stupid time dissecting me to get the public enjoying narcissism at my expense
with respect to what people can do with what makes me tick, it just gets off
spending a lot of time and effort making it impossible for me to escape the
throes of being a talented tortured soul all the time and when we speak of the
problems it stirs up fooling around with the prospects I want to sell some
Books to people, we are looking at the building up of alternative statements
for criminals, racists and terrorists – so I am certainly going to copy from
the last person they hated or I will invent my own process of causing them a
lot of suffering every day from the ground up.
They love to boast that they can do anything with me
because their stupidities were certain that I wouldn’t do a thing about it and
we know it’s all a result of doing some private security industry work for a
German company as it were – it did not like the way I did the job the first
time, it said it was disrespectful towards the most incredibly stupid of its
Clients but it is at the gimmicks again and this time is not paying for it but
what makes it amusing is that it is fooling around with the activities of petty
criminals on the streets at my expense, likely to be even more amusing when I
had made sense of its culture and society using a premise of female journalists
hanging around somewhere claiming their spare time was used to have anal sex
with me. I mean this is the first time I have spoken of it in 4 years.
Now it is said that where my career had ended up was a
bleak one but it isn’t; the nature of the goons who spend time on these
behaviour is evil, so the outcome is that handling what they throw at me is
always fraught with the idea that I am likely to develop a method which is a
threat to Politicians – this being impossible because it’s largely a matter of
where there is more love and where there is more animosity but because they are
always engaged in a constant state of telling lies while handling people in order to overturn this in their advantage, they were
rather convinced they could do anything they wanted. So it is now impossible to
make sense of idiots who spend their time making a mess of my career and public
image for the simple fun that they got out of doing so because they were
looking for easy career piracy which they appear to dedicate their entire
stupid lives to and they have been doing that to this quite unbelievable state
where they had wrecked the academic pursuits and are now after my Books and a
13 year period has now elapsed of their stupidities doing it every 24 hours,
garnished with a sense their workplace was the best thing that happened to the
world while mine was a dung heap even when I am working from home. I don’t
think that it is an issue, I am starting to give them details of their fault
lines which is only matched by the extent to which they want their civil and
criminal disobedience to intrude into my life and concerns and I think that
when I have built up enough public presence for those stupid fault lines, I
will have no choice but to begin my own assault on their lives as well. It
issues those threats all the time and does not know that it really means a
handful of gits who spend most of their time developing society built spiritual
power that helps them get imagination up peoples bums from which results they
take pictures of themselves in fine suits to make a statement of their ability
to make people poor or rich while their victims deal with life changing and
life span shortening abdominal discomfort because of it and I wasn’t talking to
them by the way. Where I would have been talking to them involved the question
of what brought it on first of all and what it is exactly their stupidities
were so convinced they could do about me which has encouraged them to carry on
for so long with that big mouth they have got and so we can see what a Hermit
who is given an environment by Church and State to serve public purposes really
thinks of their silly Children hanging around the school environment, only
picking themselves up if they emulated Celebrities to wear fine and expensive
things, look like they had an alliance with stupid piggy women who had grabbed
other people’s careers and set about giving them work place license to get imagination
up peoples bums and discover they never keep their mouth shut; so the smell
issues about which they have never actually physically handled me is still an
issue as we can see and I am really fed up living in a condition where they
spent my time projecting the consequences of their personal decision on me in a
bid to plan for bad things their stupidities want to do, the bottom hurting
issues which does look good on their cracked up out of my league stupidities
when other people did it. They do claim I help to betray National alliances and
its utter nonsense – what happens is that it performs a certain type of
behaviour it can run through over and over and over again until I got down a
route where I had to mention the arrangements we have made for ourselves in
communist Countries was developed on the premise of keeping ourselves away from
Politics, until somebody got killed. The rest of the time, the bloody idiots
had invented ideas where I am a bum and they had taught their stupid children
how to abuse me in order to recover a future which is what their explanation
for all this nonsense was, so I do suppose they can continue blabbing threats
over the smell issues until there is a physical touch on their stupid part to
see what will come of it – we all know it’s about money as it were, as
insultingly as possible, that they know I am an Arch Prince and I will be taken
advantage of because they want money or be made to spend money to make them
better off, about which they said that tackling them where they were trying to
get paid for being popular usually makes them violent, hence the showing up
here to make a mess of my career all the time, I therefore did and am now
waiting for the violence with that big mouth as well considering it never ever
stops and comes up with a gimmick to continue every time.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britian and
Northern Ireland