So we have to put up with claims my actions foster paedophilia around here all the time from the media and it will never make sense anyway; after all the stupid parents we have in this Country really do love to teach their children how to abuse me as a basic requirement for existing and it is not just the insults concerning which that name they call me is the one bone head parents gave to their bone head children as it were but also the fact if they want their foolish daughters to have their first sexual experience with the Christian Prince then that is how it is going to be – whether or not he wants to have sex only with somebody whom he names a spouse is irrelevant and quickly becomes a matter that is put to the test – so I can say it is all mixed up and their stupidities are coming home to roost. The really valuable part of the mixed up being that of the fact it is the BBC that makes these reports most of the time – yet I am not so sure anybody would have been able to point out another paedophile dream world save the BBC for my part anyway either; you might have thought that the need to abuse an adult instead of a child in order to avoid trouble with the law which has now given rise to a process where journalists clean up on a day and turn up on TV to sit about feeling filthy all day on our National television was the worst they could do but just try and protect your Royal Career like I do  and see what comes up; so I am going to clear out these bits and then the next time we hear any such nonsense about my actions encouraging anything, the results will be hard for them to believe all together as well. Now we cannot be free from a resurgence of that talk about a justice that has never really existed since the end of the second world war which of course always leads to an expected justice of copying that will make them feel the same respect as those who pioneer things and it is always the finest example of their very twisted and evil nature especially for the Politicians and nobody knows why they bring it up and want others to argue with them along those lines either – they would like to think rather that their loutish stupidities will save the day if it blows up too. In terms of the part where I am hailed all over but my tummy tells a different story however – it’s an old case of whether it is chicken or not i.e. they have not yet noticed people follow me because of an ability to protect an office from their squander on the left with media that they feel they must wake up to everyday and of course on the right popular culture squander acquiring links with rich people and the industries, full of stupid boys issuing threats and media scum playing it out all day long; they have not noticed that people are hoping I will get to pay them to sell the Books for me and I for my part do want to sell my books in other ways and would like it if the fools do clear my space as it were which is not to say the bragging can always continue because they think it is not be punished, so guess where I learned how to take a stand on people’s businesses and rob them of their health as I chip away at it to make myself financially better off every day, bearing in mind they do not teach it at Church as it were; so yes it is all talk and hail but his health and tummy says something else because they think it will not be punished. I do not think this matter to be a problem, it’s a simple tale associated with the fact this is an Intellectual Property Administration Business and the problem has been clearly set out, the solution offered clearly set out and so has the customer service been clearly set out but the part where I will take a stand on their livelihoods and punch their tummy and chest and head and grab their anus and penis as I steal things from it, will obviously happen when I have learned it from them to the fullest and it all has to go somewhere; it is not because they are not getting superior education in the UK.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland