They have said that I live off the civil rights others fought for, which has allowed me to show and express my cowardice until it became profitable at the other end and likewise am I left wondering why it is so difficult to see them mind their business and not tell lies all day long. The Media is still the biggest problem that my livelihood faces and they have this theory that if people think I did not do it to them, then I did not, so it develops into question of what I must do to stop it; it does need to keep its mouth shut and read my Books when it shows up here, not spend all day running off Publicity for anything that appears to be a risk I face. The Politicians have pointed out its people working for them naturally and we can see the first time it started, it was a matter of how hurting me facilitates the will to do bad things which allows people join the armed forces and fight my battles, since then we know that the problems have gotten worse because they got injured fighting my battles – while the Politicians were the ones who deserved my personality on grounds they make decisions which affect the lives of criminals and since last their wear frocks and pretend they control the City while allows them run off secret societies that want homosexual sex from me and decide whether or not they see me walk into a Church the time frame in which they will be getting it, had met some out of your league European big brother characters and the whole thing fed into Brexit; it’s not making decisions that affect the lives of criminals anymore, it’s just started again and I am going to start feeding the culture and society trouble makers with what I know as a result of it too, as it usually means that people chase them around to share their jobs and I hear all about it. They always say it’s a matter of power and I don’t see why mine should be any less a matter of power, same as we hear them tackle the Monarchy and tell lies all the time, making those gestures about bottom hurting for it in the process – we know Palace guards are there to Protect the Queen and that protecting the Queen means that the Monarchy is not about fan fare like they claim, as it is more about public control, about their foolish behaviour, cannot stop handling me on account I like the carrot bits but do not think the stick bits are good, while their stupidities think soldiers should be friendly and that the stick bits were the bees knees, will not stop blabbing rubbish all over the place. I do get told I am a little prick who does mine too and yes I do; when I drop out of University because a low life enjoys his insolent and daring involvement as fermented by his stupid Politicians, way too much for his own good – parameters being practical jokes that make me want to kill myself and insults about how I put myself straight because I don’t want to be a gay person who allows somebody fuck my arse, then I need to ensure they understood what I am really like too and we know I did not respond to it until after 8 years during which time it was no longer deniable that their daddy characters did nothing else save grab my work and run off to tourism economies to make money, put the feet up and pass insults at me that a bird will carry around the world, ruining my public image in the process, had at this stage just built up a 6 year history of insults with media over my Books while stifling the sales on Media and it all feeds into this business where they say I am unaware people look up to me while all they do around here is show up to make use of my Bookshop without paying for it and the way it works mainly is to handle the service processes for the purpose of controlling my finances to gain equality that is associated with making me seek their approval until I was less than their stupidities were, they are not looking up to anything and the idea I cannot get worse is where their stupidities were dead wrong.

American Politicians have been heard saying that I am a whore naturally which I can understand as well but as with the reasons people go to Buckingham Palace to do my stuff works, I fail to see what the appeal is; we know they have mentioned that I associated myself with pornography when I talked about my Royal Court on my websites but so are we aware that prostitution and pornography is where every person they have sexually assaulted as stupidly as possible, goes to express themselves, which feeds into their stupidities picking up my work to get rich with and pass insults at me a Brid will carry around the world when they are not yet complaining about me too, hence will not give it a rest. It has never been a problem, if they start I too can count the amount of Politicians that the USA has too and play out all these gimmicks on that to ensure they became serious minded people for a change – we know they have not stabilised South America, we know Russians have Annexed Crimea, we know Russians attacked Ukraine and Georgia, we know Turkey is now the Russian Base in Europe, so tackling me because I have set out a position to show I am aware of fans and followers in these parts of the world have over time been pushed into sex work for allying themselves to me is the one that makes sense to them most of all, as stupidly as possible. I mean it is really hard to see people move to the left because of the bad things they have seen and how they wish to spare the world conflict and there is social democratisation going on somewhere with those who have not seen very bad things on the right, tackling me for whatever reason has always been the easier option for these gits and it needs to stop being so easy. It goes all the way to the business of their disobedience giving money to twerps with criminal history, to buy equipment and venues that help them engage with the Public to extract money from my Public image by and it does not stop; we know the result is that they can no longer provide public stability because the trouble makers have money they can get completely out of hand with, we know they tackle me because they have seen some of my writings and reminds me constantly that I had these nonsense sorted out when I was a teenager, whereby it became quite clear the only way to control these goons was to ensure the means by which they made money was progressive otherwise they were stuck in a cycle of only making enough to provide their needs lest they wreck businesses and the economy, it will stifle my academic work and finances and bring them into my life while I have bills to pay, blabbing about personalities Politicians should own for working in Government buildings and by the time I am done, I had gathered the years of abuses and spent their Public image tidying it up – like a question of whether they have been counting the number of people that have been killed by Government buildings on this planet and whether they have ever offered an explanation for inventing such stupidities – so we know they are aware of what their crisis is and I will happily congratulate them when they came up with a solution for it too. I have been told that Prime Minister Boris will be a big problem for me and he will not; his disposition will be the beginning of the end for these gimmicks as far as I am concerned, it will be the start of me taking a stand at this Office to ensure Politicians knew where their backyard was and stopped encroaching on mine, stayed out of my Royal concerns, stopped making a mess, issuing threats and telling those stupid lies. I understand the hate they have for me is due to the damage I have done to their international relations which is obviously a threat to me but it is a matter that exists in the same family; their idiots who have own houses and homes have never really stopped grabbing my work, sending out their foolish children to play practical jokes with my academic work and finances and run off to tourism economies where they make money they cannot account for, out the feet up and channel life changing insults at me, appears to be their idea of how to change things. We have even heard them say the Monarchy has allowed me grow into a monster but so are we aware The Queen and Her Aides, particularly the ones that talk about women interests all the time, was none of their business, we also know they blame and attack me when Prince Harry who has very strange ideas of his own, gets completely out of hand with male benefit in this Country but we do not know what their business at the Monarchy was in the first place. They do claim I am incompetent naturally but we know Obama was the black people guy who got black people discussing their problems as a matter of my existence and their celebrity culture getting to decide as insultingly as possible, how my Royal Estate was to be spent on those who have nothing in America, as stupidly as possible, we know he did very much, the same as we know Trump was the white people guy and that I have never claimed he was racist either since I am aware of what the facts are, the same way we know the UK has better stability and that I have been doing better than both, so we are unable to decide what they are blabbing about when we assess their story too.

It is usually considered they are likely to be a problem for me but they are not – same tale of spending money on society and culture trouble makers and seeking ownership of other peoples property due to another occasion having emerged where working for money did not appeal as much as joining gangs did – the disposition that facilitates the stupidities where Politicians forget where their own backyard is located and encroach on Royal Business to tell lies and issue threats for conveniences, working for money instead of joining gangs has failed to appeal again and I am never going to deploy Boris’ own to resolve any crisis I have to deal with as a result of his premiership around here too. Then there is my absolute favourite where I build a Court of female journalists on account they got to me for support bearing in mind their job involved standing up in public places to provide a service for current affairs and their male colleagues broke it, then showed up here to issue threats because women smell and they smell too – much like when I found out the reasons their stupidities show up at university to tell me they want my career and public image and I ought to respect my mum was not just that their luvvies stupidities was famous but also that my Mum was working with the Labour party to build this nonsense where more worthy people existed who deserved my career while I ought to learn a trade; I don’t like them, I like it when they find money and buy products and we know if I begin to garnish those insults with getting them stuck at home to spend attention on their Mums on account I wanted public image from it, alongside a necessary position on all the abuse and vandalism associated with a need to eat what I eat and sleep like I sleep and be me, these idiots will really start to look the apart that they should a nepotism and obscurity as well. I have heard this sort of thing makes worse racial tensions while the racial tensions have always existed, its insults mostly tends to get black people responding in the sense that nobody wants to drop out of school and attend the gym to build up muscles and protect their stupidities as most people use the loo when they need to and are comfortable in their own skin but we are aware when we listen to their stupidities we may be forgiven for thinking the races have gotten completely out of hand.

 So it comes back to the main issues; the Media never gives it a rest with making a mess of my livelihood and providing a certain leadership all over my public image at society as messy as they can get, never keeps their mouths shut about Books they have never read and mind their own media business jobs and it kills off my income – just the same as Celebrity culture idiots never stop trying to be relevant with my property and public image as their Politicians direct them, showing up here for the purpose of getting service processes in my Book shop spent on me seeking their approval while they did not get to pay for making use of my work – we know they all alongside their Politicians have criminal history that gets them minding people business to such an extent and their Industry goons have never yet stopped giving goons money to buy equipment and venues that help them extract money from my Public image. If this were to stop and my academic pursuits and career was no longer in their hands the way it is presently, I am certain all would go swimmingly for all. They say the Monarchy is the cause of all my issues and it is utter nonsense; the cause of it is that on realising the Monarchy had embraced me as one of their own they started up a global stage campaign to claim they own me and their criminal history stupidities fills in the gaps of any relationships I forge with others, follows me around and makes the mess that gets worse, the more successful I get – this is not a split personality Prince who intend to do both Royal Office and Celebrity business but do it in way that will be acceptable to the Political Establishment and the general consensus. They do claim all the time that I stir up the Public issues which is utter nonsense; they are bullies that can never have enough and the part they like most is the lies, it does not allow me any personal space, while the bullying insults that get their imagination up my bum clouds my sense of my immediate environment where I live, such that when I started addressing it, I become the one that wants the gang business and the crime business and the angry people beating others up on the streets business to happen to them, while those insults of how my public image should have been their foolish civil rights ignores what I too have become accustomed to altogether. They claim I am never nice but we are here because I have been nice; good reputation and broke and they can never have enough of pinching, teasing and bullying right up to the point where it is counter productive and these popularity idiots had taken over, they have no wish to stop soon and I don’t have a set date for the stoppage either.  This is the beginning of a process of setting out a means of getting the Public to excuse what I say and do, so that I might be able to do whatever I like too. They do claim I am unaware of the fact I pick up Royal duties that are beyond me and are not mine which is utter nonsense as what happens time after time is that what I do is too valuable to be allowed to run free, so statements come through from the Monarchy as per unless I am using my own to do it as they say; as example is when I make friends with Fashion Models from Europe, South Africa and South America and its beeline until when the fact their photographers are big fans and like to get around it all the time, produces results in the sense that Russians pick up British interests and get stupid individuals taking pictures all over it as part of their cyber gimmicks but then set it out as ideas that the rest of the world can rally to and make them rich, while Hollywood, Black America and Tinsel Town did the same, then the fact I have had this Coven gets the same response of unless I am using my own to do it, hence always makes sense to put the National cote of arms on my websites and probably on my social media profiles at all times. We know that if I am a Government operative who travelled to the US and spent most of my time with Celebrities, since Celebrities cannot make Government decisions, I would have been wasting it, so I have no idea how I have been picking up Royal duties that are too much for me as well or belong to another. I have been informed these matters have been handled this way to ensure I did not get to resist authority but it leaves me wondering that whilst I know its all culture and society goons pulling legs and knocking heads, whose idea it was to drag them off to Buckingham Palace and try to do my stuff there. They do claim they are satisfied they made me suffer anyway and its utter rubbish; its starts off with this decadent nonsense on what the boys and getting and what the girls are getting, runs down to sexism very fast and ends up in big brother facilitate opportunism and corruption that makes you think old age was a luxury that few people get to enjoy if it was what the world really looked like and then claims people are just getting by through processes of trying to access what should be the exclusive rights of beautiful people, runs down very quickly to the part where I have authority in the UK and should be dealing with British problems that bother almighty Fashion and Celebrity gits about which they would certainly regret any Publicity I built for them over it so they might get to have their fill but by the time it starts to attack people who are just publicly interested in me by taking pictures of their stupid selves blowing kisses at criminals on my public image to spend my best made plans thing and I have got social media to play with, it really kicks off – it never stops lying and the lies complement its abusive behaviour to such an extent one has to chase up paparazzi to the backyards of Industry where Hoodlums are getting around.

I am told that I am paranoid and it is utter nonsense, I have for the last 12 years experienced nothing from this people save the business of wrecking my academic work and finances and then making me desperate enough to make sense of a behaviour that emerges from it after my daily challenges became too much and I realised the first thing I did about it years before had solved all the problems, has become too much for me to simply live with, desperate enough to make sense of an attitude on the left and on the right which suggests I have lost something even when I know it is psychosis – the goons have time for it not time to work themselves out of the poverty we hear them complain about and we find several times in every 24 hours their Politicians will tell me the things I complain about is still on. Then we have friends at the Monarchy as well who make sense of every instance in which it is said that I have nothing to fear of Politicians at the Monarchy while in actuality I am not fearful of Politicians at the Monarchy if I know people don’t like them there and most people simply think that they are HM business – the same friends that have fantasies all the time about having a Man’s Country when the Queen had passed away, neither instability associated with this gimmick while the Queen is still alive can they get their heads around nor the problems associated with stupidities developed around running off that nonsense on publicity concerning male sense of justice, which gets them tackling me because they want me to join the Military all the time; we see the Law Court do these things all the time – Female sense of justice in Public, male sense of justice in private whenever a Judge delivers tort but they believe they can make it up as they go along and play with everything they see to such an extent the Monarchy was not a singular one of three Arms of Government in the Country. So, what happens is that I look my part for being part of the Monarchy and then I drop out of University over their ideas while their stupidities feel like disciplining me all day long. The rest of the paranoia story will have been run off by the feeders who think that as long as they have media attention none will be offended by their abusive practical jokes and yet each time I do anything about the damage it does my Books, its about the fact they can never stop lying and I find myself hurtling down a Rabbit hole and ending up at the backyards of Industry where Paparazzi get out of hand and Hoodlums are everywhere chasing money, which means they had done my stuff, as stupidly as possible. Then there is my absolute favourite where they need to get on Media and set out an avenue through my concerns that will allow them run off some very dirty propaganda that ends up being something I have to respond to because it means I had lost something on the right or left and takes up my time, such that each time I do, I get mocked for their envy and how they use it to ensure that I do my Public service in an abusive fashion, all explained by claims I have privilege and others have nothing while we know I stay up most nights to work on my Books and Websites and would fancy their insults and abuse found another target so I may step out of my door without being made to lose dignity, as stupidly as possible – again another one they have time for but there is no time to work themselves out of poverty – they appear to be past it and when we assess the reason for the trouble they make, its due to the fact their bottom hurts and this was largely linked to their criminal history. It then feeds into what we see their American counterparts get up to, claiming they can handle me any direction I head and that I do myself the disservice of leaving out conversations about the fact its really a matter of Royalty that Americans can abuse to make money, about which they claim people always rally towards conveniences but the conveniences my Books which they hate but cannot break offers, never gets the publicity, what does being the hard work I put into writing them and the websites I work hard to build, like the brain had taken a vacation at my expense everyday. We even hear I am now champion of the people while we know the business of breaking vested interests people have invested money on at their Hermitage due to the fact I conduct public service with myself and Office is the one part that is about to make it a much more serious matter than their great ideas about inventing anything stupid and then setting about inserting it into my life and career for their practical jokes have led them to believe it is so far, the claim I never stop complaining being of course the true extent of the damage they believe they have done to my Books. They claim my Books provoke Men and I understand it does too – the way I have damaged their Political Party international relations should feel just like dropping out of University to hang around responding to the insanity of society while they teased it up, over the usage of my personality and the abusive things they want to do to get rich as work does not appeal; it’s the same old tale of claiming I am disrespectful, after which I will find them treating somebody their age worse than I was, leaving me the responsibility and in the end it still goes back to the destruction of my academic work and the gimmicks they put up at my expense with it, especially the lies and business of using women to punish me financially – I am very well aware of the meaning of what I have said here i.e. it’s the misogyny that they cannot live without but the problem is still that when I do mine too, the Politicians will stop me until I drop out of school, then show up to complain and wreck everything else around here, whilst talking about it means I told them something they did not previously know, which always makes me a happier person for talking about it.

We even hear them claim the way I have let myself go is a problem for everybody, whilst the reality is more a matter of the fact they have ingrained incredibly bad habits, such that even their own living space is not enough for their stupidities to express itself in the German influences and all, so my personality is good for the sharing and immediately after, realise I am suffering from Tummy ulcer, haemorrhoids and Hay fever, so they have discovered how to hurt me if I resisted. Therefore, worth pointing out that the other fools who get to Buckingham Palace to do my stuff since me and my wife picking on you gimmicks got bad, are not done yet at this point.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland