"The notion that the people is a weapon in the hands of those that use other people’s offices and jobs to do every dirty work in the world, which they then show off on Public Television and claim it gives them control over my life and finances and that they can use it for what they want or destroy it if I do not behave really no basis on fact; the only fact there really is, is that it is an effective form of domination and destruction of people’s lives but it is also true that it has no sway whatsoever over me.  Their women despite the fact I speak about serving women publicly all the time cannot even make a bum out of me to prove a point and even in the United States of America they have failed to and are hurting themselves regularly these days, getting their Politicians to make out blame apportioned to me whenever they do. I really can understand therefore why they have become increasingly vicious and hopeful at the same time, but I do not see that getting rid of a process where I am aware they are a wickedness and an evil that does not sleep. They do know and they know I know that 80% of prison population is made up of people like them, who end up there because of their frustration at the fact somebody else’s own is working while theirs is not, the remaining 20% are there because they are the worst of the worst, who for example wait until they are 18 to show they are grown up by joining a gang that somebody else set up or forming one of their own. This is where they place themselves for prospects sake and then wait for somebody to put another human being through hell in order to make them feel good about themselves through Politics and Media, otherwise they will populate prisons but between the time when that actually gets to happen they do other things with themselves, such as showing their outright deviousness and wickedness, expressed at those who have been put in such a position for them to express such things at and the way they work their society to put people in such places  is of course that they are mentally disturbed and since they know this, then the only way of making money as far as they are concerned will be if Politicians agree to put somebody else that is successful or even good looking in such a position for them, whom they can make fun of while they bully unto mental illness in a way which makes money and this is of course also how their women control other people’s good looking nature to create fame that becomes the future of their really silly children. It is not such a problem for me, I am taking care of it quite comfortably and my ladies are doing very well at Working Court and the rest in understanding that my finances depends on their behaviour especially that which is sexual, so there is really no fact to back up claims my finances are vulnerable to games men play involving how they want me to share their wives and are therefore already making a mess of my livelihood in a way that will eventually push me to do so - there had been consequences that accompany them and their Politicians and other friends for pillaging my finances every day on the matter. I may sit down and talk with Politicians that have emerged from the company of such people too about how prisons do not work anymore and how we need to look into alternative law enforcement, after I know they hate my guts because I drag it out of them which drives them mad, so I can tease them about it to make them mentally ill too and then play a power gob at their reaction, from which I expect I should market my books and make money from such things, like they have spent my time to teach me as though they could give to the frugal, in order to create deterrence but it does not necessarily mean that I agree with it. It is still therefore that when it continues that their children turn up to threaten me, abuse or make use of me, I will most likely hurt them and if they carry weapons that will be good result because it means they can recognise danger and are not all together stupid." One’s socialist and favourite Economic Cycle tease figures could not possibly have hammered anything around him - these sorts of ideas are not good for confidence. They always say that most of these Equities and Securities, especially those that concern the names of International Organisation are simply a product of a very wild imagination. This is because they fail to grasp the fact that it is not about them and nothing has ever been about them; a process where people use media to break up another person’s business to extract Equities and Securities and Intellectual property that they deploy to push the profit margins of Businesses that have paid them for Advertisement instead of work for money after setting up a business and a process where one recovers them and brokers some with those Companies that have paid them such huge funds for Advertisement that it would be a shame to waste or throw away does not constitute wild imagination in the books of a reasonable member of the Public. HH's prognosis "The main problem being that Politicians like to tell people all the time that things can only be done by them if they obtained the loyalty of my people which I had no right to acquire and therefore stole from them and their currently existing systems of government, especially those of them in Europe and of course I say; insults like these,  they do not make them like these anymore. So, the question is are they using or dominating me? The answer to this question of which is simply that they are not using or dominating me; the truth is rather that they are stupid, evil, worthless, ugly people and no matter what they do to me or my property, I should never take anything from or make use of anything from them or that they own otherwise it will acquire a notoriety - I have an exception as a matter of governance therefore, which is reflected on my Books too and this is the only difference there are - the reason they wish to have access to contents of the books before publication or sale because when they create their evil notoriety with it and then blame me for it, the end result will be a that of a process where they get into a position of stealing somebody else's fame and fortune creations to be rich and famous with on media and this of course is the only form of democracy that they wish to recognise. I am aware of a course of events where everybody gets sorry about how much damage they have been doing to my work all along and how people have stood back to watch but it is much the same thing anyway. Most of people that like to complain about tyranny all the time work with tyranny because they have it in their power to do something about it; so instead of that what happens is that they fear people will use and dump them since it is the only thought thy have of other human being, so what they want instead is a process where somebody else does it, while they not only give them ideas on how to but also get the best education and the best jobs and the person therefore continues to use his so called beauty to provide the means for that until they take turns to be rich with such a process. This is where the question I ask comes in i.e., not being afraid of talking about the spiritual nature of the prognosis of tyranny. The problem is that whilst they do not like servitude because it hurts which is brilliant and everybody knows it is the way it works, they not only think it will be cultural fun to be tyrants but also want to have their joys of servitude while somebody else is paying for every problem associated with tyranny. The problem being that joys of servitude are not possible if they are the ones paying for it, bearing in mind it is the same outcome if they are paying as well anyway, whether others are paying so they can have it. It is as such always the joys of servitude, the one I am paying for with my income or is fabricated because they use their familiarity based stupidities to over work me, anything I have that other people don’t have and so on that they wish to know about and acquire and that brings us to one of the most unspoken contentious issues of them all i.e. that I am a violent nosey person who will get what is coming to me one day but in actual fact if I put in context what I need to do to stay out of the business of drugs and gangs that have large connections in the western part of the world, violent and evil prostitution that does nothing with its time but turn financiers against people and people against financiers especially in Europe and the City workers that always think that it is gratuitous to make a decision to stay out of peoples affairs and so decide on an endless attack once I had decided to stay out of their affairs, knowing that the only thing to gain from those who protect themselves from girls that know personality and business vandalism and are backed up by men who think they are really tough indeed is power, which is a function of their desire to get involved in mine and to loot my livelihood.  It is not as easy as they say it to stay out of their business, not even the media ones that will make a funny fool out of me by creating a public desire to see me perform spectacular fights again and again that they can claim and get close to Politicians with. Hence the reasons they will never stop getting into one fight after another as well and I will never let them a respite from it, so they can become even more evil than usual too. Let them fight; they always say the big problem with me and others like me is that we have this great product we could sell to make a lot of money, whether that money is needed or not of which does not come into the question, what does is the fact that nobody had barged into our lives to find out before we ever got the chance and then decided that we ought to give it up because other things are more important like what can be had if we suffer poverty, such as wealth distribution and social injustice and all kinds of foolishness around it, the people etc and the real problem is that we cannot give it up for these things  because we are too selfish and will be made to behave. For me it is simply an expression of the fact that by their own lips the entire purpose of socialism is workplace envy with expected pragmatic results and so it is on this basis I take the stand, and nobody gets to touch my Market place and or products without consequences, for whatever excuse they might have devised - in fact, I am always ready to discuss the excuses, but they will never change my course of action.

Now I have been said to have mentioned something about the Housing Market being controlled by the Government if it knew or took seriously the need to know what happens in the Home building components Industry and it has been said that I have reached the end of my tether thereof but of course it is all just a game, and I am only playing along. Where my focus lies on saying that in actual fact is the attitude of offering up free services which everybody in business does with a catch at the end that people will realise is integrated into the use of the service hence they do not need to do anything extra but these idiots have a different idea entirely which is more about free services or cheap ones not necessarily free which get to mean that they can take anything they want from those who use it when they do make use of it, creating this need for securitisation in order to ensure they have to deal with an establishment as well and it is this that propels them to secret industry espionages they carry out alongside their media vandalism which they do not give weight to as criminal activity hence meaning I have to invent something of my own as well; especially considering that they do get support from places such as the highest levels of American government for example, if they are tired of thinking the highest levels of American media is invincible that is. So this is me at the point where we are dealing with the financial services ones and of course the point is that my securitisation of property will lead to a condition where I make use of the free service and then we will find out if they really can take anything they want as well – it is the kind of attitude, fresh faced insolent wore socks in school which others clearly never did attitude that I have a real problem with. This is nowhere near the end of it either; they have simply come through i.e. first they got to handle my work and get off to make themselves rich at the financial centre pumping the economy to bursting point and after that turned out on my Television to lick their lips and tell me they need more or will take it anyway and already started off wrecking my finances and naming me a cultural indemnity that they get to work to make the financial industry sustainable in the UK – no problem I dare say of course since I don’t want anything from them but it gets worse because they need to ensure what I have given stays given for good permanently and that means giving it up every day – if we got to the end of that it would still not have been the end anyway because we are still waiting for the commodities industry to come through; those have a blood sucking contraption they call a business and the purpose of it is to sit around insulting me and behaving in the most appalling manner imaginable wit National economies and markets because they say I have given a promise that people can spend my own if they get into trouble  - so I will wait for them as well to come through like the financial services have and then I will have my pound of flesh as well. What I said about government knowing what happens in home building components Industries was about telling the government that if the financial centre is its biggest employer and needs the housing market to support itself then the government needs to control every aspect of the housing market and find out everything about what goes on in it and if that were to be the case we would not have people being priced out of the market on the basis of such nonsense as demand as if the rest of us are stupid. They always say that if this were the US I would not make a single move but of course that is a wish they will one day have and I can imagine a situation emerge where I get off 9.00 am to wall street dressed in rags with a microphone in my hand to say what I have just said here and then turn up same time the day after with another one of my development and personal growth so we can find out – yes of course they will say that means that I would have caused myself to dress in rags when we all know that they could do that for me instead and that they are very keen. All I am asking is that people let others recover from the damages they have done them or pay for it. The facts in my mind will never change, I am 32 for goodness sake – in my mind the financial and commodities industry at the moment is full of freaks who spend all their time destroying one thing after another and as provocatively as they possibly can their best friends are the shifty evil scum with ideas for business which has to do with my personal life and moving into the right hand side all the time and so I am sure they can see I have set out a future for the little people associated with me that they think they employ with their blood sucking contraptions they call a business who warn them about the effects of their activities and what impact it will have on them endlessly and of course if they cross that this will get a lot worse like it has for the men that do to have sex with women that do not normally open to them because even my life can revolve around such idiots on account they have big egos. I have warned before about their menacing activities where I broker equities with a company and it means somebody can copy and broker with another company as well ripping up what they can here and bottoming out my finances and yet at the end of the day they like to complain they will not go into an office to concentrate on a job doing as a boy from nowhere told them to do but if they did get into an office to do the job bearing in mind that making friends with shifty evil scum that have business ideas concerned with my personal life and moving into the right hand is clearly a fight that they won as it were, we would have made a head way by now in National economy terms and this is the crux of what I said earlier about the government knowing everything about what happens in home making and house building systems and components industries – it is the government losing money in this matter and not them – if the government was a corporation it would have been bankrupt by now and I was not talking to them either when I said it. Hence the game and I am playing along too - creates wonder what they know about the worst I can do anyway; I mean if I did deal with the issue of financial industry and commodity industry freaks who have blood sucking contraptions they name a business and speak very little words in public while using it to attack me all the time of which I have always maintained people need bear in mind whatever happens, occurs because of their insults, then it would have been the very pinnacle of my very existence - I mean really?

Soon we hear life is not fair and people need to suck it up on the basis that even they the millionaires do not have a happy personal life but before then all these things are a worthy collection of activities daily and getting into an office to run a company if picking on me is what they can do becomes the most difficult thing in the entire world. I mean if pornographers were to animate those films, they make it would still have had just as an arousing effect anyway - so nobody needs to turn out to have sex to play pornographic roles and when I am done with equities and securities on that they will run businesses and Industries with people’s personal lives as well while pornographers are in my service as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland