So, there
is talk of other things I have been seen pondering and working which I have not
really mentioned around most of my concerns in a real way i.e., about the
comments I have made concerning Members of the Royal Family. The comments of
which were not necessarily for their ears anyway, it was for the ears of the
society and culture trouble makers linked with the Politicians who want my
whole life to make electoral careers with while the goons they send out to get
it for them work the whole thing on my finances instead; what happens is that
they get rid of friends and burn the Public to keep out the enemy and so
Royalty is never in a good place where their vanities are concerned, which by
the way is largely wildly everywhere – so now they have become friends of the
Royal Family like I manipulated them into doing. It is what the processes of
taking from people what people do to keep rules enforced in terms of what they
stand for does – not just making it impossible to look after a job and career,
it also causes the victims to attack those that mean something to them – this
is the chief reason I do it to these goons as well. They do love to excuse it
all with claims I do not believe the Politicians are in charge of governing the
Country and need to be taught a lesson on that but the reality is rather that
apart from the narcissistic nonsense at Industry and Celebrity culture they
build to get rich quick by from the above mentioned stupid sets of behaviour, I
have made it clear to everybody I do not like Celebrity culture and Popular
culture being built up my Public image; I have dropped out of University
because they will not stop doing so, I have ended up with a reputation that
says I will never get jobs from the part of society occupied by Men because I
stand up to myself pretty much every time I step out of my door but it was
since 2001 I made it clear I did not fancy it, we are now in the year 2018 and
it has raged on at National Media every day since then. So obviously matters do
reach a stage whereby they are serious issues but for these goons it depends on
where they want that stage to be. It’s a matter of Popular culture up my Public
image and personal life, so that everything people say to me as a matter of
being a good looking person with a personality that suggests I am successful
becomes some sort of confrontation and leads to more serious issues rather than
just a pass, as there is Popular culture and Celebrity culture running all over
it, then the loss of identity that follows, compounded by their stupidities working
abusive happiness at Industry to get rich quick and they say I do not think of
them as the people who govern the Country, looking for more.
My opinion
as such is that it is all good to go with any freedom that involves taking away
what I have done to stand up for myself but then again true to the manner of
the stupidities of creating problems for themselves that they blame others for,
I am not the one complaining of the effects either.
Now they
say I have problems from all angles and still believe I will hold Royal Office
the way I am and it is utter nonsense as well; there is a very simple
explanation for everything that happens around here i.e. one does not whine and
complain over Royal duties lest all the little things people do to bully you at
a distant with distant violence becomes something everybody can tangibly feel
but while this is never what I do, every fool with a Public appearance that
makes them think they are famous and every git with Media to play with simply
has a need every day to pick up idiots that have been busy with such things and
get them to deal with anything I have done to them over the physical handling
and damage of my finances academics by claiming they have a piece of my life
and career to make money from and then extracting money from my public image
and career by celebrity and popular culture, further garnished by media fools
and celebrity idiots telling me what to do and mocking me in public places as
well. So technically the answer for all my problem would be when I got rid of
the Celebrities and the Media as everybody can see that while I do not complain
about my duties so these sorts of things might then exist, they have now got
Books I have written to make up their own version by all together, so nothing
they experience shall ever be explained the way they understand it anymore if
they have my Books to make sense of their bother with all of the time. The same
old business of foolish people starting to make sense of those times they
thought that damage done to people’s finances and academics adds up to their
civil right i.e. I have supposedly now become the guy who knows what to do, so
I might get off telling those who are meant to lead and will teach me where my
place is if they are not in positions of leadership – the stupidities have now
come to a head naturally and the outcome is that each time it sees me getting
bullied, it will do nothing whatsoever, when I stand up for myself it then
organises itself into cultures and societies comes through to take the Lion
share blabbing nonsense of what it thinks I will not do to completely destroy
it the next time they put it in my face, leaving me with a heart beating out of
my chest while the other scum that likes to stick me in the deep end starts to
think he has become a successful racist and now I am being told that I need to
separate the two, then attend Church while they got about doing me violent
favours when we have already clashed over getting those stupid Culture and
Society to understand that my security comes from God, while there is no way of doing that all
together, continually even when they hate my guts and cannot get past any 24
hours without complaining of me on Public Media, as the ethnic minority ones
will not find their mates and keep off my case for their part as well; they
think they are teaching their children to be insulting and yet if I started
spending time on making sure I took away from them everything they did to stand
up for themselves as well, we would see them fail exams in school while I get
to decide exactly what the idiots should be doing with their time all together
but until then, these fools will never find their mates and keep off my case –
so the piece of advice remains the same i.e. whenever it happens, they can
explain it the way they understand and keep their stupidities off my Books, it
might be a warning to say so if I were referring to normal people. They speak
of people who do not fancy me at the Monarchy naturally; on one hand it’s about
the Wife to be of Prince Harry descending from the Caribbean which is usually
more a case of a higher degree of what we see the fools do on the streets when
a Member of their Family has joined the Military, developing right up to a
criminal loving point, where the trend is to have people that can do violent
things for you or pick on those who do while trying to get away with it all day
long but when the Politicians do come through with tax payer funds to help them
considering it is what they spend all their time on, it is never the end, it is
still getting on my nerves to blow off its big mouth all over the place. About
which I am already a Member of the Royal Family and do not need to marry into
the Royal Family to be one but this marks an example of the kind of situation
where I am Member of Royal Family marrying into Royal Family and then those who
have a problem with that will end up with a problem, those who think I am not
Royal as I was not born into the family will have a problem and it will all end
every well too – no idea what they are after anyway but we all know it’s the
same group of trouble makers at the Monarchy who tend to miss me over strange
things I pick up and do repeatedly so that it feels as though whole populations
were getting fucked, especially when HM is on overseas duties. It’s one stupid
responsibility after another concerning the fact they want to lead while they
still need to usurp what I do to defend myself when being bullied and dream of
me getting involved with a gang fight all the time – the bloody idiots have a
need to chase my bottom all the time as though I am the one with a criminal
record but wants to be famous as well at the same time and all that distant
violence distracts me from every important thing I am doing because there are
purposes unintended for their stupid media jobs and any tool for public
appearance which they have at their disposal, about to annoy me well enough for
them to lose it too. The insults are usually what they want to do with their
time, I rather think I am now completely fed up with what they experience
making sense to the world around them over my Books; they need to stay away
from the Books.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland