Of course,
I am aware of the question which runs along the lines of general wonderment
people have all over the world as per what on Earth they are going to do with
Me. These matters of Politics and Diplomacy and Media and Business are not
difficult ones to solve or resolve however; it’s a stage on which Mr A on Third
Floor of the Business Complex claims he hears things regularly about commotions
and spectacles at the Business of Mr B on Fourth Floor - so having been he has
beheld some of these spectacles and it has helped him deal with the boredom of
his daily concerns, he has also felt like they all do with each other, that the
World of Career and Profession is such a Man's World, which Man they are and Mr
B that is me on Fourth Floor is not, that they regularly as a result of their
need for a spectacle that will help them manage a boring day, get off to create
those Commotions into my Business in order to have their daily spectacles that
offer something to see, an incident to behold, which will take away the heavy
boredom of a boring day. The Second Part of it is that this same behaviour
applies to an undying need that they have to handle my Books and my income, which
is the easiest trouble of all to avoid causing and the source of all their
problems all together at the same time. It all appears to be drawn from the
prognosis by which they and their Politicians clearly have no wish to get a
copy of my Books to facilitate involvement with me while at the same time have
no wish to discuss anything of their affairs or concerns they have with friends
and acquaintance and partners by any means which does not have to do with my
personal life and Public life and possessions.
It is
never true that I am a prolific abuser of Women; what happens is that I see the
world visually for instance and this is the area that is the main problem, ‘my
visual seeing the world stuff etc’ – Women have discovered only two things
about it and first is that when they get into my sight line they feel good
about things, so they must control me and share with others in order to have it
permanently and the other is that when they attack me for making them
uncomfortable they make progress and exist in an environment where their
stupidities are not discovered by those who offer them opportunities in return
and so they have shown how far they can go by buying copies of my Books and
sharing it among themselves all over the world=, in order to kill off the
Market and at the same time extricate the purpose and service contained
therein, by which to make exhibition of themselves on Media. It is violence
against Men of an extreme proportion but I never pay attention to it because
there are more serious matters they encounter such as when they try to make it
work in the world of very expensive clubs and Bars hiring them as entertainers,
where one mistake will lead to being punished by millionaires in ways that
completely change their lives, so that we can hear all about it at a later
date. Most of the time however it’s a matter of being threatened by Men on
their behalf which most often ends with a condition whereby I have turned over
their husbands and they end up with a lot of work to do; as for the threatening
me and sexually abusing me constantly from a distance and with celebrities bit,
that part is just the one where they are bluffing and will not likely take the
risk: - I understand they have toy soldier children for it but equally do they
have to respect the fact I will likely strike first as well and see what
becomes of their convenient cowardice. There is never really an explanation for
why women who have families and children will add up on me a process of
following me around when I am half their age in such a violent way, alongside
the process of sexual context abuses, added to the process of financial
vandalism; they understand if these and the rest of their abuses were to be
added up alongside a condition where I am homeless it is the perfect system for
me to end up with health that is unable to cope should I ever become homeless
and sleep rough etc, so why they do like to complain I am an abuser of Women
beats my imagination as well and in equal measure the last time I had been
taught a lesson ended up with me losing my temper all across the US and the
South Americas and Africa which meant that they are best placed to fight me
even now as I have gotten the White House into a position where nobody’s greed
gets to step all over me as well; therefore being vital a situation they will I
am sure, tend to leave me alone as their small armies no matter how big a
person’s they are, are vulnerable to being hit just as I am as it were and none
here will likely run away from them in anyway whatsoever. I hear they are
taking over my Royal Estate which does not make any sense whatsoever, as what
does is that when they attend functions hosted by Top Members of the Royal
Family, it never ever spells good news for me in anyway whatsoever, regardless
of their complain being that they enjoy bullying me and ripping up my finances
because I confiscate or rip up their culture and society, which I will if I see
any yet again as it were, hence an example of the reasons they do not trouble
me so much and why I am not in any way an abuser of women. As for taking over
my Royal Office and Commission however; reality being the Duchess of Cambridge
is a Duchess and I am a Royal Prince is an example of what reality is and how
much work they need to do to achieve such a feat and the reasons they are
always complaining due to their behaviour disrupting other people’s Business at
the Monarchy but then again of which is an example of what people should take
into consideration if they believe all that nonsense about me abusing Women
etc. This kind of thing to discuss of course has now left a trail that says I
am vastly more powerful than I present myself to be which is not the kind of
impression I want around this Office and its Royal Estate which is their own as
it were including the Books I write altogether too – it’s never about the power
as it is about what I do which is UK Plc Intellectual Property Administration,
where there are facilities people are free to deploy in order to make money and
get rich but it does not mean that they then have the right to get rich and set
about knocking people down – this is a state of affairs I must enforce and try
to make my own living by providing Firms with Private creative equity
intellectual property administration solutions; so now I am in the clear on
mentioning it as such, so any who wants to get involved with me to determine
what my Office should be used for to do some fighting against some enemy that
makes them feel comfortable is free to,
except the complaining about hurting bottoms bit will I am sure they will pay
attention to, have passed its sell by date at this stage. They speak of me
being stuck somewhere and having a difficult time and its utter nonsense – what
happens is that abusive behaviour that I am not responding to because I do not
think it is a good use of my time carries on endlessly and develops into the
other case where they think they have covered their tracks talking much about
civil rights and so are disposed to tackle my civil rights without being
disturbed – the result being that when I put information to culture and society
to run an intellectual property administration business, they pick it up and
share it with criminals in order to get news off prisoners when they want to,
what they do not fancy however is when somebody else wants to deploy their
media jobs to clean it up. It has never really been a problem for me as such;
what most people are thinking is that what goes on in my head says I believe
when I move to somewhere else my experiences will be different but what I am
really thinking is that supposing I did, my experiences will be the same. The
case where they say there are people who hate me at the Monarchy is nothing
new, those will change the minds of the Queen about things if they wanted to,
while their main agitation is that the Royal Family should not have discarded
them the way that it did as there was some usefulness attached to their
activities – now we see all it means is abusing me, sitting on my finances and
getting celebrities and teenage idiots to appear on public media and pass
abuses at me; so the reasons it happens overall is still the same – these fools
have investments set up somewhere, shares they have bought in a company and the
big idea is that of beating up a certain boy character to create the quick
wealth they need and it seems I am going to cut it to bits for them before it
stops as well; beating boy character bit which is in its own right and
expression of the fact it’s not just their stupidities that one has to worry
about as they are also evil i.e. when I do what I do on account of my morals,
what becomes of it is respect that kids of this day and age do not give
anymore, making me the kid character to beat up and get rich quick and if I see
that stupid culture and society I will definitely cut it to pieces again,
especially when it is blabbing threats at me to get it stupid hands on what it
wants and have some American backing of insane idiots for it as well. The
Politicians are ever so good at complicating it, complaining about their bottoms
and bailing out after ripping up my finances, now it’s important I set out that
should they wind me up every goon that enjoys showing up at my concerns to be
complicit with their stupidities will have to sit out what I have in mind too;
they would rather do this than get a job and follow a routine to earn a living
and I do not think that the purpose of civil rights was to ensure every black
fool I share a skin type with can get involved with me as much as they please
anyway – we are here because they are all insane and I have only them three
rules; none peddles my faith, none peddles my public image, none peddles my
personal life. As for the case of me belonging on the left, that was the
craziest of them all since an Arch Prince does not; I only have a responsibility
of providing hospitality for certain people, chief among whom is the Queen, so
I think taking a public disposition on the left and on finding out I can move
there if I wanted get some celebrity friends to shut it down was the way to do
it – it was never meant to have a purpose where every twerp can get set by a
society scum to climb up public places and tell me where I am supposed to be
like we see them do all the time: it is an old story of their disrespect
getting completely out of hand when they think that one is likely to respond to
it naturally but when it does start to take up my time it starts to get serious
all together – the first time was when it showed up to play with me at the
University until I dropped out on account of the things it has been bragging
about concerning its stupid money and an ability to get whatever it wanted, now
it’s taking me more than 5 years to clean up and return to an academic
institution all together, really putting the case of how black people want
nothing to do with me into perspective. I mean I wonder when those became
better human beings than I am anyway when I do not have a criminal record, my
involvement with women that are older than I am is supportive of their jobs and
families and I can run my life without causing my parents own to come to a stop
– so it has to be that when they sing popularity they become more important and
I ought to shut up and go along with what they want like we hear all the time
which amounts to an outcome that says I want anything to do with them all
together. It feeds into this case where it is said that these fools that chase
peoples bottoms are my problem which should not be affecting everybody but of
course I create the peace and quiet at my Office for their ageist conveniences and
the stupidities of their teenage bums who want to be famous all together as it
were, thus they never stop getting involved with me while claiming what they
are thinking and doing is far more important, apart from the bottom hurting
bits – as for me, I am aware it’s about concentrating and being committed to
what I do but if they wanted I would happily shut it down and break it up and
start all over again, just to find out whose bottoms will be hurting while
people are trying to be famous, all they have to do is damage it again or give
me more of those insults to worry about. Of course they do claim I grab
opportunities from younger people which is utter nonsense; what happens is that
they have no way of getting involved with me concerns that is not hurtful and
the top of the lot is the need to make a gay show of themselves all over
something that amounts to a phenomenon I have created around the contents of my
Books to secure myself an audience, especially on social media; so particularly
with respect to Royal alliances and property and all that was bestowed on my
Estate, I am now resolved that any access from these people will not allow me a
breathing space, so the celebrity and popularity is getting in my way – I mean
my websites and social media and Books and the academic work I chase with space
time to secure qualifications that can allow me access to enough pay to run
things around here properly is the main concern of well-groomed queer faces of
really insulting people showing up on media all the time to do something around
their foolish plans to get rich; I mean the funny bit was when I took the
position that civil rights idiots are never happy when others are not caught in
violent or criminal activity, it was the one Politicians wrecked, so since then
it had gotten serious. Of course it will be a little difficult in terms of
work, when all those people who have had payment for services taken out of them
by the millionaire playboys who want wealth of insolence and excess that media
can run with all the time through these idiots, find me saying that the
products are ready but all I really have to do is do it properly. It’s not true
that I am stuck, they are screwed and done for; they do not have a future for
those business empires and those trading systems and those company shares; they
need my Books but have no Polite or civil way to get it in mind, so it seems I
am going to tear up their shares for them too etc. It’s all simple civility; if
people have more money than single mothers, they might want to stop inventing
financial competition with pregnant women – if people have more money than
University drop outs, they might want to stop inventing financial competition
with those who have no way of defending themselves – and as for me I am asking
for half of £50.00, which they can comfortably part with if they thought Books
and property and public image was as valuable as mine is – it all comes down to
having what you have but being civil about it, all very well punishing me by
reading my property all the internet and making claims to my public image to
chase my private parts and tell me to swallow my thoughts to the recesses of my
tummy all the time as long as they are not making any more trouble for me for
the useless ways in which they live out their existence as well. They speak of
parts of the world they see as their turf all the time but we all know what
happens is millionaire playboy likes his sales army and his money and his
excessive lifestyle that sends the internet into meltdown but so is it becoming
more obvious as equally as my bottom hurts every time I sit at my Office, that
it will not keep off my personality and public image and personal life and
indeed my faith for that matter, let alone if we talk about my finances – it is
not going to give me a breathing space and is having too much fun for my liking
with his stupidities. The same stupidities that speak of certain bits that are
their turf whereas what really happens is business for wealthy people by
wealthy people who put the money in overseas accounts and bankrupt regional
economies, so show up here and steal my Royal property thinking absolutely
everybody believes Industrial espionage is really that trendy; it’s about
people having what they have with a sense of civility - keeping away from me -
letting my tummy get on what it does normally. Where they say everything I do
is indicative of seeking conflict whereas the truth is that Politicians never
allow others their own sensations of safety with regards the fact civil rights
people are never happy with moral and religious people who obviously do not
take part in violent activities or crime - thus only when it gets serious do we
find that the Politicians listen with a sense of privilege – as such which I
will never be found tolerating their culture and society; it can show up around
my concerns if it wants a Book or pretend there will likely be no consequences
showing up to hurt me and pretend it is fun endlessly like we hear them claim I
have lost an Estate so often..
I. Uno
United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland