So it is suggested that my work is confusing but it really isn’t when all facts are displayed; these people have just found a way to obliterate reality with media and govern our lives with lies and Popularity rules: the biggest problem is that if people did not deserve their careers because of something embarrassing that they did, then we are set to see instances where people will deserve careers because of their size and the fact they could beat up others if they wanted to – the process has been engineered by the same group of idiots that would perform something as perverse as picking up a person’s business service process to build publicity that suggested the person ought to work as their servant to provide them with private security, beating up their enemies and any who offends them. it is not really the case that spend my time thinking about embarrassing things I may have done as such, I mean there are probably more of that after I got an Arch Prince’s commission than there was before I did, such as the time that I tried to work the security guard job through the complicated Wimbledon Transportation system and had to catch my train without paying several times, adding up to a process where a Court decision was made in my absence and I had to pay back the money and a fine, so it does not make any sense how you lose careers to popularity laws because of embarrassing things that you did as such. My first experience of what these idiots can do has never really been considered a matter of prime importance, it was a time I had breakfast with my Mums friend and she was part of a quasi-religious organisation that was looked upon as a taboo for those who decided not to get involved with it and all hell broke loose when her Childs uncle used spoon that was used to stir butter to stir his tea and it became impossible to have breakfast all together while new tea could be poured or butter soiled tea drunk because there was butter in our bread anyway but now I am older it makes sense those stupid comments and insults, how they are used to ensure Criminals can bounce back by wrecking the lives of those who talk of being tough when they have never been there, used to grab peoples social life and public image for Celebrities, setting off a stage where victims were punching bags for any who wanted to share the wealth of celebrities and their mothers will hold together the abusive and violent ignorant rivalry in the communities, seeking an opportunity to work some form of religion with it – it does need to make its comments about its own public image and stop fighting my battles as it were. The story of the Media making out my actions add up to a process of being dragged back into line is best expressed here, since we have known these gits to pick up stories from a business of never using their freedom of expression without publicly berating me and abusing me to make sense of ideas they had that the Royal family was involved with somebody inferior to them, to set a stage for business and industrial gimmicks on the grounds of Buckingham Palace but we are talking about it now on account that the media have provided them a means to publicity that facilitates everything that the prize of their gimmicks had failed to accomplish, complete with a bubble that can ensure I couldn’t control it. They do boast that it is a sign of their media power, but I think it is rather a stage for how the business of Celebrities trying to beat the weather with the way they handled their show business customers, show business conventions and the activities of their agents at my expense but they still had their exist, need to stop making comments about my social life and stay away from my Books. The rest are supposed to be some sort of Industrial gits that are not affected by my actions if I thought I had seen enough of these fools showing up to pick up my books and abuse me into responding to problems I had resolved in those Books, the way that they had responded to similar problems in their lives about which they were facing consequences because it would put them in control of my concerns, while Celebrities want to engage with the Public on my own public image instead of theirs but they are not really a major concern. It’s the same cracked up out of my league idiots whose involvement with business cannot be explained while they are so afraid of the markets that they trash my career and set me out as a punching bag for consumers in order to work it, the reality about these fools is that they were unaware that I know what they are – I know that they are civilians who do not have law enforcement at their beck and call and I know they never stop picking up peoples careers to make a mess of people’s lives and build a crowd that will watch them work gold digging with peoples finances and I don’t think they are looking for an enemy that will burn everything that allows them pursue their gimmicks without smelling of what they ate all the time as well. – we do see those claims about men my size being made to indicate that they believe we like them only when they want to be our bigger than you sweet slave women, but it is largely usually a sign that somebody had done a little bit of the business of wrecking their civil living too. I do get asked how easy it would be for me to get round it and it’s not actually a problem as such, the same out of my league but cracked making a mess of my whole life to catch its breath all the time, then there will be the daddy characters getting involved with minions that get imagination around peoples private parts, garnished with those stupid threats about how they will spend time having sex with the big boys who are really their size and league, for the purpose of being a threat to me and the whole thing will show up on the radio waves to wreck my career and pick up what I did to recover it as a tool for self-improvement which if I did to them as well for the purpose of working my social media, would not make me feel so guilty, never mind the other ways that I am good to add to it. I mean I would work so hard with people to facilitate economy that helps pay the tax revenue for this Country and we will find them become an implantation of Germany and the USA for the purpose of making a proper mess of it – the entire time of which the business of slashing and burning people’s property to build an atmosphere for those who had money to spend on a product of which was operable in German market because there were other factors that ensured people could only be successful with it if they were good at what they were doing but I had no understanding and there has been no explanation for the reasons these idiots would not work it there either – so this is the British one and it does not actually matter to me that I am becoming their hate figure because of what I do about them. The bottom line here is that the abuses of the popularity gimmicks have not gotten out of hand with features that include their stupidities complaining about the smell but the process of abusing me to make me lose personality and environment I had built up to write Books buy on account I had gone off to pick up a public image for being important while others really were continued; so I am asked on the back of it what I really thought of the Celebrities which case is that the business of sending out their minions; girls first to make a complete mess of my public image, then boys with those stupid comments about which they suffered most if I started telling my own lies that it was built on the business of wrecking peoples finances to dominate those who had no money, while they hung about at the society running off the abusive communities that ensured anything can happen and I had a personality from which people wanted to get paid for being popular which I couldn’t protect from their stupidities, complaining to Politicians about my attitude as insultingly as possible every day, does not even add up to 2% of the interest Celebrities expressed in me. This does not mean that they don’t bad mouth me as such they do but there isn’t a law that suggests people never had the right to despair; I am not doing Royal work to place a handle of culture and society gits anymore because they suggested criminals were better people after trashing my finances, only to set about taking pictures of themselves on my public image to open it to sex workers and integrate the criminals into show business public life, then invented a mini war to make me cover their backsides while they made money and of course I had already closed down the Court of female journalists that spent time on National Media suggesting that any spare time they had was spent having anal sex with me every time I pillaged the culture and society and needed to make sense of myself and where I had ended up at their expense to feel good about the abuses and vandalism being levied at me i.e. this nonsense is their idea of fun but I could move on with my own life while they were doing it then I suppose.

It eventually comes down to those gimmicks they want to express on how much they hated Millennials which omits the fact that I am famous but cash strapped, so I am likely to end up in hospital and never recover when a crowd of ten people who really loved me, caught me up on the streets and hugged me, which is supposed to be an extreme expression of classical wickedness – then there is the need to work that nonsense where they are constantly imagining that others would work for a pension and lose it just as they were about to retire while some were a special case that their stupidities wanted to ensure the business of having made some money and lost it did not happen before their sufferings begun because they were only allowed to see how they would get about making it not allowed to make it either way. This is the story that shows them to be a handful of stupid Nazis but the one that happens live is that they pillage my career and finances to set up the younger generation and legitimate recipients of their ageism finances at the Markets which was the lesser half of a problem that involved the process where the thing that needs to be done to ensure whenever people got involved with my Bookshop they were petrified for 24 hours every day has been done again for the day even as I am writing this, ‘it has been done again’ and their celebrities never stop following it up to make it into a trend ‘it has been done again’ as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland