We hear the talk all the time of the problem that is me being solved one day and I could never get my head around the problem that the idiots think they can solve here anyway but I am aware there is not a problem here that they do have the ability to solve anyway. It was the same blabbing about celebrities screwing with me and getting security from them while they run private security Industry businesses that get a cut of the proceeds from the celebrity insanity, before they realised they could not protect the celebrities from me and then the Politicians and then the journalists as well and then any dignitaries they were employed to protect too – now we can see they have resorted to insults and abusive disobedience and are blabbing again on being set conditions where they need to listen to what other people are saying to them as well. what really happened here was Tony Blair using my career to develop his own and leaving the same privileges for his subordinates, then on realising they were rebelling against him, set out to tear down my whole life to solve the problem of his stupid party and has since not stopped getting on my Public image to stifle the gospel of Christ talking nonsense about peace and justice and equality all over the world – so the part they played in that was the bit where threats that even now they continue to issue but gain nothing from, led to distraction and distraction led to University drop out who did not wish to see their celebrities, who blew off a big mouth about it and now believe they live on borrowed time unless I am controlled. I want these celebrated fools keeping their distance from my public image and staying the away from my Books and the sales of it and then somebody can have a job that involves security where he is able to protect something and his wife is not chasing my anus at the local communities while he expects to keep a career being supported in that way at home. Otherwise, they pretend they know anything about me, know something of how I am likely to react to anything, but it is usually that big mouth first and then I become a problem for entire Political systems after.  We see them at it like some Boys and their Toys occasion, where their Politicians do not pick-up guns to do a job with and nothing, I do is ever adequate where the biggest question at the end becomes that of where exactly their involvement and opinion was required and then they complain after and fancy themselves bullies too.

They do speak of how I lose the point all the time, the point of the fact they were self-employed in order to be free from the nonsense of others watching over them or telling them what to do – of which I was given a Royal Estate so I can be struck by them all the time as well: I mean more serious things have happened since like dropping out of University and then writing a good Book that never gets sold because I am always in a bad mood on account my anus and chest and penis and head is being struck all the time – the other side of earning money of which is a case where you did carry out an activity that amounted to legitimate employment and the result was that somebody got hurt, while you got those pieces of paper with the bank of England Governor’s signature on to get values at the shops that you can run your life with – thus I dropped out of University and cannot sell my Books on account I am always in a bad mood having my tummy and anus struck by idiots that want to detach me from connections that have been built by handling my career and public image every day, talking nonsense at me about why they were fucking self-employed like it probably knows what it bloody wants.

They have no respect for what I do and we hear them talk nonsense about competing with the celebrities all the time like the same old immoral people in distress corruption that destroys everything and issues those insolent threats doing so: they pick up what I do when put my information to culture and society so I can work an intellectual property administration business, to go off and help a celebrated fool on public media show he is waiting somewhere to expect the latest wisdom that will allow it become a better human being than I am from me every day, which when added to his stupid money made performing nonsense on my public image will amount to enough importance to be more worthy of Royal position than I am and then prevent me from having a Royal position I already have, complaining and blowing off those stupid big mouthed threats at me all the time. They speak of taking on the celebrities which I cannot soon after, but we all know the problem with the celebrities is that they have a general lack of respect for my entire business empire, so every move I make must see them do something to stifle the finances by doing one like that as well and it will only lead to an outcome where I pound their own until it stops too. they do love to tell me it will be an uphill task while we all know I only need stop the popular culture canopies and the Advertisements that have no respect for me and for it I will have to buy myself a Camcorder to record those stupid advertisement whenever it comes on, then display them on my U-tube channel with comments on and by the time I am finished with them we will see which one will have the guts to tell me I did this or did that and I will not be selling my Books for the day if we can get to the law Courts instead. It’s like it’s really stupid and cannot  leave me alone; it says calling it stupid is bad whereas it is an example of what happens when Politicians set up development programmes by which to help them to state funds, so as to see those who do not wish to hand over a public image to more important scum in government grapple with the fact they are idiots that have money and therefore cannot be said to be stupid – it is what we have at the end that says exactly what the truth is i.e. a Country where idiots are full of food: now they know I want to crush the media insanity and the popular culture and the films and the general celebrity abuse that goes with it in order to ensure people do not harm the clout around my Books with their insults any further, the myth of how I fancy their lifestyle but like to get attention criticising it is at risk at this stage all together anyway and there is therefore nothing wrong with religion.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland