They do claim my actions are one of somebody who will interfere with Politics at every turn and then find out he cannot take it at the other end and it is utter nonsense; what happens is that I either walk around the streets getting attacked by Politicians who want to use my Public image to look good and ethnic minorities that want to talk like me to go places wrecking everything around here churning my tummy due to their desperation and the fact their tummy still feels well while mine is a mess or I look like a Political rival when I have never stood for elections in my life, thereby getting incessantly targeted by all sorts. So the outcome is that I have become rather interested in a process where they got their jobs done because it can be said now that my life depends on it; it depends on the fact that they expect me not to be a criminal so it does not waste government money, they expect me to get a job and pay taxes so the government may have money to build infrastructure with and the whole time they spend the same tax payer funds on barely criminal characters they claim are nice people who just need some money to lift them out of poverty and unleash them on my public image to take revenge on the system for the injustices that concerned points at the Law Court when decisions went against them – this then leaves the goons making me smell like my life all day while I am at it and they will show up after with the bullying that shows they are really stupid and cannot let people be at Parliament every day and yet each time I am bothered enough to find out whether something has changed, nothing happens but recently we found they have finally done their jobs as Politicians to maintain Public decency but they have only done the jobs in the most wealthy neighbourhoods.

Now they tell me there is nothing I can do about the problem and that since these scum has become interested in confiscating and peddling my empire to teach everybody how to get rich my life was over – reality of which is that it is their big mouth blabbing about how my empire will belong to the rich if the poor who have some money and want to get rich with it cannot have it but all they have done is get around big businesses creating a sense that millions of people may know an item belongs to person but if somebody else lays claims to it the person does stand a chance, looking like they want to make it incredibly difficult, blabbing which problems I cannot solve until it goes all hay fucking wire as well. I do get told I make a mess of the whole thing because of the way I talk but I do not, as this is really how I work – these fools have become wholly reliant on others doing nothing to protect themselves while people get rich quick with those insults and abuses and so I am always made to deal with information overload while their celebrities and popular culture goons have effectively become paid up bullies and this is something I clearly can tackle by myself, so I am always filling their heads with information and in a way that lets me have fun at their expense too, next I am really going to start physically hurting the Celebrities too. they do claim it is not clear what I am doing while my whole business has been set out as a Private equity intellectual property administration solutions arrangement, we have such instances therefore as people sitting down with 100 persons to discuss the vision for customer service during a party and 20 of them will be there for the wrong reasons, the work is then outsourced to me, which I complete and put up on social media to sell my Books and we end up with Liberal American being such a gift to the world because my Books were Published by an American company, followed on with their need to get all over it and tell me they have created a problem for me which I cannot deal with. I do get told these problems are created by my Publishers which does not bother me in anyway whatsoever - I was looking for Book printers in the London Area when I found them, so the gratitude that Villains have been impressed by here is misplaced, they are a Print on Demand Publishers you see and the only reason I worked with them is that they were less work but obviously now we can see they are really good at wasting the Publicity I build for my Books because they are operating on toxic internet, therefore nothing to take my gratitude for granted by as such but then again as I mentioned earlier, Liberal America is always a gift to the world stealing and mocking and causing a stink until it ends badly and then expect people to be eternally grateful for the civil rights movements thereafter.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland