Politicians however will always be convinced this is all my fault after years
of ripping up everything I do by spending public funds on the processes of
doing so but the entire purpose was to ensure that insane community goons that
do not have a lot of good looking people to access can access me, the idiots
now think where they have ended up is my fault but it’s an old story that
government was the biggest killer in the world because we never seem to run out
of fools who think it is a toy and when it comes to the fucking bits, it’s
always after setting the stage their stupidities realise that they have got a
big round arse. The part that causes the real problems being that I dropped out
of University because the Politicians wanted it, they wanted it because
community croons needed to access me in order to stop looking like characters
racists will want to target, what we have ended up with is that these goons who
spent time wondering where Teacher's Private parts were while everybody else
was studying are now free of looking like something racists want to target even
though they are complicit with every evil thing that passes in the land and
because they are mentally ill it is usually relentless, such that if my thing
is punishing those who allow them access me, mine will be relentless and
endless as well; so this is what the Politicians have always thought people need
to drop out of University and spend their time on. The rest will be the
Popularity goons that will not let me be and yet they understand I am aware
they are lowest of the low who need fine clothes and celebrity lifestyle
because everybody does what they boast about better than they do it - so when
they start to tell me to do what my Mum wants its obvious I had met them; so my
question is usually whether they wish to marry my Mum and relieve me which I
hope brings them back to reality since if I handle their own as well, I will be
making popular culture out of the relationship they have with their parents
never mind exploring to the latter the business of their insanity being loved
by the Crowd until they are some sort of Bo Character, meaning that the Politicians
now know this is not what tackling wealth inequality is about.
It’s not
the case that I need to remind myself that I am Royalty and others may have
Millions but they are just Traders as such, it’s the process of getting along
and certain facts behind it which have come up in Public and need to be cleared
up i.e. it may be rich but when it sees me defend myself from bullying, most of
the time of which it was responsible for the fact I am being bullied, it has a
certain financial range and publicity that allows it claim my behaviour as its
property – so why they continue to set up their cheaper piled high and sold
cheap products on my Public image even when they are rich enough for many life
times over and then set about telling me that my Literary empire exists only in
my head and that I own no such thing while they keep doing that is a fact that
none will be able to explain but it does show that I need remind myself that no
matter how rich they will always be a bunch of low lives and not as classy as
Royalty. They do make out I have compromised myself and appear as though I need
to share in order to gain affirmation, such that they can manipulate me but I
have no idea who the person was that is responsible for building me this
publicity that says my behaviour towards Politicians and Media and Celebrities
and culture trouble makers and Society trouble makers is not my life unless I
had gone out in Public places to make a Publicity case out of the fact that it
was anyway? They do say I like Industry people and I do not like Industry
people etc but they are corrupt and those I have business with really want to
work with me, I am fed up with them making a mess of my whole life because my
reaction is said to be amusing - it’s difficult to determine what is wrong with
them but I know they are twisted and rotten to the core - not interested in
their problems.
I. Uno
United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland