Today we mainly have matters run off on the basis that Mr Trump who is an American says that the US is turning from Globalisation which is not Credible as all its power exerted over the world is entirely dependent on Globalisation, in the same way we have heard more often of recent that the reasons the US is a world super power is mainly because it was not damaged like Europe during World War 2; I wouldn’t know about that anyway, the reality is rather that the US is wholly a Democracy and that means they fundamentally leave all the power in the hands of the Population, this then also implies less government intervention in general living, therefore if you wish to be financially comfortable the best way to do it is to start early, supposing you do not already have a formula that is guaranteed to work in the first place; this means that the US is a Country that fundamentally expects every person to come through with at least 70% of their own GDP value as a whole and lets them operate as a Country which potentially has Limitless resources – unlike Europe for instance where we have always had socialists as far back as history goes and even if we did expect everybody to come through with at least 70% of their own part of GDP, we would still be spending Government funds dealing with socialists in an institutional way i.e. how much of the US as a super power is developed around the fact it was not as damaged as Europe was during World War 2? Not very much, hence if the Americans say they are turning from Globalisation it is perfectly Logical and perfectly credible, much the same as the fact the US will certainly have an opinion when other Countries wish to explore the size of their territory and population by adopting US democracy and therefore head towards being super powers themselves. Hence I do get told I contract myself when I criticise Americans one moment and support them the next which I understand but then again contradicting myself is another story entirely as Capitalism is about the flexibility of success when you have Capital and not whether wealthy companies have a Public image that you are such a fan of that making money from it was your day job and then when the economic crisis comes everybody tightens the belt except you, after which you enjoy getting on the nerves of Government operatives and telling lies on Media; in any case of which we has also found Credit Facilities were more efficient than direct spending since all the parties involved in the process of a venture want to make their money and all you need to have is the skill and the willingness to work.

The problem that the US has is the Democrats; the Democrats will break any rule to get rich quick and this means that whilst we here in the UK realised that telling incidents obsessed Germany about the Perils of being sloppy over illegal trading and black markets would lead us into a trap that meant a Country that fundamentally operates on being seen to build a life around criminal incidents and what law enforcement did about it will be corrupted very quickly and very easily, as soon as they had a sustainable way of telling us what to do and how to exist if we must enjoy the safety they have created – so we opted to work it with the Chinese and because China then did the creation and trading of the tribute product thing to their mostly poor but very large population very well, it became the world’s second largest economy in a very short period of time, what happened then after was that since the Democrats fundamentally believe they own US Allies as property, they set off to live the American Dream in China and had already made out stories of who was to blame for it; the outcome has been that the Chinese have decided they wish to live the American Dream as well and the US has ended up with a problem of how to deal with China on one hand, while on the other hand, the Democrats had very nearly destroyed the world’s second richest economy.

I do get told it tends to mean we British have taken up the reigns of Globalisation, which is utter nonsense; its  Class Society in the UK and the Population is perpetually competitive because of that, bearing in mind they do not have a reverse gear, the work of the government is to ensure they had a facilities that allowed them to secure jobs and or build companies that employ people, not sign trade deals with Industry people and take them to the Cabinet to learn the ways of Government business while pretending that because Industry people are loaded they can do something about Public matters such as crime or even Natural environment abuse or destruction to mention a few; possibly looking into the future of which we may end up with somebody that has done nothing but learn the ways of government until he got into it to make myself a totalitarian, leaving the Public wondering where the Dictators really come from all together. The Politicians like to ask why I think this matter of signing trade deals and taking them to the Cabinet was so important and really do love to mock me for it all together, which I do not think is a serious matter anyway, its like those times when the parents had gotten together to win a contract and all they have to bind themselves to the work they have to do is word of mouth or perhaps one or two very serious matters on which they have laid down a written binding agreement, being made out to be the position people are in when they have the power to sort out Public matters on account they are loaded.

For my part however, somebody is earning over £60,000 for being environment Minister, yet when I broker Assets with British Petroleum which facilitates decision making on Environment security at the Board meetings, I returned to a ruined and completely destroyed public image and Book sales earning margins because they had a vanity and wish to play practical jokes, same as when the drug dealers have not yet been caught but some girl who is related to them or knows them has made some song on my public image and gotten record companies to put a label on it, resulting in claims by their Media and Popular culture goons, that record companies own my public image which then progresses to an outcome whereby they use it too and because they are such a bunch of trouble makers they leave me inundated with gangs and criminals because when they are angry it matters but when others are it does not, claiming that if it is available to one person it should be available to all, showing up to take pictures of their stupid selves all over my public image blowing kisses at criminals; a case where the Politicians are the ones earning over £60,000 as Policing Ministers and have laid off quite a number of Police Officers in the last 5 years alone. They do say I support the job cuts and then I don’t but we all know what happens is that I have seen people who used to work my equities at Industry, the ones who started with me a long time ago and used to ask for support when that bigot, fat cat, racist guy wants to lead companies in a direction that means Oil taps are opened up on Riverbeds and so on and the only time I will achieve stability will be when I ask them what makes their sky scrappers more important than the Forest Trees for example, they left Industry and picked up Policing Jobs because the Labour Party was willing to make a name for itself with Public sector jobs unnecessarily, now it’s the turn of the Tories to cut those jobs unnecessarily as well and still I did in any case decide I was going to start working a system where Public sector public security workers will be able to work and invest my Royal Equity at Industry, so that the goons who make a mess of peoples bottoms like we are living under a Militia run by block heads in Parliament can continue to tell Police Officers they commit crimes because somebody did their stuff, then point fingers at me all the time.

Apparently, these ever-prancing gimmicky goons in Parliament with their Popular culture and stock markets sales madness giving people the internal organ diseases, like to assume the rest of us have no idea what they are getting up to but reality such as the fact the Arch Bishop of Canterbury was a Banker and Stock Market Trader is an example of the fact that they are lying. So, once I have stopped their barely criminal goons claiming people do their stuff when questioned by the Police because Public sector workers are investing and working my Royal Equities at Industry, there will be no means by which I may secure support from the Arch Bishop all together in their view as it were. They have already started telling me it would be good for me if I do not antagonise the Politicians as well, which is all good as long as they might want to fail themselves at the business of building up years of provocation they claim is untouchable as other decisions will be made outside of it, so that it might be used as a tool that is deployed to make their mates behave all together as it were; its not really a criminal apparently as the whole parliament has not yet been convicted of a crime by the Law Courts but it does have an adage and that cannot be denied.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland