So, the talk of people wanting to see me taught a serious lesson is one that carries on through the Media endlessly – a handful of gits with well paid jobs who never ever listen to what others are saying to them as a matter of professional courtesy apparently. So, it does go without saying that I have been pointing out for some time now that I am frequently spending thought processes on the way a handful of people set about trashing people’s lives to get paid for being popular, so they might deploy the money for the purposes of seeking wealth and women that should have belonged to others, claiming that they were public figures on account of my middle-class social status, which does not really apply. It goes without saying as well that it is becoming serious enough for their position and their case to be a main preoccupation of mine whereby, they will need to decide if they want to give me break or find out exactly what I thought about their lifestyle and the fact they had a platform by it to blow off their threats at me endlessly. The consequence of getting paid for being popular at other people’s expense has never really changed even though they behave as though it has i.e. feed properly and seek other people’s wealth and women and I am now done with the insults, I am thinking about it enough for proactive response at this stage and we are not talking about the lower classes who want to access government and become more powerful so they might step on me really hard, they always deploy what has happened with the lower classes in my case as a tool for distraction which they have also made obsolete because of the frequency of threats issued at me.

I do get asked why they hate me so much but it’s an old story about being a loser but it’s the same group of people – at University it was all about them and their Daddies, eventually I dropped out and they had achieved the greatest thing that they have ever done in their lives but setting up at Buckingham Palace to make me look like I have not got a social exit was the last straw on the government point of view. Their claim that I interfere with their concerns is not supported by any facts whatsoever, the evidence that their careers and personal lives are not affected by any of these indicates the nature of its pointlessness and its stupidity, even though some people have made it out to be public policy so the problem with those who do is that they will not stop handling me which is likely to head towards a reckoning as well. The way it really happens is that they love to get involved with someone’s Royal concerns to build their wealth and connections – my first clash with them was the need for their children to pillage my social life in order to support them while they worked at Industry offices, at the same time which they clung to my career and academic pursuits to make the best of corrupt fat cat activities, now the reality of their need to work this nonsense around the Queens business for the purpose of building their wealth and connections is that I have ended up making myself a proper distraction for them and rightly so since I am able to build their own as well when they build mine. The part that does not make sense is that the complains about me has become so intense they impede other people’s quality of life, yet they preferred being bullies, nevertheless.

So it is pretty much the same tale we put up with all the time with respect to my inability to get into relationships because I either thought none was good enough or I had genuine difficulty both of which are entirely untrue; what is true is that the people who are most keen to build up reputation that suggests they were out of my league at the Monarchy are people who on being part of it are not part of the Public or the Political system and therefore needed to be good at handing the practical jokes or responding to it, however unlike every other person at the Monarchy who is in the same position, they are friendly with Celebrities while they were unable to keep a Family on the other hand, therefore hopping from marriage to marriage for those that are at all married. The problem is that they set about building me a profile that suggested I was entitled with them for emotional reasons while they were out of my league, this blocks my personal relationships and takes years to remove, so we find the days simply pass by and I had done 10 years on it while it got into a habit of developing a process of pillaging my finances. I cannot say I am 100% victim either since I do run them down until they found it difficult to get into relationships as well, such that if there is conversation at this stage that I needed to get my personal life sorted, it would mean I was being told to seek other engagements with it save punishing people through it instead. The sidekicks will be the idiots on the Media who are happy that none was interfering with their finances but then set about trashing peoples careers because they wanted to befriend people who worked in the Military, so we find that when we followed up their own gimmicks as well, it led right up to the insanity of Politicians and provides this sense that if they had suggested they were fed up with anything, it should be the same that others want to do with them and to them at all times.

They do claim my problems stem from the fact that I had made decisions about the disposition of the female community without having all the facts and it is utter nonsense, since mine is a position whereby the building of communities to get imagination up my bum, the wrecking of my studies and now the destruction of my Books, is supposed to have been something people did because it was a fringe behaviour associated with popularity, the fact that it does not affect their careers and finances is supposed to have served the best expression of a reality when all the nonsense I have described are simply a case of a handful of people just having a huge amount of fun at other people’s expense and if it involved all the items I have mentioned in this paragraph, the decisions about whether or not it is acceptable is not just mine. So, we can see that in my case they had difficulty making sense of how to handle my social life and personality but the women they complain about are a bit more a matter of just taking it off them as they walk down the streets even though you had never seen them your whole life. I think that a point at which this nonsense continues to wreck my finances and make stupid excuses for doing so, will become a profoundly serious matter, will be one about these statements on the decisions I make concerning the female community about which I am now suffering to find out what the truth is. On the whole however, these fools have had this nonsense for the best part of 18 years and now I think it’s just a matter of hurting me, so, I am starting to develop a means by which the processes of building publicity for these activities to sell Books by will mean that I got  stick up the bums of students that get imagination up mine whenever they see me in an academic environment about which outcomes are expected to play out in terms of homeless graduates for them as well, I intend to drive the business of tackling fashion gits picking up my service processes of build me a clash with gangs and criminals in order to feel special while deploying my property equity to make money, talking nonsense about a war, from a process of being able to push them around and tell them what to do into something of inflicting them with backbreaking Political and diplomatic work that is not paying them as well – the Celebrities however are playing up to the tune of a case where I had to set my Books on one side and the way they sign off show busines products for the public, attend conventions and work with their agents on the other, to find out whether I can build them a reason to go away failure to do so of which will set the stage for an offensive on my part.

The Politicians have said I am good at the popularity thing and that they have constantly expressed that I am a threat to them, but I am in a classical sense – I mean if people get imagination up peoples bums while in school, it will destroy the grades, but it would not have mattered for Celebrities to think about the way they wanted to get paid for being popular on other people’s social lives either. The first-time round was the part where they became too old to chase their popularity dreams on account, they spent the time on me, now I want them to make comments about their own social life and public image since doing mine meant they were so destructive that I could not pay my Bills properly. They point out the case where I don’t really control anything around me and it’s an old tale of the way Muslims do it to complain later on – has inflicted me with the bottom chase gimmicks where whole communities are created to chase my anus for instance and if this became my main preoccupation, I would have to explore their fraternities and have a personal problem with them just sitting in their backyards to enjoy a bottle bear until this nonsense was resolved but what we have seen is the same story where it now has access to areas of my work that nobody has ever seen and when this meets up with the way that I devised my internet presence to ensure those who tackled my work were met with the same trouble on the ground in the real world, I am certain that even their stupid selves can make sense of the damage done but usually when it goes wrong we will hear about ideas concerning jihad instead. In the end it makes sense of what we hear the Police say about it, that one person is doing time for his crime while the other had done their thing and we know that their main problem is a simple professional courtesy not being paid me, where I am not a writer but a character whom their civil rights had given an entitlement to get involved with areas of my career where I had done my best work and make a right mess of it. The way that I work this is such that I do the best work that I can do and spend time having fun with areas I want to blow off steam by and in my case I like to break the rules of not complaining about the effects of Monarchic work since it means that the other people at the Monarchy who use them to make a mess of people’s concerns may then make sense of the fact they had to provide leadership when I had decided they will never fraternise with the Country until they did National service and of course understand that my leadership is such that there will be a degree of bottom chasing but not enough to damage social life and career and if they wreck the tolerance we know we have heard them blab about being able to control the consequences at a separate period of time in history as it were.

I do get told I am not the one to have experienced the way that their stupidities wants ownership of other people’s public image and social lives as such and I am not; it originally started out with the cries of the devil gimmicks that gets people thinking they should be dragged off to Church and a Priest should perform an exorcism, where I had a Royal Commission and they deserved to own my Public image to ensure that I shared something, over time hell had broken lose because there had never once been an occasion where I had agreed that they could have such a thing – now it is becoming violent with communities built up to abuse and tackle me in a bid to decide how I should be used when others want to get paid for being popular on it. for their part they suggest that I have fallen to far behind my peers which is utter nonsense but if this were to be true, what they are doing is counterproductive and we are talking especially about the three years between 2016 and 2019 counterproductive because it was the make or break counterproductive for me after putting up with decades of abuses from them. So it all feeds into this case where I am told that I had selected a difficult existence which I have not – what happens if I picked a Court of female journalists whom I supported at career advancement and personal security, is that they got involved, trashed it completely and suggested their civil rights entitled their stupid selves to a process where weak men like me who didn’t know what they were talking about on violent matters got into a fight to serve a woman – same as the Fashion industry where Models might take certain of their pictures and make a space on the internet which meant if I had to respond to something I had a place to start, meaning that they were oblivious to the fact that if they set about trashing the coven to get rich, it will hurt their friends and colleagues as well but now we are the people doing the wrong thing because they got a reciprocate response for it. In the end they do make those statements where they ask me what I want and it’s an old story that after I picked up the private security industry job with a German company, their abuses had gotten completely out of hand – I mean the German influence goons were supposed to be a handful of gits whose children never stop showing up on the streets to push others around in order to cover Daddy’s arse on account he was a corrupt fat cat at Industry but now they are into the business of picking up my service processes while the public is trying to engage with my Books, to build me publicity that suggested I should be fighting bad people to make them feel safe, pampered and special – this comes on the back of their need to wreck a Court system and tackle me when the business of culture and society goons followed them to their world of celebrity culture, also on the back of their Celebrities picking up my Public image to engage with criminals, quasi criminals, ex-convicts and society gits and finally the destruction of publicity that my publishers built for my Books in order to place patents on it; the prospect that they might never comply with a process of making comments about their own social lives and professional activities instead of mine for these reasons will likely result first in me building them a reason to move on, which if it is fails would mean that I got on the offensive to find out if it is really likely to be the case that I wouldn’t want to drag them to a law Court or that there were places I wouldn’t say what I say regardless of whether or not my property ended up in those places, when their stupidities take leave of their brains every time they had to chase their own earnings.

I have done everything to quell this nonsense where I had a great idea and the distance between the suburbs and the city took it from me, which really does not apply to a Book that is published and patented as such, to no avail, so what I want to do is ensure that they dropped down to obscurity and have to hit the streets if they want record labels to provide them with million pound contracts since my social life and public image will no longer be available for it. It’s another instance of what people might think added up to a difficult life I had chosen; whereby celebrities that got involved with me would never have been able to do so if they had not spent years campaigning against bullying for instance – I mean real Celebrities always dispute the Luvvie title as such, since it does not make a person a luvvie when they had said and done everything that could be said and done about bullying for example and are now engaged in just making sure people were happy because when they were not, they left matters to be desired for those who could harm them – these gits however are proper luvvies and needed to cease handling my concerns – work the show business the right way and stop working on me to develop energy that lets them get out of bed to chase their concerns, get their energy somewhere else. I mean this business of abusively working on people to make them smell and develop energy to chase their concerns we know is always excused as the consequence of what those who supported the armed services that took all their energy deserved but we know they never listen if a service operative told them that even if they wanted to be safe, they had to let the professionals get on with the job, in fact it would have offended them that such a thing was said, therefore in my case, having set me out as somebody they can bully to investigate the government and find out how it works to play their silly games by, I had to devise a way of making sure that they found out what they needed to know but had now forms of pain and suffering attached to their social and personal lives for it, since there were people holding down jobs at Government. Now however I am just completely fed up and the question is where it stops if at all it is likely to but if they did not stop it, I will stop it for them for my part in the matter. It is important they made comments about their own social lives instead of mine otherwise doing so will generally mean I am set to go on the offensive. The Celebrities do love to boast about those ideas that it was no clear what facts I had in mind which convinced me I could take them on but we all know it’s a matter of putting what interests them in my life into an inventory because if I didn’t, I will walk down the stairs, a Celebrities will copy it for a product and I will get sued for walking down a stir in future, so all hell had since broken lose in a search for areas of my concerns I had not put to an inventory and since the outcome is about to be a case of my Bookshop verses Celebrities signing products, attending conventions and engaging with their agents, I think that the famous and stupid gimmicks needed to be brought to a close. So it has been an eventful 18 years of popularity fun for them and since they do complain more than I do about the consequences, I believe it is apt that they stopped making comments about my social life while I am trying to sell Books that none will want to read if I lived in a condition that meant people got about accessing other people’s careers at will – I have waited for their sense of civility over the past 13 years without result. Eventually we have to tolerate the talk that I will never escape punishment for criticising the Prince of Wales, at the same time which we find the idiots had since once again added to the amusement of their need to get involved with Royal business for the purpose of building up their wealth and connections, by building up matters around the Prince of Wales’s concerns which detach him from his duties and his succession which does nothing to prevent the prospect I might criticise HRH again in the future – either way which we find that their point when they do it again for a trend each time I clear it out like so, especially with respect to the actions of their famous but stupid celebrities and completely insane media, the point that they were making is that they were quite certain I was incapable of doing anything about them, all to make sense of people having fun with processes of being popular which cannot be done with some consideration if I didn’t actively engage in trashing and burning their stupid careers too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland