There is talk that I am some great villain character of course, which I am not; what is happening, not least around Men talking nonsense about how I interfere with their financial well-being when I should be working to foster it for my daddies and will get beaten up and taught lessons for doing otherwise is that they set about making a different interpretation for absolutely everything I do to run my Business. Such as claiming the empire does not exist until they are complaining because they are always trying to insert a product into the income margins and make some quick money and I have to be helpful all the time by telling them it does – down to their involvement with my Court where women get involved with me due to a tendency to have anal sex after childbirth, which I get told is something a Man should not be getting involved with but really has nothing to do with me as such, only serves to express the same old case of what people do when they want to make use of the tidied up personality of a religious person which is the reason they have never really thought that respect for peoples personal and thinking space is important – down to the fact people think I want to get around with celebrities when it is a choice between completing an academic pursuit to seek out a job that will pay me enough to run a book sale business or getting around with celebrities who want to mess around the problems I resolved in order to write the Books and when done choosing self-improvement from it get me to provide a better world for their kids while I am being monitored to prevent a relationship with their superior selves; such that the Men are not going to beat up anything dreaming up their stupidities and then telling me I am intolerant when I do rather watch pornography and tend to be tolerant with it too all together, when done with all that nonsense that messes things up around here because they want to take pictures of celebrities and marry them etc, blabbing at me whereas reality is that I am only letting them in on facts concerning what I do when show business is a threat to my business like it is at present. Right down to the case of the ladies in Court being Celebrities, which are sort of the kind of celebrities and television personalities that prevent Men telling all those lies that lead to women seeing red and stories brewing of sexual predator British women all over the world – down to that story they tell about controlling me which has no basis on reality as they will only be spicing up sex lives with me free of me the day they no longer have access to my Court and an involvement with female journalists is helping to control domestic violence in secluded parts of the Country and perhaps the world as well, like it was intended. In the end of which is an old story where people asked me to assist them on gender inequality and since last I completed the task I have been unable to return to my life while the Politicians who facilitate their criminal characters I am being forced to respond to tell tales when I want them to practice their behaviour where the Politicians and the Media who make it possible as located, not show up here to pound what have you – if they can get my finances looking the way they found it when they first started, the question of what my problem is with men could be answered but I do not think that is possible; I mean we still have football people whose entire existence is developed around telling me to tackle their money if I go up against them where even if I get past it I will have to tackle that of their mates too, which then lets them bully me any time they want for as long as I do not want to sell Books by going around seeking to be a hero at the expense of football people making their tummy churn while they are trying to play football so they can feel like being racists all the time.  I do not think this matter is a complicated issue, apart from the wickedness and evil that propels a need to set out their own means to fame and fortune and talk to their age mates on media about my public image, claiming I wrecked the evil things in the neighbourhoods while it is still clear that not doing so will see me fight for my life in a while, we can clearly see the civil rights ones claim they planned their whole lives around taking advantage of me and then I got off to write Books which detach them from their prize. The Politicians here in the UK are always working with their media goons to spend time passing around insults and conspiracy that means people scratch my bum while I am asleep and vulnerabilities are being created into my life all day long but it is not mystery that there is less Government Office paedophilia these days because they have found a big Arch Prince who gives people respect that kids of this day and age do not anymore, to practice that on and that I am unlikely to respond to being attacked the way their big mouth suggests all the time. The reality has always been that feminists are very destructive people who target me because the probability of getting away from Church to defend myself means there is a series of new lifestyle choices I have to make, hence their abuses only ever come to an end when they have no money, while the men will likely tell me what to do about women from here so I can clip their own too – the parliament ones are just idiots who want to be able to discipline people, so we see me drop out of University and we see them spend 15 years of my time grooming me into the person they can discipline all the time, now we find their big mouthed media scum talk nonsense about war because their bottom hurts on my account as well; in the end we are here because of their insults and these goons have been victims of bullying themselves in the past – so they always want everything to do with other people’s Office of State to ensure they do not get beaten up anymore and perpetually feel as though somebody else who has a good existence needs to get beaten up like they did, so we are never free from their anus and penis abuses, now reaching a stage where the Politicians claim there is volatile Politics that I need to stop creating while their media fools need to wreck my finances and play on my self confidence in order to make me fear them and have their own dummy they can do whatever they liked with – so it is never clear why they rip up my finances so these scum might have access to me when they find the idea of somebody extracting feelings of having sex with them as they walk down the streets distracting to a point of mental disturbance, no idea why they do it while they do not want these fools to play out near their jobs and near parliament lest they end up with volatile Politics. They are all criminal characters I am made to respond to every day, it’s not quite the case that I wait for things to happen to me before I do something about it; I have continued to show that of the three things I need to spend my time on i.e. complete an academic study, sell my Books and start a family, only the Book selling bit is a matter of Public Media concern - so this their stupid state of affairs we see them blab about all the time is going to be a real problem all round; we are here in the first place as a result of their insults, blabbing about war when they are in pain and distress as well.

We see the same of their insulting work place idiots who think they are important enough to discipline others like an addiction as well - they always want to talk about how I am trying to avoid work but there was a time it was difficult to get employment when employers thought that was transpired in the interview room will end up on Media, Today we are confused since it is difficult to get a job when employers are not certain that this will happen and so when you get a job you find yourself assisting sales team in your own little way without reason, right up to the point where there is such a mess on media it becomes a choice of departing the job because you do not want others to lose theirs on your account, otherwise every second spent in it will take an unimaginable toll on your health and wellbeing, which is pretty much the same thing. One moment they say I need to do more for Political instability and the next they say the problem is my attitude; in terms of the former, the only thing we have is Politicians facilitating a process where their mates who are not as successful as they are can abuse and pick on younger people but do not want such activity happening around their Politics lest it becomes volatile, for the latter we are not talking about noise pollution when I have ended up sharing a writers office with the local communities who want to feel good about life, we are talking about bottom hurting and feeling sore all over while they have trouble working out why there is peace and quiet in a writers Office talking nonsense about their own financial problems. The case of me being detached from my religion is an old one but if I am detached, it is none of their business, their business is more a matter of a hypothetical existence that lets me say and do anything I wanted which is about to cost them everything, a hypothetical existence born out of the fact they could tell the devil to do his own work by himself but will go off and do the evils and wickedness anyway, then show up here to educate me about how the murders and manslaughter forms of crime occurs. The Civil rights goons say I make racism look like freedom in order to cling to my income margins but we all know they are taking advantage of the one that is willing to criticise them hoping enough lies and fear will come to bear when the ones that congratulate them for their insanity begin to get up to all sorts; it’s an old story about the evil of this sort - half the time it wants everything concerning my Office claiming it is an easy way to avoid violence while it screws around with people, the other half the time look and you will guarantee yourself to find them having sex with animals. We hear of American isolationism of course but it was never the Trump Administration playing it up for them anyway, they already so isolationist activity every day for money, like if you start a pencil making company and borrowed some ideas from an American Pen making company, you will need to explain your position so it becomes clear that for the human rights issues, you have not been abusing somebody and millions of others who are his or her fans and customers in the process but the Americans do not have to explain their position to anybody whose company they have made use of all together because they have the world’s biggest defence budget and they will not make daytime television advertisement any other way because it helps support the American version of popularity canopy abuses along with narcissist  happiness that brings about sales which comes with that too. One moment other people owe a debt of gratitude, the next they are trying to explain to the world that what soldiers do amounts to a job and a career and in my case they are always providing leadership which means I am being hunted into following an academic programme of study that I give up half way through so that somebody else can own it and it’s the same with personal life and family life and job and business, pretending they are above the law the whole time whenever they are not complaining and blowing off their big mouth for it; the reason for getting concerned at all is what neighbourhood criminals do with it, like everything I have written above for instance especially the persecution of morally upstanding people claiming it is the point of their civil rights. So we listen to complains that people wish to decide what becomes of the US Government all the time, whereas nobody actually does – the Americans have this problem deciding what they want to do with the relationship they have with the world and it is never actually a crisis save the bit where criminals get up to all sorts as a result of what Politicians are doing, of which whether or not criminals might get up to all sorts as a result of what Politicians do was a given, so we are actually completely lost as per what on earth they think they are doing all together. What happens thus is that if I said these goons they complain about were criminals, I would get told they are people who need money and are good people, save the part where Politicians become obsessed with confiscating my Public image to work a Public Office by, meaning what I want from them is to see them keep off the Royal environment that allows me pursue my own causes – of the three issues concerning raising a family, selling my Books and completing an academic study, only the Book sales area was a matter of Public media concern. What they usually say is that I make people out to be criminals when they have not been convicted of a crime but the rest of us are rather aware the person who speaks of the law protecting the weak and encumbering the strong are the same characters that are defended during criminal prosecutions, where you understand the only thing that will solve their problem probably is if they knew everything about a Legal career and didn’t have to worry about uncertainty associated with the legal system all together but then again of which it is clear that even if you brought out all the legal work in the world and they knew everything about it all in the process, there was no guarantee that this would have ended their crisis. So it’s ever so important that Politicians let the Police carry on with the work of asking them if it is the prison service overalls they are after every day, not attack those who label them criminals, then show up later to persecute somebody with a good public image to handover, who does not wish to do so. I mean the labelling people criminals when they have not committed crimes is what I have done here, what people do in society and the way we all behave is that way say they have an adage – in every turn the result is that Politicians show up to rip apart our lives and help them to money then get about talking even more nonsense in public places about personalities and public image they wish to make into something they can use. Their excuse most popular is that criminals get up to things as a result of my activities as well which has no basis on reality; what happens is that the goons come round my case at the behest of fools in government Office playing around with things that can kill to pass messages - first stage was to fill their heads with what I know and then watch them grab the career if they have the guts for it, that brought the entire state down on me, so I resorted to keeping the link, grabbing them and taking them down a corner where they can pass my own messages at their stupid Media goons and Politicians as well and because I have refused to give it back, it seems as though I am doing it as well i.e. as mentioned before, no point the goons complaining all the time while the prevalent public office behaviour is to beat down those who say that a person has an adage, talk rubbish about good people whose only problem is that they need money, complain about hurting bottoms and seek to confiscate public image from their mates.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland