Naturally it is suggested I interfere with other people’s fame but I really do not; for the Politics, what is more important to them is a Christian that sucks up to them so that they can be immoral people who have all the benefits of being moral people, hence the last thing I want to do ever, is get involved with it and that their stupid media too - where the confusion has a bit more credibility is to do with businesses I create and broker equities with, who know the businesses are not owned and run by royalty and or that the equities do not belong to them and the way it works is that they make the products and everything and then get a popular culture idiot to appear on the adverts (they act more like idiots than human beings these days), advertisement which they make by themselves or which they pay somebody to make for them, hence it is really something I should monitor and twig when I need to which I do and from feedback I do satisfactorily, it is not necessarily the case that I should interfere, except these goons are so insolent they want to buy products and find out who brokered equities with the company and compete with the person, led by guess who, that right of course, the politicians.

Now the Politicians have become really convinced that I am stuck in a difficult condition due to their position on International relations; apparently, I was never aware that if the operations of this firm end up in those sorts of situations that was exactly what they will do because my world tends to revolve around them in their view. So, a typical example is the EU, where they say their position means it is impossible for me to earn a living and particularly because it makes so much sense if what happens to me does not to anybody so it might happen satisfactorily and without any real restrictions. I do not mind their Policies in the EU for my part either anyway, it is supposed to have been divisive but the last thing that has happen to me really is that I am stuck, no, I am not stuck, what I think will happen is that when Politicians have paid in cash for the damages they have done to my firm and my trading operations, the money I will make from it will be enough for all I need. Yes we all know there is the question of how I will trade with white people when I am black now that they have taken such a stance but clearly it has always been the plan all along anyway i.e. damage his property and hold out doing so until you have taken a divisive position – sounds like hey lets go grab that one and tell lies until it becomes the desires of our racists anyway, it is all funny as well and he is no body and can do nothing about it. I have always rather been clear when they take it, they need to take all of it so that when I move to another country, I might not be suspected of holding back on my commitments and everybody might understand it was something they did entirely by themselves and I had no contribution made for my part, otherwise it will become a nightmare as well. It is never really as funny as they make out that it is; I mean there is the matter of building an empire but such funny and the opportunistic black idiots means that the money ends up somewhere else and then the question of how many people own empires in the world and what I can do to look after myself, especially when they claim I say I have got an empire but I have got no such thing which creates a real need to make a mark that sets out my business and a process where they shut up about anything that goes on in it, so that people no longer get confused and disillusioned over what is not a political venture. What I planned to do regardless of who hates how I became royalty and who does not, was to plan to deploy the finance aspects of my property to create institution and security for my followers and those who depend on me and I knew these things would happen because it is an evil world with evil politicians in it, what I will do next is earn enough millions to fulfil my position and role and handle my property around the world with my books and that is precisely what I am going to accomplish; they were there when people deployed these securities all over the world in Asia and Europe and Africa and the Middle East and the US and the South Americas to provide themselves with a way of life, now I want to transform a certain fraction of that population into customers who buy my books to help me consummate, finish and fulfil the job, they want to stick their Politics in the middle and make me penniless with difficult questions like that of how I will trade with white people when they have taken a stand; nobody knows why they cannot leave me alone and it brings home that old issue of how easy it is to chase girls who sing songs about others on the beach they are top dog but when it comes to working out why people are getting unemployed and companies are folding up they become buffoons and for me it will never have been the first occasion where they pick on me and I have to terrify them out of those stupid insolent saloon cars, so they can find some power to acquire out of concerns I handle them like I do because I have a power backing me up, which will get that stupid insolent money spent on other people on way or another as well.

The talk of how I allow some people use my work like it was some kind of overall new development for democracy so that I might not sell my books to provide the services but plan to exclude others, is very well acknowledge; I know I am supposed to ensure they do not get such things out of me because they think they can bend people’s lives and livelihoods into spending themselves and their resources to provide them with such things and then never get tired of making a fool of me on account they are confident that is what I have done and that if it is not they will make it so from what I have done anyway. The reality on the other hand is a lot simpler i.e. when people broker equities with me I must confirm it because contrary to these fame and get rich idiots we really do not actually live in a world where you sleep well if you happen to have taken what does not belong to you; whether or not it was the misfortune of a thief and a robber that made it available to you that is; this part of what draws a line between us and them does not in any way appear before them and they continue to rage on still domestically and abroad as well.

Now I am well aware that mostly the suggestion will have been that I am lower class and more so according to The Labour party in the UK and their link with my stupid parent in question but I do not know; maybe when you are in the Service of a Monarchy and have settled on names and titles and working pattern, you must not be allowed to get on with your own in peace by idiots because you are still lower class; the class thing therefore is not important, what is, is the fact they had at some stage committed some form of crime against my person or against my property and people in such a position ought to know the last thing I want to do is discuss their class and if they do not stay away from my finances early enough for me, they will pay that debt quicker than they know. It goes right back to this issue with U.S. where if I got off to say the U.S. is the purest form of governmental democracy and therefore as it so assumes, it does have the right to ensure people are not cashing into the fundamentalism on which its existence is based but if I then got off to say that in public because Americans cannot stay off my finances and talk nonsense about interference in U.S. interests for it all the time, about which I intend to make them sell the democracy as well since money is so important, then it will apply that people do have evidence which shows that I do cash into the existence of the U.S. and that the insolent media accusations of cowards and Satan on Earth personified who apparently require attention from me on a regular basis to figure out a way of moving their wickedness into normal life and are given it by Politicians and popular culture idiots on a daily basis that are based in that Country therefore have been correct all along. In the end the rallying point is always that of claims of what I show can be done to the British Monarchy which expresses its vulnerability but I do not even know as it were that I have shown such a thing; what happened of course was a process where people needed the way I live to get things done at the Monarchy – seemed normal that Queen dedicates her life to the Country and people can ask you to dedicate your own as well, an honour to be precise, except she approved of a process where I was involved in the way it worked and since then I have tried to set out an acceptable parameter of operation but since the last time she approved these parameters as okay, there have arisen especially on media a collection of tools who clearly will not stay off the earnings. I do not have a problem with it of course since I can always run my own campaign about how there are things in this world that they must never have and cannot have but the idea I have acted in ways which has made the Monarchy vulnerable to its enemies always has to be answered. Now the idea also that I wait and get around people to find fine ideas of how they should be handled which I think is really wise is utter nonsense; they know that Christians do not approve of how they live – whether it is wrecking people’s lives no matter what the social consequences are after which they expect people to respect social consequences when handling them as well, which is why somebody can claim another person’s blessing from God which is always a personal and spiritual blessing was stolen from a white person, which always facilitates those abuses they carry out at point where they are on questionable because no mode of human thinking can put a question to them that will make sense, whether it is wrecking peoples finances because they are currently not interested in their cars or houses and stuff like that in order to ensure they have none and their interest becomes what the market needs to make people richer than they already are or indeed that noise they make out how those with ideas of how there are things they cannot have, have a death wish, it is still the same generic problem and I do not have to worry about what I need to say about it either, all I have to think about is that it can only continue until people handle them as well and then we hear the complains because they are extremely sure of themselves. Now the reality here is that they feel like an evil deed all the time and if a process where the application of that evil deed ceases to be in my direction these kinds of conversations will then come to an end but if not, there is power to be lost when I make them stop it in one way or the other. Some may even ask when I suppose my problem will come to an end but these are not my problems; I am on an expedition i.e. people think of doing wicked things all the time and every time they think of it the best person to do it to, happens to have been me, so their Politicians wreck my finances so that more of my time might be spent thinking about them instead of my studies or job and they are still at it as we speak without reason or provocation or anything like that. So, the question now is whether it is possible to communicate to people that something is to be done about their sense that sprinkling their cultural violence and social evils at people in order to hurt them is connected with being rich and decadent is possible and whether it is also possible to stop them from doing it any further; the usual answer to this is that it has never been done before and so I am therefore on an expedition to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. I mean it started off with those kinds of discrimination where a personal and faith based blessing from God on a person was stolen from a white man as I had mentioned before and then the discrimination and violence that comes along that route will pick up its feet and go in its direction as it were; eventually of which it manifests on media where they cannot report a simple news without doing things to hurt your chest and head and that is because they have read from the Bible that The Holy Spirit is in the heart and so the way to kill God is to claim it as their own and kill of Holy Spirit in the life of any who fails to co-operate and then make sure God does not do things they do not want God to do and more so otherwise they persecute people for it, hence it continues to get violent and that is how irregular heart beat TV was invented and so on. They will not keep it away from me and each time I mention it change my story for me and get up to challenge me, hence I am on this expedition to find out.

As such I am aware it is said I am a major obstacle to the happiness that is one that children should be able to have but of course I am because their parents have no wish to stay off the filial aspects of my life on account, they wish to secure superiority of some kind or another for their children and nothing changes their mind no matter how worse the situation is getting. So there is the result that I have a sense I cannot be trusted by an Employer to do a job while his or her back is turned on me and the fact they cannot stay off things I may do with a person in a relationship or indeed how I may raise my kids because they want to ensure the idea becomes their own and that it is already taken, hence I can only regret the fact the Children are being punished for the sins of the parents even though I must accept they have their own choices in life to make. It is not something I think about all the time - the fact is that they come from secret societies where they have their own Bibles and their own meetings but it is not exactly a Church, it is a society where they learn power and domination and so whenever they see people who have something they want, they feel like applying it on such persons to get it, hence the problem of Politicians making out I must act in no way which harms them because it will affect democracy or whatever else there is and when they get into trouble for that have trouble living with the outcome too. It is not something I expend a lot of energy thinking about, after all the reality is that this is what is happening on account the secret societies are not paying off with respect to children as it were, and it must in a condition where they can always be certain to have something better than I do and it is this that leads to a process where I want it to end up in a fight as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland