I am said to bring problems upon myself by being so paranoid, much the same way it is said the most of my problems are brought about due to sexual behaviour and habits; both of which are wrong – I finished my Book in 2008 and rewrote it in 2012, they have had a total of 10 years to move on from the fact they have got something close to my heart to practice their bullying with but have not done so. What we find its lost of abuses and threats of discipline based violence with the big mouth they have while I just want them to bring to total end everything that gets them involved with what I am doing – we can see that when we separate it from their families, it adds up to the fact that when no matter how hard I tried, women still show up to spice up their sex lives with my personal life and anything they find out it which is due to the fact I step outside of my door with no plans to put an end to it whatsoever, it is a business of never getting on with anything they do because they consider themselves to be so important and are convinced any consequences which are a product of harming me will not be effective against them and the list of behaviour falls into this is virtually endless, never mind their need to get involved with me whenever they see other people do it – much the same as inviting themselves into my concerns when I am least interested in them at will, only to set about organising public activity which involves seeking the female version of me and blabbing about consequences that will follow if I ensured they saw the culture and society for the last time, should it show up here to make a mess for me again. We see that what it means especially with respect to threats of discipline based violence is that unless you have a relationship with the big brothers and big sisters, which means they were stuck up preserving their DNA with the business of abusing people to get rich quick and marry their size and league, meaning they are then left in a place where they are all cracked up, smell like their loo and the job that got to their heads is under threat and they could not get out of it like my so called body type lets me, so we end up with a relationship and courting that means lots of sex for me, including a process whereby they are my slaves which thus saves them from having to pay back to society the cost of the obscurities they visit on other people so violently all the time, it never really stops. What I want for my part however is that my time schedule is now a little tight and so all involvement with my concerns including the comments need to come to a dead stop, completely ended – then we get to see what prospects of me getting some discipline based violence from them actually does existed – otherwise it continues at their peril and I believe I have warned about the threats they issue for it too.

The theory is usually that I am afraid of them and its entirely based on the idea they have fed well for a certain period of time that makes them a threat I cannot counter which is what those insults associated with being important, the threats that distract from career and academic work which they love to put out so much is based on. I am not really afraid of them, a fight is a fight unless they are talking about threatening others mortally and nobody here is going to allow them build up the blame to make it easy for them to say I got stabbed because it is my fault and then when they had failed to move on there will be likelihood of them getting stabbed instead for instance, so it does not work half the way their big mouth media and Politicians who never give it a rest have made out that it does. I do get told it’s a matter also of what I have done to bring it on which I have not; the only thing I have done is doing nothing about it all together – the reasons the facts about it are complex is because my mind makes them complex and this is why they fall in love with their bullying so much but then again, nothing is stopping me from saying what happens before they complain is that I am on my way to work and I can feel their fingers up my bum until my tummy hurts and then I get attacked because I smell, that I can feel everything that creates the sense that the underbelly of the City is on my head being tossed at me, as they build their gang mentality around doing so for the fun of it, only to start threatening me when it looks like the authorities want them to handle some National enemy for instance but when they complain about me, it is because of the consequences I had dished out for the damage that has been done here as well and those threats they issue really has no way of making its place in reality an occurrence, not because I am giving myself some confidence boost but because it’s the old case of the fact there is nothing wrong with me; if I wanted to earn £40,000 a year for instance, I can apply myself working in a factory of warehouse impressing those that really need to be or I can get into the University to spend the same amount of years getting a BSc that will allow me earn such an amount over a shorter time after I had gotten a job, as pointed out above, I finished my Book in 2008 and it’s been 10 years of them playing up practical jokes over their need to just bully people which they never stop displaying on Media. It does not really change from what I should expect when I see them get all over my case to break any rules and get rich quick, which is how to marry those women that are out of my league but are within theirs whom I need to be prevented from getting involved with and so on; just the lies they tell and the bullying that is meant to help people regard them as fact; that it is meaningful to make a mess of peoples backsides as they walk down the streets, shown as a mark of an expression that says they are very important, so when these need to play with obscurity has cost the government dear, they needed the Politicians but when the Politicians had won it for them, they are back again doing exactly the same things. So they hate my guts and we hear them speak of violence that could be mortal because they believe that people had taken to the lies they tell about their pack mentality activities or had rather become very convinced that I am interest in whether or not they tell those lies especially if I want to make them smell like their loo as a community too.

It does not cause me fear like they have made out that it does; it’s the same story of walking into a place to deal with abusive black women who can handle men like me story; so we find they are always tackling men they have already claimed to be weak men, in order to win finger of power for bigger men that will back them up while they grabbed property and lifestyle from those who are already down; trifling with me then means messing with somebody that will ensure those occasions emerged where getting into a fight with big powerful husbands will leave me worse off but they will be required to stay at home and out of work because going out usually gets them into contact with those that the Husbands will have to beat up later on, that way it will not be keeping its eyes and finger on my head and bum all day long talking stupid demagogues it thinks has added up to a sense they can do and undo with me. So I do want everything that adds up to an involvement with me to be brought to a complete stop and I am not interested in the excuses they make about losing their silly minds for doing so: we all know they claim I have no respect for them but there are more successful people out there that I have gotten along with comfortably who do not have to look like the Mistresses of Free Masons and Illuminati messing with my personal life and relationships as big brothers and big sisters all day long, which makes me so incredibly angry (I thought I would get over the business of every involvement with them making me uncontrollably angry as I grew up but it only got worse and now there is a sense I have got all the problems of the world, while I only need ensure all involvement with me had stopped) and then tackling my income margins to talk rubbish about violence based discipline with the big mouth they have got, so I think their story about respect is not valid – not keeping away from my Book sales however has a certain effect which means that I have to get a regular job leaving me to deal with their stupidities and every person they had bullied to get to the top, allowing them to get me struggling with High Blood Pressure because they were thinking I should be doing something to protect them while they made a mess of me and got me smelling like my loo as they worked Stock Markets and Politics and Popular culture all over my life (looks like the chasing bottoms bit was to slow people down and let them get ahead because they were better, get ahead to a place where they can leave others struggling with internal organ based diseases at the work place on account they were doing stock markets, Politics and Popular culture gimmicks obviously).

The other story about these matters being a product of my sexual activities however beats my imagination since people have never one produced evidence of sexual contact between myself and other people at any stage of these claims. What is really happening is that if I had impure thoughts about a woman it is a sin to me as a Christian, which I beat myself up for and is none of their business, the part that has concerned them is that they are out for their depth; so I finished my Book in 2008, this is 2018, they have had a decade to do their bullying and practical jokes somewhere else. The biggest concern for me is that in order to show that I am finished and done for when I am not, I now have to worry about these idiots getting involved with Government, economy and Public life to destroy everything we have worked for, hope there will be no consequences and then claim the fact there has been none because I attend Church and prevent it adds up to some new forms of convenience that everybody wants to be a part of to facilitate their popularity culture get rich quick madness, so this is where it goes beyond the fact that a lot of these corruption are funded by their Politicians because it is what they want public life to be, talking nonsense of violent activity I am meant to perform to make Politicians comfortable.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland