The issue with taxes and tax evasion is that we continue to make out that we are shy of collecting our taxes and that the taxes we charge in the UK are too high for the businesses people do in it, which is not true at all. I had mentioned before no sane person spends more than they have, always below; it is up to people to decide what they spend and what they save, no right do they have to take up government funds because they want money, the money has got nothing to do with them but it is rather even more so difficult to police when we have a people who are now in opposition that enjoy ravaging peoples personal lives to put up their property somewhere and sit back to aspire to it as a society, this is where the spending behaviour comes in and the question of how a country spends beyond its means comes into play but it does not change anything about tax evasion.

The facts here is where the government is and where others who gets to pay their taxes are and the issue is that the government is not explaining well enough what taxes are to those who evade them i.e. the government provides amenities and people use them to get rich and make money but for those who earn minimum wage for example, the government will need to raise millions from the minimum wage to renew the amenities at the time that it needs to be, so in actual fact they are the ones that could evade taxes with less punishments attached and yet they always pay up unfailingly at all times, it is rather the rich on whom the threshold is greater if those amenities used to be rich and famous must be renewed regularly and at a good time, that get to evade taxes. I mean they do not build their own theatres where they get to be famous and the roads from their homes to those theatres where they get to be famous. I am saying that error of judgement will not be enough anymore because when it comes to understanding that signing a contract for a job also involves signing a contract to pay the government its share as well is something they only understand with respect to the expectation that the government will provide structures for them to get rich and famous with, completely confused about the part where the government gets its contracts honoured because they have never been scared of anything in their lives. It suggests that there are lots of evil lawyers doing the devils work, providing them with advice they need to have to do such things. Now they do not seem to understand what tax evasion is and this is the real problem, while those in government tell us stories about their powers and bullying, which to me, is a case of when somebody visits witchdoctors somewhere in a third world country, then others cannot recover government money. They on the other hand say the government asks them to pay too much tax, which suggests that a comedian for example who earns 2 million pounds has actually done enough work wise to earn that amount of money and that the government does not actually deserve a bigger share of it because of the extent of use applied to government facilities to make it happen and so when the government requires 50% tax rate from them it is too much but then again even if it is, the law says something else entirely about whether or not they can do something to deprive the government of the money and this is what they don’t know; that even if they have excuses that others are stealing government funds at the treasury, they stand accused of theft and need to give back the money they relocated to off shore account to keep when they signed a contract with the government that the money was to be the share of the government in the contract.

As for being bullied by the media, I have no idea how I will possibly get bullied by the media anyway; except that it is the old story of how I work for the country and expect to get paid through selling my books but usually they decide that their plans to get government to provide means by which they are rich and famous is most important. This is the point I was making all along; theirs is the closest possible contract there is, unlike businesses that are corporate citizens and you have to work on the maths with respect to which is their money, company money trust fund money and so on besides which even if the government decides to reduce taxes for businesses, it is for the government own benefits and governments side of the contract and has nothing to do with businesses themselves, so if that reduction shows that while they earn at the same rate there are no jobs the government does have the right to withdraw its contract concessions and of course on the part of the businesses, the government has no business with their trust fund money or money that pay to various organisations that run charities in their name, these are communities that business people use as a means of fighting for themselves if they get into trouble but for most of the time do not get to use them unless the need is very dire, so it has got nothing to do with the government, nor does company money which belongs to an organisation, it is their own personal tax home pay that the government is most interested in and for that the government must enforce its own contract for corporate citizens, so there is no comparison between them and these celebrity idiots and vandals in anyway, although they never stop mentioning some strange two tier law separating rich and poor. For them the contract with the government is closer because it is really impossible for anybody to be famous enough to earn millions of pounds unless the amenities provided by the government is doing more of the work; so 50% in reality is a very generous tax regime and if they do not want to work hard enough to earn that level of money, they know they need to take it up with their employers, there is no law that authorises them to change location of their account breach employment contract and keep government money that was meant to pass through their account, then claim they are paying too much when it is not their money at all in the first place.  It is the point I have been making all along, while they claim I advocate for government that charges people for air they breathe: there are always three people in their fame and fortune contracts – one of those is their employers, the other is them and the third is the government, what happens with their off shore accounts is that all the parties sign the contract but their employers pay the money that was due to the government through them to the government which gets relocated by them to an account in another country, while they get their own payment, so the government does not actually get paid at all while they keep the governments money which the employers are aware they have paid to them and this kind of contract is unacceptable and unworkable and needs to be changed and enforced are bit more stringently.

Bonuses on the other hand is just something that constitutes a problem because when we talk about Banks and financial institutions we speak of them and what they do and leave the customers completely out of the picture and this is why it is impossible for us to achieve the ideal which is having private investigators which furnish us with information about the state of their establishments and customers and what kinds of products they can sell and the prospects of success with it and also therefore what they have also done with respect to the facts they are aware of seen within the prism of the reports they have laid on our table.

I am not for one moment suggesting that everybody is bad as such, we must just see that Banks are institutions where people get employed and then get left to their devises and that the entire business is also about handling peoples money at the same time, so they will never regulate themselves because it will make them less money.

I am not bothered about it all as such, nor am I giving away my career plans – where my career plans really are is with the other aspect of making sure structures are available for the government to have the best possible control and contract available to it, so the outcome of my work means that there are jobs in those fame and fortune industries and we cannot choose which jobs we get to have and keep at this stage, hence it is the problems at the top that really need to be trimmed and controlled; the IP administrator who speaking globally about the problems of his country and is unable to enforce a tax regime (???) does not apply. I reckon once I have been able to set up ad-hoc structures in narcotics and class A drugs industries, then the tax evasion part will be a piece of cake. I know I can make this happen with my books but I have become less and less confident about people buying the books to help me with funds and support over the years, even though I am still confident that things can change. Its all Cultural elitism, we are simply getting disillusioned by cultural elitism and I am not bothered about it because I know what it is there for; an example is a condition where they grab your property and turn up on public media to get rich and famous with, that pain you feel in your tummy and chest and head because you tried to stop them is a function of fantasies they have of hurting you mortally which is so strong that they get to make you suffer from a distance like some form of fascism and they will never do anything else in their lives but. The government of this country does not fall short of providing amenities and structures for people to do their businesses with and even though who gazump these structures like celebrities do know this, no body will ever understand why they feel they need to relocate its earnings and what on earth they could possible mean when they say that it charges too much for its services when it charges nothing else but a going % rate for it, which they are very well aware of before they signed the contract, they will never be able to explain either although they think they have a lot to say for themselves, which I suppose they think will also stand up before the law as well, why they decide to rob it of its earnings just because they felt that way on account of signing work contracts with it. every culture in this world terms their activities as wickedness and we are not an exception, only that we are completely unlikely to put them down while making sure others that are more violent take up the cultural elitism, it is something people do because some people are just completely mad.

I.Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland