alternative to Equity brokerage for these matters contrary to the notion they
are complicated would have been setting out banners to make people keep their
insulting cultures to themselves and then there would be no financial vandalism
as a result of croons that look through my window and door and discover the
kind of sex going on is heavenly which they then need all the time until their
stupid children are rich and famous and belief they are also getting connected
with royalty that will help them dominate me - the repercussions is that nobody
knows what damage it would do to their culture and way of life and how total
that damage would have been, they are rather convinced a blame culture would
have gotten them out and so it seems they want to crystallise some of the
things they provoke me into doing for me on account I will soon set out an
endless campaign for them to indulge as well provided it continues and they
need some means of equality. All talk and no action is said of me of course but
there is nothing to worry about from a collection of thieves; it must be that
they can use their own stuff to do anything and everything they do or they will
be fed up as well. The other group on the left tend to add an extra to it with
a seemingly endless campaign to open a window into the real me, whatever the
point is when everybody knows Christians do not like homosexuals and smokers
and drinkers and sex addicts etc but for them nobody knows if they practice
those things on account they are saving the weak like they claim or they are on
account it is power like they boast, all I do know is that it is terribly
insulting and they need keep off my book sales to avoid even more trouble not
pretend whether or not they own my literary empire all together and the property
equities in it is a function of the products they attach to it and set off
through advertisements on media which then gives them the station by which to
keep it for themselves permanently. In the end of which it is up to them to
answer the question of whether getting Politicians to gag me and make me
tolerant of them while they do these things really settles the matter of if
they should use products and media to extort from people after a recession and
when the economy is doing well or during it, on realising that it will cause
people nothing but suffering and will not make them any richer in the long run
- I for my part need to answer from them over the incessant media games to lay
claims of ownership to my Empire and its Emporium and Property Equities brokered
by Industries and this company, all it does is cause me misery that they feel
from me as well. Those claims I am some form of Royal rebel has no basis on
reality or fact.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland