Essentially it has taken more or less the same pattern it took during their greatest achievement of wrecking my University studies and the background for all other forms of madness which involved having jobs and encouraging younger people in the education system to spend time abusing me each time I showed up, while the education system went through processes of tribalism raids that eventually gave way to means by which they stupidly got into a habit of linking jobs they gained from their qualifications to anything they did to push local hoodlums through the system on my Public image as a boost for their sense of privilege. In the time I have ignored it, the problem has already grown into a case of culture and society gits which progresses to a matter of twats whose money runs the world and gives way to Politicians and Journalists making me anxious in a very violent manner every day, for what I later realise each time is their ideas about a sense of privilege at my expense entirely developed on goading me, which is also copied by Celebrated idiots who think they are famous and middle management idiots with children who play with my livelihood blowing off insults at me that boosts the benefits of the sense they were important, to a point where I was financially worse off because they took something important from me. It is as such something I cannot manage without getting out of bed every day to cause them immense suffering and a particular flavour involved shutting down their access to popularity, while entitling myself to anything they had which remotely looked like some peace of mind in the process of doing so.

The popular conjecture is that I am an unknown quantity, but this is not true – the truth is that I am neither poor nor rich and those who make these sorts of statements are usually rich and need to fight their corner not become insulting obsessed with handling me. Being neither poor nor rich does not make a mess of people’s career and academic pursuits, these are the sorts of issues upon which we appear to be making progress which makes their stupidities uncomfortable these days. In the end the main issue is that they have done damage to my work in order to gain control of it and chase money by and I want their incessant need to follow up this damage alongside their Politicians to cease or the logical thing to do will be what their popular and stupid, famous and foolish minds usually fear the most, regardless of if they had become fully paid up parts of public discrimination processes and do not therefore wish to continue fighting for my civil rights with no prospects of being deterred. This is not necessarily an extensively discussed matter, it is a necessary damage associated with publicity built for me along the lines of a handful of gits knowing where my Books are located and some plans, they have devised to say they wish to get rich through it thereof – I simply want it to be shut down lest processes of capital and capitalisation which I had devised were worked on them in the same way. So far I have done nothing about the Americans who are the most insolent of the lot and the Europeans who are the most opportunistic, just the British who think their international development activities can always add up to a threat I had to face without consequences, besides the fact I am neither poor nor rich because they made me that way and are apparently complaining more than I am of the effects it has on the health and the tummy, claiming that it is set to cause them job losses - while the women continue to suggest my response when they trash my Assets to sell their own products because I was caught up defending myself from interests of male society is amusing and the Men claim the way they trash my finances each time I respond to these silly women was power, good enough to make money and good for their health, so the practical joke bubbles which facilitate it appear to suggest I would be lucky to survive the age of 60 if I did nothing about it.

They do claim I have been played by Industry but I have not – we see it all the time where they claimed that if their perverted interest in my service processes produced an outcome where their loyal fan base got some of it, then I could never get it back, so in terms of the Industry bits, I now have to engage in a campaign to make a statement about it that is global, so that I may run the Hermitage the way that was best to run it, of which the last time I did was around 2008, find new people who do not think that I spend my time trying to rub shoulders with and take advantage of them and that my Property Equity were not assets but gimmicks that I used to charm people. It’s an old story about hoodlums getting imagination around my private parts while the fame idiots deployed my profession to boost their popularity and they always look like if I started a process of making sense of public despondence that comes with the way they target me which I face up to in bed and for the rest of the day every day, by making sure they were in great suffering, distress and pain each time I get out of bed to face the day, these fame idiots would be the main reason I had started such a thing. They love those stories that I am a coward whose career should pass to others, particularly when what I have done with the Hermitage on social media was not enough of a deterrence – we know its case of cowardice involved running people down, grabbing the sensibilities of those who are more talented and building publicity for the fight with other people that it performed with it, as we can see the big problem now is that having been stuck with their stupidities and that of their enemies, they cannot allow me sort out the issues on my own terms and I am never going to get away with what I did to hurt them seriously too. Naturally the love for questions about rudeness on my part and ideas on what I can do about it isn’t wanting but we know none of these individuals want to contend with a character that sucks the life out of every atmosphere he comes into contact with, putting up his own products on market they built for a current business, to hang around in Public exhibiting himself over claims that they had put out products that solve problems and intended to broad brush those who were being themselves around it, therefore brought these sort of nonsense upon themselves. The women on the other hand are more of the centre point for the way that running a Bookshop had become a trap for me, having been labelled by them as a small sweet thing with a talent that they prepared these traps for but the problem with their traps is that nothing I do on protection issues when I am in a relationship is enough and their attitude fundamentally blocks my personal happiness and family life because it prevents others from getting into a relationship with me. They speak of rudeness when they had topped it up with the other goons at the Monarchy who have taken the business of me picking up residence in a bad neighbourhood to write Books by, as a means by which an entire Royal Hermitage will pass to people, they considered more worthy, once their stupidities had built up criminal interest in my concerns as a bubble to run off at me on media every day and developed a global stage campaign out of it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland