Of course there is no shred of truth to that claim I interfere with other people’s lives and get involved with their unfathomable greatness – the truth is that they are file idiots and when they start a civil rights where they can see you when you undress and cannot have enough to working out where your anus is and your penis is because it gives you a tummy ache that girls can punch and makes you feel filthy all the time so they can detach you from your public life and make fame and fortune for themselves, we hear no complains, only when you met out consequences we hear the tales. I have already taken the plunge to say the goodbyes to it, so it is not a time for conversations.

I really hate the behaviour of their media goons and a typical example is what the report about the British Isles up North due to the coming referendum on Scottish independence; they say people there want to handle their own affairs and some complain about being governed from a distance and others about being governed from an even farther distance and some yet complain about the negative nature of the vote no campaign etc. Then they move on to setting out examples of laws they want to be able to control such as fishing and renewable energy – which then gets to imply that Scottish independence sets a bad example for the British Isles and results in a condition where they cannot get a good deal from Westminster. The reality of which they are more interested in finding out if the Monarchy knows what it is doing which creates the sense I am not a part of it and means their insults get worse and worse as it were but on the facts of the matter last we checked there was never a remote similarity between devolution and Nationalism and in this case of which there is no link whatsoever between the fact that common sense would dictate that if it takes five days for the Prime Minister to travel to one of the Islands to switch on the lights, it should be a power that is devolved to the authorities there to switch on the lights when appropriate and when needed and not a case where devolution leads to independence which is what such nonsense has led people to think about Scottish Nationalists as well granting them disillusioned followers. I mean in a detailed and technical sense what we are looking at in a minimum of two political parties in a social structure and those two having merged from four social dialogues – there can be more but never less than two from four separate dialogues of which two similar ones differ in the way that things should be done having produced a Political party which then has a fair chance of running the government like any other – what devolution then entails is a process where power is devolved into help a distant people run their affairs within the same structure of social dialogue and not power being devolved to a different dialogue to do whatever it likes which is what the claim that devolution leads to Nationalism suggests. It is the same old story all around with these stupid men making up their own news and making sure they get attention for it no matter the means or cost and the result is that it ends up making you feel very distressed and very unhappy, not least made worse by those stupid celebrities telling me I am stupid as well about which they do need to shut it so I don’t have to their own for them – about which nobody can tell what it is exactly they want anyway although we can all see that they want attention, they think they deserve credit, they have done something about which they should be commended, they have acted in a way worthy of fame: where women actually never deserve to be seen or heard either as far as they are concerned and I think they can burn in hell and I really am hard pressed to find anything which suggests they are people worthy of any attention whatsoever from the likes of my person anyway. I mean I know we men are fundamentally popular and women are fundamentally famous but they can be seen turning up absolutely anywhere, so yes they have done something apparently, they need some credit thereof and I am blown away. As it stands they believe these matters should be handled as social issues but the Scottish Nationalism part is clearly a process of provoking me all the time i.e. it does not mean that a certain part of my possessions that I will never really be comfortable with on account they are willing to push their agenda by any means ceases any less to be my possessions but it is now being used to devise a new system of social dialogue in Scotland that will allow a set of idiots make it an independent country and the provocation and process of looking for trouble carries on like that tinged with claims of social inequality and need for justice and all that nonsense they take up our time for all the time. They do get to ask where I fit in if women are fundamentally famous and men are fundamentally popular and yes I do look every bit the half priest statesman that is a Royal Prince as well thereof and there is nothing wrong with that either. These things I do never to be surprise either as it were since I am an ardent Christian and was never going to think that idiots about whom every bad nonsense is written all over them can get involved with my affairs as they want and whenever they wish was ever a good idea but it has come to this after years of ignoring them so they can feel as though it has not only become a social issue but they can carry on forever because their Politicians think we should be tolerating them which has also made me think they are paid well enough by the tax payer to provide a personal life from their families by which we all get to but when it does actually come to it the explanation of what is written all over them is the part where people have complained about them for all their lives: - the parents first who lost  while they got what they wanted and then the teachers and then everybody else and because of this bad history and relationship they have with violence as it were, they are certain it has become so powerful a mere getting involved with you is an advantage which also makes them the boss of you and the natural leaders: when the Politicians set up original provocations and cover it with series of legislation so that every single thing they do might be a process of dominating me by having a one up over me it was still a self-resolving issue – when they decided the ones that have been convicted of criminal offences should rehabilitate by being a threat to me to please the Politicians in order to redeem themselves it was still a self-resolving issue, when they claimed somebody stabs to death another person at the playgrounds because playground equipment are disused it was a self-resolving issue as ugly as it was therefore but when they spent tax payer funds on the issues to secure a reaction from me for their activities it had ceased to be and I have to be clear about the fact there is nothing about it that is a social and not an attitude issue that needs to find its level. There is no point to their complains in government buildings when they have no plans to check their insults in these matters, they do need to stop complaining if it will not stop, stop talking rubbish all over the place about the people that will get together with them to raise their stupid daft kids; which by the way is what is wrong with social services anyway i.e. parents want to abdicate responsibility over their children to the government and when they lose they breed these criminals and set them loose as revenge about which they are always indoctrinating their foolish Children about and pointing fingers at me in ways that suggest they want to be tiny tyrants and I am some person that is prepared to take all kinds of rubbish from them especially more so in order for them to make progress with their stupid lives; there is no point complaining when that is set to continue. Their wrong news reports apparently are designed to create a sense of those people they point fingers at abdicating something that it is popularly expected they should be doing and the violence that follows this I repeat is not a social issue and they know that perfectly.

On a more generalised matter, The story of how I act homosexual when I am not being the big problem is one that is largely a matter of the fact that as usual if I did act like I wasn’t, the outcome would have been something that has made me less than I should be which creates a condition in which others can bully me to extricate power over telling me what to do. As it stands, they perpetually seem to be in a state where they need to see that there are people set out whom others that hold government office feel like persecuting and abusing all the time which is one of the things I will not tolerate from them, and any other nonsense attached to it therefore. I am comfortable as such with my Church stuff and if they happen not to like it that way then it is likely they will have something to complain about for a very long time as well. I mean five journalists for every minute on National television deploying my person and my public work and any public support for my literary work for their own ends – they say the reasons are that it is just so sweet they cannot resist of which nobody knows why they cannot do it with the one they actually paid for with their own money as it were, so that it does appear that when they do not buy it before they do with it, then I just keep giving and it just keeps giving and then they say they do it because they find it funny and this is the part I am keen to explore as well. so starting from getting into the homosexual thing before them which means it is not a problem anymore we are some steps away from setting out a process where each case where they use my books and my public life for any reason is followed with consequences from me as well, especially for the girls: it is no news those are very violent with a big mouth and rather hard of hearing and the provocation channelled in my direction is building up very well indeed over that stupid money madness of theirs. Everybody knows such consequences are never pleasant since it would be impossible to apply them without something through which to do so that is a contact means of hurting them to make them understand and make it stop - everybody except them understand it is not pleasant and that I do not own a Royal Estate and a Company that does not exist.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland