Now I hear
my behavioural pattern is being charted and I have no idea what behavioural
pattern they have seen so as to chart anyway; I can always tell them that their
insults which have to do with handling a kid that is me to develop an abusively
bullying market place disposition that lets them feel as though they have a
position of big brother seniority advantage by which to get the best jobs and
sell things and get rich by does not make sense to anybody since they are not
paying any bills around here but we all know the behavioural pattern will
likely get to mean that unless they are complaining about a really big one it
will never stop since their families are none the wiser and when they complain
their families get to find out and make sense of those foolish women who
compete with them and show up to do the last straw which broke camel’s back
routine alongside feminism campaigns which ensure I do not get to hurt women in
a hope I will get into a fight with them, wrecking everything around and
passing about insults that suggests it all my fault as well. they do have the
excuses that keep me all on my Public image and around my Books but nothing
will change the fact that the various bank account balances will tell us all
what the truth is; I have no idea what sort of playing this is and who indeed
is playing with them as well anyway but we all know they usually claim that it
is motivational but all it does is make people depressed, make peoples really
anxious and then ensure the same people cannot actually go anywhere because
they smell poor and of course that way cannot actually do anything to manage
the anxiety caused by idiots that never let them feel good and keep an eye on
their body all day long. Now they know what my behaviour really is and can chart
it too especially when they are becoming pre-emptive about it, to do these
things to the small brokers who are juniors and likely to act in ways that
affect the plans they must make themselves important. It is actually the
biggest problem we have here i.e. when I write Books they have so far taken 9
years of my time to show up on media and tell me how to exist, long enough to
allow a process where I am always being bullied over the fact they have no wish
to pay for it even when they need it and of course want me to solve the same
problems I have resolved for myself in order to write the Books and to solve
the problems I have solved through the Books for them specifically and it goes
right up to the most destructive of the lot on this behaviour i.e. American
Media and Hollywood, which generally adds up to a process of the question of
whether I will ever stop ripping up those popular culture canopies too - it
will never stop ripping mine, it will never allow me a breathing space, just so
that it might be able to get off to buy shares in companies that are interested
in me and abuse a Christian that has never been touched to develop its own
disposition of repression by which sales happen quickly and then those daddy
type insults about doing my stuff, doing your stuff, doing stuff becomes so
distracting that not only are my grades at school affected but I have to
respond to it or I will lose something, charting my behavioural pattern as
.The case
of my dealing with matters I really cannot handle will always be a simple case
of if I wanted to sell something as beeline as pencils but decided to work the
business on the basis of making sure I get out of bed to tear down the market
of medium sized businesses, to create new ones for myself and ensure that I have
accomplished a 200% profit all the way, like we see them do all the time
whenever they want to create new markets and they always say they would stop me
which is an assumption that peddling their culture and society is not something
I will escalate if I got the slightest whiff of a threat coming from their
direction – there is no way that they could have stopped me if I did. It’s the
same situation that got us where we are now; the need to have somebody to
oppress and abuse as a platform of unfairness that ensures the sales sky rocket
because people are able to take their problems out somewhere, meaning I drop
out of University and cannot return after cleaning myself up over 5 years
because they are having fun – the same case where I am marked out for bullying
by means of processes that allow them push out other ethnic minorities in the
neighbourhood – the bit where I remind them all the time that they are not the
only Country in the world where the majority population think they are superior
to the rest and that what they are doing is being done many times over
elsewhere in the world but in the end I do get told that the problem seems to
be that none of what I say actually tackles racism and extremism the way that
it should whereas it does prevent new people from joining up and ensure those
who have opinions handle their opinions on a personal basis and stay off the
group stuff; so that the question does become one of why people would get out
of bed to hurt themselves with processes whereby those that can beat me up
never stop lapping it and those that cannot never stop hurting themselves; the
problem of course is the Politicians and Media fools intervening to let them
explain their issues over what I have said and done with my writing career and
legal studies and this is where the need to play around with my finances and
academics really led to the problems they are complaining about at the moment –
it is supposed to be a process of letting them handle their frustrations in
such ways until they drop out of school or find it impossible to acquire jobs
and then that will be a natural process of putting a gap between them and
everybody else but Politicians and Media have consistently had a habit of
showing up to help them transition on the basis of prejudices that can be
expressed over people’s property and achievements and finances: it is an old
story where they say that nobody takes responsibility for the fact black people
never stop coming to the UK which puts pressure on the society and creates
racism and that they never take responsibility for it as well: in terms of the
former of which racism really is the old case of walking into a train station
and not being able to find a single soul that is not blabbing an insult about
the problems you are dealing with because you go off to pick up issues that the
daddies should have resolved for respect and money and so it is the very
pinnacle of their abusive insults which are associated with the integration
crisis that we have presently and then the Politicians will claim it is what I
say and not their insults that cause the extremists to find a way into the
lives of public figures – then it falls out onto the general public and becomes
a hunting process for them of going off to find the best neighbourhoods which
they soon make uninhabitable for other ethnic groups, just like the blacks
always have a violent lasciviousness somewhere that media can help them work on
me with, which is all about my tummy and ensures I cannot get anywhere smelling
nice which is what the latter point was all about as well as the tale of what I
have done for them being avenged when there will be no such vengeance as far as
I am concerned – my point is that they are all the same and if you said they
were criminals, you would get into trouble for it but if you then said they had
an adage the Politicians will show up to punish you, wreck your finances, tell
you they are better human beings and that all they really need is some money,
so we now see the same Politicians and Media blaming others for the problem. I
do get asked why I never respond to the fact that the Monarchy has a role in
the matter which in actual fact it does not – what happens is a collection of
Royal trouble makers doing what they do best of which I am never really the guy
that ends up being weak link that should be cut off, if they do not spend most
of their time bothering the Queen at every Public function, to seek a process
where I was replaced or my post was replicated, claiming I am a tool that the
Queen deploys as a means of punishing others One harbours prejudices against,
it never really works until they had pillaged my finances to keep alive the
hope; so I am usually left wondering what they suppose they did leave behind to
hit whenever they issue those threats and have since taken steps to ensure that
considering they are Royal enough, when they start, I will be able to break
them down to my level and ensure it is easy for me to handle them as well,
which I am pretty sure is a situation they might want to avoid altogether too.
They do speak of my unpredictable nature and untrustworthiness as a result of
it but there is really no such thing; it’s an Office and State Office is not a
toy, we hear of people dying from it all of the time and one has to be prepared
for any problems he pulls out of his drawer, those who want to play with it get
an advice from me about how sharp the pencils and the paper edges are and if
they fail to comply should not assume I consider myself responsible for what
befalls them, i.e. it is my Office but even I have to be careful about the way
I handle the papers at the Office. I hear this story of beneficial elitism all
the time and I would want to clear up here as something I do not have the time
to talk with people on – we all know the Middle Classes are really good at
taking up people’s lives and shutting it down, besides selecting the best
neighbourhoods and abusing other ethnic groups until they had moved out, so it
becomes ever so obvious that they need to spend time on their own concerns no
matter how elitist they get; the story is always that I benefit from it in some
ways which I do but so does everybody else i.e. Prime Minister shakes hands
with Bankers and City centre traders but at the same time, Prime Minister will
ask them to behave considering their actions has an effect on his job as a
result of it too – I entertain elitism but it has its disadvantages i.e. if all
enterprise was elitist, we will find that only the expensive jewellers will
operate in the UK and only the super car manufacturers would build factories
here and everybody who has wealth or interacts in our economy will have an
overseas account that will create an outcome where we will end up borrowing
money from those who are actually keeping it for us overseas, however the
benefits are when we speak of the means by which security gathers intelligence
and the facilitates that allow them to set up camp where necessary around the
world and to make friends with those who would help us out with security
issues, with whom we share economic interest, then the Middle Class and its
elitism does make sense – so it comes with its cost and benefits and is not
something I am in a position to discuss as per what I fancy about it and think
should be institutionalised about it: eventually there is the sense that I am a
complete disaster – feeds into the trust worthiness issues I hear all the time
about security people; so the elitism bit of the story if when I get involved
with a process where people who have parents that work in the services and perhaps
handle my security behave badly and the outcome could easily be that the Dad
goes off to pick up a really dangerous aspect of work at the services and gets
killed for it or ends up in a wheel Chair, so that a bad child ends up without
a parent – the other part is where they complain about Royal interference with
the business world and Industry when there is none i.e. biggest example I will
like to extract for my purpose here is the fact that the economic crisis took
hold in 2007 and we had as a globe diagnosed the problem as a finance based
economic difficulty, ten years on of which we are unable to come up with an
agreeable governmental Policy on it even though we still have to pick up the
bits from the fall out: everything I have done has been done to ensure things
work the way that they should and it’s never allowed by these people, which is
why there is interference from me as well as there is nothing suggesting
somebody has something to gain if a Book facilitates a process where his only
concern is his multimillion pound stock market trading; I have to assume people
attack my work therefore because they are trying to harm others and when I
explain it as such, it’s not a sweetening of what I have done to damage
anything, it is a process of making it clear what I had expected when I wrote
the Books and set out the Asset equities thereafter – they never allow anything
operate the way it should and that is why they are always complaining about
Royal interference at Industry, since we all know the world is split into
Royalty and Politicians and the General Public and there has never been and
will never be a middle ground between the three: in my case of which it is
particularly acute as security operatives may end up working on some matters
where Royalty from other parts of the world trade and do business and in that
way I happen to have gotten involved with other Royals and Celebrities too,
only to find that somebody has built a business on it at Wall Street and we see
the same behaviour on social media too; once they had realised the Company
owner has connected with me on social media, they will start to set out a
series of tasks for me in very abusive ways and then expect a result when they
had set out enough of those tasks, which means that I lose a means to an end
when they are finished and so I am always caught out making it clear the
Company owners have never set me any such task. In the end it’s a case I have
mentioned before and sits at the very heart of when they claim sexual abuse is
okay in some circumstances and Men should be allowed to behave in certain ways,
cannot understand what other people’s mean when they say it is not permitted or
acceptable in absolutely anyway whatsoever i.e., they are not in charge and if
they have some trading to do, need to spend time on that and let Royalty be. In
the end it is about what happens when a person owns a Royal Estate and tried to
release funds from it to pay the Bills – the problem is usually that I have too
much wealth but on the plus side, there are lots of people out there in the
world who apparently desperately need leadership from somebody that is broke i.e.,
the good old ‘I want a story – I have had enough of you’ scenario. There is
always the case of so called seeming progress that comes from me but destroys
businesses and does not look good from the point of view of those who have
suffered but as I mentioned before, they never allow things work the way it
should; if they want to be rich, those who are paying for their products have
to be rich first and if they are serious about it, they will not interfere with
what is being done to make them rich or fail to do their bit to make them rich;
generally there must be some service they are providing getting off to excuse a
process of pillaging mine to make connections with rich people on the basis of
social pressures that seek out neighbourhood service providers and allow them
to provide services people need which helps to support the jobs people do. They
do enjoy telling me that my view of racism is wrong so much and it’s an old
story where it isn’t and it is their view of immigrants that is actually wrong
since I am the one that Travelled from Africa to live in the UK because I
wanted to be left alone while all their racism accomplishes is put me on a
pedestal and call the black idiots who want to make as much trouble as they can
and get away with as much money as they can to find me and be part of my life
all the time, then claim what they get up to is my fault – it does not mean I
am wrong about the person characters of the racists anyway either; we see that
all the time i.e. White Man goes to Australia and he takes over Local Culture,
goes to the Americas and he takes over Native Culture, so they do not really
hate what none white people have, they just want it for themselves and it’s the
reason when people are not vulnerable at society they will never rest along
with their media and Politicians unless the same are stuck at Politics where
other people’s progress can be put ahead through Government Office; the black idiots
however say I am unlikely to be a threat to them since last they got found
around British security services learning to fight but we all know that is all
getting stuck in and not blabbing about doing things I am too cowardly to do
for myself anymore - I have always had to struggle with stupid women and civil
rights goons money loving on my case and more serious things have happened
since as well, so I have now reached a stage where if they fail to clear my
Public image space soon enough, I am going to screw their own as well. They do
claim I am stuck somewhere of course just like they are with their deviance but
that largely refers to the amount of work I have put into building a state of
affairs which suggests I am sleeping with the wives of those who claim that I
am - seems to be a gimmick and by the way of which the Wife is not human, so
people claim she sleeps around at will, hence I need to ensure the crowd will
not be doing it for them if anything has to be done about it. It’s not a new
case in anyway, I like to think the reason people tend to claim I am sleeping
with their spouse is rather justified since I have a very strange view of
people who do it all together anyway i.e. it has to be the kind of person with
a livelihood on one hand and a wife on the other while he takes the midpoint of
both and performs strange behaviour that is hardly befitting of a human being,
I have no idea if it is always true, I am trying to explain why I think that
perhaps it is defensive for people to claim I sleep with their wives as this is
my overall opinion of those who claim others are sleeping with their spouse. In
the end I want it to stay very clear that what comes from this Office in the
form of engaging with the world, comes from a Half Priests Office, as it is
always better to raise funds for anything on the of being One's self, better to
have none at all, than to raise it on falseness and I will never start taking
kindly to those who build their own perceptions about me or alter my public
image, really difficult locating what it supposed to have been wrong with them
all together: if need be explained, it is for reasons that the Music I prefer
has to reflect my Office and the social as well as Public standing involved in
it, that has to affect or be seen by the world is a certain way and especially
when I wish to engage with people about a process where each time there are
ideas about how the world could be a more peaceful place, it becomes all sorts
of problems including an experiment to see if it is possible to conduct
elections that are not fair or free.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland