I do get old that I am one of those characters that blame others because I hang about expecting success to fall on my lap but it never does – I could never understand the reasons people did it anyway, I know it’s a private equity intellectual property administration business and that I had a huge problem with a handful of people who wanted to make money with it to avoid employment and work processes, so now that the same people are the ones claiming I want success to fall on my lap, it’s not clear what they want from me especially when they boast about their civil disobedience prowess like we see on media all of the time and when they are not in pain for handling my social life, my Books and public image, I really do look like I want somebody else to do the work of making my Bookshop financially successful. Soon after which we find the idiots will show up to suggest the embarrassing things, I did in the past caught up with me to such an extent that I lost everything and we know that if the Police turned up to enforce the law of the land the way they showed up here to enforce their popularity stupidities, I would be well fed and cared for, although locked up, depending on my attitude. The story that there is nothing I can do about them is not an unusual one but so have I warned them for what these practical jokes are worth, that I am not emotionally attached to the importance of their democracy and if I can no longer get the best from my schedule, I am going to plan what is left of my career on their savings for it – it does not involve a case of committing crimes as such, the first time my career was trashed to make sense of society idiots blabbing nonsense at me about being able to take advantage of me financially but not doing so until it became a self-fulfilling prophecy, we ended up with a global stage complain about my attitude, so what has happened this time is Media and Celebrities running off Publicity endlessly about me getting into a fight with their enemies to help them feel safe, about which they had corrupted by service processes of my Bookshop to make me and extracted the financial processes for their own benefits to get me losing something to women, which makes me sick all day long, then they wrap it up with an onus of whether or not people can take advantage of me financially which meant it was impossible to ignore what the public did with my Bookshop, while all I did was picked up to enhance an idiots idea of what should become of them if they were getting paid for being popular – so I can always copy the behaviour of making a complete mess of their careers, to hang around picking off everything they do to recover it as a point of self-improvement that enhances my career, not do something criminal and when I do it, trashing their broadcasting advertisement income margins in the process, I suppose there will be ample opportunity to put the big mouth I had to put up with because I am not interfering with their salaries, to the test from then on. I have no idea how much people needed to complain about me to make sense of what they did not have a right to do, such as handle me, my personality, my social life and my public image which is directly attached to the fact that I am a writer and works my income margins for me – I have no idea how difficult it could possibly be when none of these things belonged to them and I didn’t write their books in this place; so now that they are starting to put up statements on the way I want success to fall on my lap, I can be certain that when it came to their stupidities complaining about me, it was about to get a lot worse.

On the other side they say they had difficulty making sense of private equity intellectual property administration, that intellectual property is usually worthless and none knows how I had built all I had built from involvement with the way it works but what really happens here is that I already had a Trust platform, so I set about providing the general public and a crowd with service on it, I am not in a hurry to get paid since it is a recession and they are aware that they were supposed to pay but I don’t want that to be the main problem – now we have companies that want to work this trust with me and we know that those who mess with it to get involved with the crowds are not clean competition; the sweet bits is when I get property equity broker from a company that is doing well at the markets, the satisfaction bits is when property equity broker reveals pit falls that may crush a company in the future, the sorry bits is when I am reminded that it’s a recession and property equity is not what it used to be anymore. The aim of this system had been achieved a long time ago and I had a right to enjoy my work instead of spay all day clearing out the consequences of popularity that these well off troll spend time on at my expense to protect it i.e. development of mechanism that can help control a recession in the future and especially the problem of inflation, since the issue with inflation is that is only lasts for as long as exchange rate systems had not settled to show that although people may more tokens for items in some economies than they pay in others, the value of goods in the commodity markets were more or less the same on the global stage according to the way each economy works – hence since the market robs itself during the time between when inflation had started and when the markets had achieved this state, the way to control it should be that of catching the characters that are responsible for pushing the boulder off the cliff in the first place. This is something I had achieved in 2003 before I went into University where the neighbourhood full of muslims gits and men friends linked up with the ones I got lectures from at University and made a total mess of everything – now we are seeing how far the idiots would go to look for trouble when what I do works on a basic stage, but I cannot get involved with popular crowd because I am not interfering with their salaries as a deterrence.

So they say I derive my career from the jobs of media operatives and celebrities but its utter nonsense as well – what really happens is that they pick up my work to get off and make money and I become very ill when I had to deal with the pressure for too long, my chest would feel as though it was about to explode and I couldn’t concentrate on anything; except when I took up the position to make them get the work attached to applicable projects done, so I didn’t have to worry it will come back to bite me later on as such. What they mean however is that I had used their jobs to set off a series of events that play out around my career to facilitate every day, which everybody knows can be done with any crowd at any time by somebody who wants to work a career with the public. The other part of their story being that there is mismatch between the way I operate and the way that security operatives chased my interests which is not true at all – what really happens is that they tackle public trouble makers in a way that lets it get completely out of hand and turn out to bully others because their bottom hurts too while they had security available to them and it is the one story that never stopped no matter how much it was being preached i.e. the worst you can do is shove people in the deep end when they were being bullied; it never stops then then everything you do had been taken up by a Politicians so you needed to get another no matter how tired because it relied on you and their disobedience was the best thing in the world, working the stupid mendacity of hate the entire time, listening to what it wants to be advised by at other people’s expense all day. It leads to claims my view of such matters were different from everybody else’s while reality is that that the people in Uniform were slaves to process, law and rules but because they were slaves to work, they had to ensure if I was living with nauseating financial complications caused by their abusive practical jokes like I currently am, whilst all pressure points suggest they ought to stop it considering how easy it is for them to as well, they would rather prefer to ensure I faced it all over again everyday like they are currently doing, then there will be another group out there building them a profile which tried to get people confused about what villainy really looked like. I do get told their need to make money off my work and rip up my career every day was not an unusual one, but I did not suppose that it was either; they usually claim they are running from persecution overseas but mostly what happens in their case is a relationship they had developed with law enforcement that had run out of resources to catch them as in the people who had done it.

In my position an Office, writing Books, looking after a Bookshop, and completing areas of academic work is not actually complicated or stressful, even if I had a second job by the wayside but we see the sheer level of practical joke distraction that have turned the fact it is a tight schedule into a death dealing arrangement while complaining about an attitude. Then there are the parts where I do it to myself because I missed a schedule and none can explain why they do it while a handful of idiots whose personal decisions are being made for them apparently, had a big mouth on what should become of my finances, amidst the complaining, during which time it performs all those gimmicks about chasing my private parts to link up the way they got to insert into public living through their community violent lasciviousness and makes sense of it with respect to Government Operatives, my public appearances and client interests, the filthiest of the abusive business of chasing my private body parts played up into the work and affairs of the people in Uniform, just to make sense of what it was about, while their stupidities made them victims as far as they were concerned the entire time.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland