So it is suggested I am in this very complicated corner but I am not and I don’t understand why the story keeps coming up anyway – where applicable in this area; what really happens is that I had a cloud of practical jokes people can play on me, supported by violent lasciviousness from their communities and each time that it goes quiet as such, what has really occurred, is a version of these jokes that they can pass off as something that has happened which is all my fault. The original consequence of it was joblessness due to my understanding of the opposite sex, after that the University fiasco, after that my record at the jobs market banging on every day, now my Books and so I believe my next response will likely be the finale as well.

The cause of all these is simply an ego i.e. I do not have a lifestyle where I trashed people’s careers and set about their social lives and public image as the way people should see and know me, as well as the way that I dressed myself, so consequently, having seen the devastating effects that their involvement with my life and concerns causes me, it is only reasonable that when they got involved, they showed the appropriate level of respect for the way that I lived. What is emerging as fact is the little, they can do about me when their stupidities had become my main preoccupation, not a process where I ended up in a complicated situation.

The obsession with this notion I demand much from other people’s property and other people’s business as though it were mine or my property is understandable in the circumstances especially. I for my part fail to see what sense there is in demanding more and more liabilities for an entire Currency because other people have businesses, although it is nice to notice I have been keeping them on their toes-getting as well absolutely everything they get or are getting as a result, especially more so due to their insatiable desire for Religious, Religion based, Ideological robbery and support for it wherever it is happening to people. These days they say they do not like interference in their business, especially the Politicians but that is clearly only after I had spent ten years of my time and strength fighting every day to clear up so I can exist in my own life, the fact that when I say or mention things, it is the use of words that everybody else gets to use as well and not the commandeer of, in some cases, entire Countries or Continents when and if I have mentioned such things and it is still not clear even now, what the problem seems to be with what I say my Books are about, especially along the lines of why it cannot be that what I say my Books are about, are what they are about, more so ,on media.

The truth of it the facts were taken into account, is not that some people were clean and others were not, especially if the abusive activities were meant to decide on these matters and it seemed that other people possessed property that a bunch of idiots wanted and therefore could never be clean and acceptable to well off neighbourhoods; it is the facts about the degradation that leads to acceptability of consolation prize sexual activities that these idiots can then manipulate to make money running people down to be popular and the fact it would have applied that I am targeted for it because I wrote an incredibly helpful Book, really expresses the true nature of their wickedness and the importance of the work that I am doing, even down to anything I might do to attack their livelihoods and calibrate what becomes of the insults by attacking the businesses in the well off neighbourhoods. My main concern however is that the stupidities stopped distracting me from my financial wellbeing, following me around to bother my clients and secure a continued involvement with my affairs, as a process of their narcissism ensuring I existed a particular way to make them comfortable whilst they pursued their own financial well being and their stupid immoral society lifestyles, I have incorporated this into the way that I ran a Bookshop because the need to decide how I existed on their part has been incredibly intense, although it builds up to the risk of those sexual context insults, the insults are never effective where there are no famous idiots pulling my legs – it is where I get to decide after following me around to get involved with my affairs and sustain what they believed was their idea of how I ought to exist as a method of making them comfortable and the interference with my client interests, the way it had left me cash strapped, finished off with criminality feeders who fed on public work and industrial problem solving, earning their own Media and Celebrity endorsed narcissism license to spend everything I did about it and my career on themselves, all together a 2 decade career mess since 2004, year date 2024, that they were here to stay no matter how uncomfortable they were in doing so. I am sure all that wickedness masked behind sexuality rights which is basically a process of ruining an Arch Prince over the way they chose to handle and make use of his affairs like the rest of the public, will hide their true evil nature well and ensure that those who could respond did not do so, especially as they had a habit of doing more damage complaining about the mess that they made and the way their stupidities had been affected, to an extent where the main interest of their perversion was the wellbeing of their victims all together, bringing about the sexual context interests that can be manipulated by crowd popularity, lip flapping all sorts of nonsense about civil rights and gender diversity. Knowing fully that their disposition was one of a relentless destruction of good things.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland