So there is that talk of how I sleep with and have too
many women and take women for granted; it never makes sense of course since it
is only a process of getting worse from claims about the bad things that Church
and religious people do that never seems to have an ending but it is never
clear where it goes from a point where you are having these thoughts about
starting your own campaigns of organising people into communities that hate
them, to a point where you are accused of sleeping with peoples wives anyway –
but we do know the biggest beneficiaries are the Politicians who claim my
activities are preventing them from getting connections with the people while
their popular culture idiots claim I pretend to know much about Europe but
really know nothing; in terms of the Politicians of which it is never clear if
I am the people anyway in the first place and why they think I want to deploy a
business they have damaged everyday for a decade and
a half to ensure they have connections with the people, in terms of these fools
on the other hand I am dealing with goons you get out of your home to maybe
have with sex or indeed impregnate so as to wreck your life when they have your
children and you have to pay all the child support and stuff while they string
you along and seek easy life but of course do not actually have to when the
Politicians can wreck your finances and corner you at the civil service to push
them as far deep into your personal life as possible every single move you make
career wise, then complain about inability to get connected with the people
instead of get lost and then try again for instance bearing in mind I am
clearly not the people. It’s like the live TV debates issues and the kind of
people who hate that sort of thing being classified as the same and on this
occasion characteristically according to them it is the Tories that don’t like
it, but the reasons in terms of reality are a different story entirely i.e. the
Tories don’t like it because they are a party people love to hate, Labour likes
it because they are a party that leads people in the art of stealing government
money through civil service and trust systems but then again it has always been
obvious what we really want is the Politicians keeping their stupidities
outside of the civil service and the NHS which we will never get because their
interference is the one thing that ensures people get to try and get rid of the
Monarchy on claims it is archaic; so unless they intend to address these
issues, I don’t care if they want to do TV debates or not but their idiots
speak of peoples wives I sleep with and women I take
advantage of first because they keep getting all these media attention with
which to do it, second – I am not running my own campaign where I organise
people into communities that hate their stupidities as well, third – they
really do think they are that good looking.
I understand the story of troubles which are a
function of my lack of respect for others and more so especially women but of
course this is never true, what is true is the lack of respect for me all
together not the other way round and female journalists especially do not seem
to be able to do anything without passing an insult at me in the process, such
that it has now come to a point where I need a counter campaign but have not
really got the time for it yet – what they mean however is that a typical white
women will want to avoid scandals and attention because her white skin draws
the pain of it but a black person would rather relish it not least a black man
as such, what happens however is everything else ranging from their hatred of
introverted people who know more than they do and walk around their Country in
a state of superiority, the prejudice and violence incredible to be dished out
for those who have to tell them any single thing for five times at least before
they had begun to comprehend and everything else in between; I myself have
always rather expressed me better when I tell them not to threaten me
regardless of whether they were sexually abused as children, not to be so
stupid as it will open up a whole new kettle of fish, we are talking about
because they have raised the point and no other reason, but while they complain
they have no wish to stop the onslaught either, they say they are sharing my
temperaments and nobody knows how they share other peoples
temperaments or how these fools have come to the deduction it is okay to make
others so unhappy and then set about punishing them with scandals and insults
and distant violence because their unhappiness affects others but I suppose
they need to stop complaining too if they have no wish to let me be especially
their Politicians who are at the very fore front of an apparent problem people
seem to have with my personal life as it were.
The story of a redefinition of success that some claim
will ensure my State Office belongs to others does not apply – the usual method
would be to take their violent begging and the sexual context abuses that revel
in every time they get away with some while they want justice of paedophilia
and rape all the time but why would I want to if homosexual and same sex
culture is sweeping the whole planet at the moment; I am good to go with the
violent fanaticism knowing it changes no facts about what belongs to me. In the
end it is not true I am in a losing battle when I find it so easy to ensure
Politicians do not bank roll the needs and demands of stupid children that want
somebody they can get ahead of due to his faith and religion and good heart and
even appearance and physical temperaments that others can use to feel good and
they cannot bank roll either homosexuality or indeed popular culture at my
expense either, saving the part about a campaign to show them how right their
activities are, how provoking me was done hence justifying their need to cry
out for justice while we continue to see them especially the American ones
around the sales margins of my Firm and especially so for the purpose of how it
must end whenever they get on media to take up even more of my time with
threatening complains that journalists have to entertain during interviews, so
far the time I have made for it has been very rewarding but I must now make
time for the insults of journalists as well.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britian and
Northern Ireland