I am aware of the mass flurry of slavery films in the market of course and a case story of how worried those who make them think that I should be – it makes no sense whatsoever since everybody knows when they bully others they give no thought to how filthy bullying is or makes people feel if they want to be rich and so it really comes down to their audacity – the audacity with which to handle my books and get in there before hand, get in there before I turned up in their countries to sign off copies of my books to tell me that their country is where they are local celebrities and I need to keep out, get in there and make violent insolent statements on International media around a premise of assumption I buy my media equipment so they can deploy it to talk through to me: which by the way is half the story because the other half that creates the problems is not just the part where their media idiots want to deploy my anti organised crime work to kill off my finances and make friends that will add to their usual media career like they know what they are talking about on every occasion where we see them around humanitarian issues but of course the deployment of what is done around me to raise me fit for a Royal office and use it to do their tourism industry and fame industry and all that violent nonsense we see about idiots setting up kiosks to make money and I cannot have enough of ripping that up as well, finishing off with the leadership of the twats on media that play around with it being available for everybody’s dip too so they can get all over the place.

I dont think they are a prime problem, it’s a simple reality that they are very greedy and very evil people to the effect of their greed and we will all live in peace if they do not turn up around my concerns to educate me about nice guys finishing last and their unbelievable appetite for power and riches, with a need to earn my income and those stupid nonsense they think means they have influence and power over people that needs to be kept safe because it is the way to get by. So I am not one of those people that thinks forcing them to live their stupid lives in a moral way will affect democracy and freedom and capitalism and they know it which is why they have continued to show that intention that killing me will solve all their problems with that big mouth that is followed up with on about slavery I should be concerned about. We never hear them discuss it of course, what we always hear is details of other people’s lives studied academically by them – we never hear the part where they want their fingers up my anus to show me how difficult their lives have been because they want what I have and so on and never tell people about the whacking the dog game their foolish women like to tempt trouble playing with other peoples royal princes – we are here because their Politicians attack my finances and I end up in an area in their stupid lives where I know everything about those wickedness they deploy to get by and because of that have these tales and media games to hide me away from the world and keep it going like they have got the guts for it or indeed the means, looking for trouble that is only expressed when they handle my books. These are the parts we never hear because it is better discussing other people’s lives: I mean the bit that will be tolerated is the University bit and his bottom is very important and he is there to find and stick to those whose pockets never dry up and it goes on and on and there is a need to be connected and to be seen at student Unions and so on and so they turn up here to mess things up and talk rubbish all the time. By far the one that creates the real point of provocation is of course the part where all these things are a function of things that happen to them but they do not see happen to me as well and so they always need to be seen getting on public places to draw similarities between me and them in order to make such arguments with their hands firmly lodged on my book sales and company finances with media, the nature of their greed must be understood and that means making you feel uncomfortable all the time on account they have a need in the most filthy and disgusting ways that only their perversions could cook up and have found a way of making money doing it at popular culture looking for even more trouble than they are in already. So their films about slavery does not cause me any points for concerns in anyway whatsoever – I mean from that angle they speak of it too.

They claim I provoke them by getting involved with their civil rights which is all very well said but everybody knows that for One’s enemies to have a lack of respect or actually attack or win a fight, I must have been vulnerable to idiots who are such fans they take up my thing and do it for me, which is then what they want to rule me with as well all together – so now they know not everybody is a fan of boogying and partying and whatever culture or community or economy emerges from it – you know the one that enables them to ask me to copy all I do in order to get rich as well which when refused results in utter destruction and hence enables them to lay popular culture empire pipelines under my company and suck the life out of it making money with deviance, which I too want to deal with by wringing your book sales out of the blacks and being a real problem for the whites at the global markets and of course need to regularly inform their media idiots that I want to handle them with extreme violence not think of them as the same thing we find of Industry idiots. I hear the part about my inability to show regard for other peoples freedom of association but of course it is the same old story I mentioned earlier about the part that is responsible for most of the confrontation being that of a matter of how they see things happen to them which are not happening to me too – so that when you for example take a look at the audience in an award show – glace at the black peoples row for example, you find nothing there but incredibly foolish women with ideas about problems they have with a certain man is not having which they can oppress and crush him with to make their point about those that are responsible for those problems – meaning their insolent freedom of association wants some of mine all of the time and it is much the same with that old case of questions around why they hate me about which I think people should ask as well why they get the Politicians to wreck my finances, knowing it will only lead to a process where I end up in areas of society where I know things about their evils which I can screw them over with and knowing they have never been able to handle me to a point where they got the Politicians are talking rubbish about moving me around which is how we end up where we are now in the first place. They can simply do those things and then having worked out they cannot just handle me start to converge and converge and converge and it is utter madness about which they need to be taught lessons they will never forget as well.

I do hear it is a matter of a man who wants something so badly he does not get to have it but that isn’t true; I mean the more important question is that of regardless of whether or not they are the biggest twats in the world who thinks authors should be known for how people get involved with them and not the books they write, what are they going to do with my books should they buy it or get it free of change. So it is the same as Music Industry goons do not like illegal downloads, I dont like seeing them around my books but on the contrary to what is expected every time I write my books I have to clean up something about how it turned out I was published on TV which means nobody who gains from a book written by somebody on his hospitalities will ever understand what the books are doing even though they feel that it is doing the right thing and this is enough to drive anybody insane and they know it but while they complain instead and carry on it gets even better in the sense that they have no wish to buy the books but at the same time feel that inequality would exist if they do not have what those who buy it gain from it too and so this is the problem that we have to deal with. I am not of the opinion it is a problem, it’s a case of how we say it is a matter of the Christian that does not give a toss about the evils of their societies and how they support it but want to be safe from it at the same time when we are talking about it but when we are not then we become more interested in seeing any gathering that is about industries or developing economy people that is about media idiots as an enemy and of course once you start to attack that you will break even at some stage – I mean how do you concentrate on your academic work when people handle your sales margins and get about people gathering like a community around them meaning that if you really are their boss you should be having a certain kind of sex with them in order to establish your authority? They look for trouble all the time and simply cannot let other people be and should be treated the same as well – the filthy underground media ones apparently have been making some money and buying some privileges and deserve the same reverence that Industry idiots get while you rather want to handle their filthy underground stupidities that creates and keeps communities and foster and support financial crimes but turn up to complain on all our behalf on that stupid media all the time with the most extreme violence you can imagine. It’s the same case of how they make money and have been buying privileges and cannot stay away from me until the privileges I get from an office of state in service of Government and State leads to an outcome where the world has a spectacle to behold and yes I hear it is mentioned I give no thought to the fact my books stir feelings in them that are negative regardless of its purposes or uses which brings us to the main point that when they annoy me I can tolerate it and they dont have to because it is not something they are used to even when I am royalty and they are nothing – so I will start to think of those communities that emerge from their stupid companies as my enemy number one or I will never break even and they will never understand and will continue to think their stupid feelings that cannot be kept away in their bad upbringing personal lives means that I must take my books off the market.

Now I hear it is my opinion on the upcoming referendum in Scotland that is the issue and more so especially for the Tories – Tories who think they control me of course which they dont as everybody rather knows that they are simply too fond of their insults and you get tired of it and tolerate no more: however on the matter itself I tinker around it because they love to deploy my work to create a condition where they win at any cost, which is apt anyway, it does appear people have not been well informed about what a referendum is – I mean bye-elections are scary because they are a poll that is built entirely outside of a system of people who had decided how the government should function on account that perhaps the local MP died or got sacked or something shameful and so on but we had a referendum in the Falklands because the alternative was war, we are now having one in Scotland because Alex Salmon had an idea; who the hell does he think he is? They would say majority of ordinary and poor people in Scotland would disagree with my view but of course they will since they are the last people to acknowledge their problem to be their Political views on one hand and their laziness on the other just like Scottish Nationalists and their type who think I am successful because I am lazy and so they can look like they have working hard and thus achieving something as well. So considering that on account people are voting to stay in or out of a territory and not for or against an issue or a candidate, the reality that any outcome would mean the people have lost anyway considered, what exactly then according to the Scottish National Party are they paying for with this referendum? They do say it smacks of desperation because everything is game of competition and Godlessness for them of course but yes it is desperate – we are out of time, nobody prepared for an idiot going off to poor people to ask them to support a new Country in Scotland, why oh why did we decide we do not want to treat people that are not proficient academically with prejudice, why oh why did we decide to be civil to that extent about our abilities, why oh why and we wonder and wonder – so in the end it is desperate in the sense that we need to get people together and pass a certain message but of course that has its own consequences too as it were, however which it is not so desperate as to construe that one is scared and that means the Scottish National Party have something to run with. The side of this story that is rarely discussed being the bit where I turn on people who make use of my work – never true of course because what happens is that when I sit down in an office and put together papers I bind and set out for people to buy into, I get published on Television and then get told what to write as well; so even when they build that publicity they are not buying any copies of the books themselves, they are just building publicity to create a process where I am known for people getting involved with me – so that if an idiot wants to play his greed game and settle on a person’s public office he wishes to deploy to screw around and make money with deviance then they know where to lead such a fucker and I will never stop hitting them  especially the Americans – they were published on TV not me and this has always been our problem. It’s entirely typical of idiots that play their foolish games and trap peoples sons and daughters whom they then marry and set about these stupidities like Scottish Nationalism among many others and as it applies to me somebody who knows of their evils and to keep it secret and continue to use it to get by I must be hidden from the rest of the world as well – so when time is of the essence you are desperate but I am not desperate as to construe they have something to run with. I hear they say these things happen because I have made politicians powerless but that has no basis on reality just only but another phase of the mystique of Politicians with which they cannot stop practicing very vile and defiling and abusive behaviour in your life and personal life as a matter of what they throw up into the air  to stir trouble that you have to catch and you cannot tell them to stop either, when you do they are more concerned about how you got to think with so much clout when their mystique and clouds of it covers everywhere, until you kick them as well and they become powerless; I mean I have played my part making sure I maintain the part where we live in a tolerant society of course but I have kicked them my share never the less. It’s like that old case of media executives and their Popular culture idiots trumping me with everything I say and do and making out they control me – they dont, they are gathering their information from my work from their community croons and filthy culture idiots who would take over their media if they didn’t and are still working for me in that sense as we speak and will never be free of me since a corporation is a very different arrangement from a private limited company and they are not wailing enough as well (the stupid men). Nobody knows exactly how many times indeed they expect me to go along with those their abusive insults to squeeze information out of me and create their media controversies to make money claiming they are making me serve the Crown and how many times I will go along with it for them to understand they are being really stupid but we are sure it will end in attrition too – nothing new of the bloody puffs. I mean they do say I knew this all along but have gone about writing the things I have written concerning members of the Establishment but of course being the same old case of my fight with media bosses being something others get involved with, which I take they do because they know what they are doing, otherwise they want to find out how I will clean it up for them later because they will make me on grounds they are my personal Gods. Media bosses plaything their power and influence – no idea where they get off thinking that picking up information I throw around for their community croons and culture goons’ amounts to controlling me when we know not doing so means those idiots will take over that their stupid media.

I understand what they do mean when they say I do not pay attention to the feelings of English men and Politicians towards the Scots but of course I do – it’s a matter of cultural wickedness and so they create that illusion that Scotland is the biggest village in the UK full of people who want to travel to London to do things that English people have failed to do in order to earn money but I dont see it that way – the way I view it is that if I am too uncomfortable living in England I will travel off to Scotland and of course they can follow me there and I will kick them again, it did not end so well the first time they did either i.e. the one about how the Scots would use a process where I moved there against them and so got off to do a shit at Scotland to prevent that from being the case but it is nothing new, it didn’t end well and draws from the old issue of how every five things they say means that three end up in their personal careers when we are paying them for it as a Country but cannot seem to be free from a process where they bring their personal industry business into Government to plague our lives and talk nonsense all over the place with but most of all it does come down to the matter of making sure a Politician does not approach you without feeling potty as the exact purpose of their colloquialism of violence towards young people making a living along with their community and media idiots nobody will ever fully explain – I mean personally my method is to build up mine as well and start off something about my colloquialism of violence towards those that are nearing retirement etc.

It’s much like that old case of how everything I do makes no progress and is only worth the while – the reason of course is that I have set out a Company and they expect me to raise money and throw it at markets but of course I intend to keep the company as it is and kick them until I finish my academic work and get a job to raise that money with: it’s about the Christian making a welfare state based statement about how much he is saved from their evils that would have otherwise trapped him somewhere in a relationship with a twisted stupid black women to fuck whenever they want on the basis of broken dream and sexually unhappy marriages because of course this is not Africa and in Africa they wouldn’t dare – so that the next time they blab they will know exactly what they are blabbing about i.e. here is a company, equities publicly displayed and the owner trades at will as a matter of years and nobody messes with the trading and market equities unless they are stupid enough for it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland