Now they say I have a problem with famous people but since school we have always known people who tell lies all the time and spend most of their time in public places working very violent lasciviousness and an inane desire to see people get into trouble with high criminals when their needs are not being co-operated with or met as notorious, I am lost as per whom exactly they think considers it famous but so have I always maintained the person who told them they were famous must have been as insane as they are, showing up here to tell me I have written Books that cause nostalgia and should not have been written, therefore they will confiscate my Royal Estate and overwhelm everything I do in public in order to, then sit about mocking and laughing when every single thing I do is met with a labour over their insolence – apparently of which now it is becoming a fight, it is not clear how people get killed on my account just yet all together in their view. There is that old question of why it is people hate me so much but it’s an old case of pure evil and plain opportunism; they always say their wickedness are things that may not be alright to be as a Christian but helps them get through life all together, on the other hand however you soon find yourself fighting for your very life and existence in a neighbourhood because they might have seen it as convenient – they will then build a sub culture out of it and expect others to think it is right to assume that when an extremist group captures them and turns the whole business into an imagination it would not have amounted to torture but then again of which these are very stupid people and if they will not be keeping their senselessness that allows arguments that scare people off my Books and show the devil is powerful away from all my concerns on the asking, there is no doubt as they can see, that I will cut their own to pieces and see if it will not play out a prognosis that not enough have died yet as well as it were. So that they can tell me my actions amount to torture too but that is largely a matter of where you are as a stateman and where people need to be as well if they want to drag you out of an office that cleanses you of violent behaviour as a way of sorting out problems into a fist fight on the streets and so if an extremist group handles the whole thing it will not amount to torture as well. it’s never really a problem save the bit where peoples senselessness is developed around my career to prevent it being financially successful when they build up reasons to scare people off my services on Media and become some money market bullies as a result; so now they know how stupid they can get, that they need shut down their insulting media comments as the Books are for sale, they have realised too what normalcy should be and where respect is located even though they are not giving any. They do say it’s an official welcome to the club of those who like women that are older than they are but it’s never really been an issue – I have people interested in me that have as much to lose as I do because there are certain public places responsibilities about my person which are not a second question or a problem for me in anyway; so, this gimmick about those who fancy older women was natural and entirely predictable, I simply do not see myself losing sleep over it. I hear of that complain I am throwing it all away at Journalists and entertainers but we all know there is nothing thrown away if people are not going to the Monarchy to wreck my finances knowing it will leave the finances of Royalty to be determined by Journalists and entertainers which will create a problem for them; it’s the same case we see with goons ripping up the bits where other Royalty around the world may fancy my work and help me to a break at some point with television advertisement especially the Germans and it’s all very well until I start to display it on my U-tube channel with comments attached. It’s like when we hear them say I use racially aggravated language which of course I do except when I do it’s a matter of following on from the desperation of fools that have built all they want in this world around seeing me claim I am a better human being than others are, so the problem is that when I use it I tend to get away with doing so; it’s very evil stuff you see – that there was a fight at work today and then another the day after and the day after and the day after because there is this fool who does not think you can exist without him spending your temperaments making you grapple with the evils of his society and his personal problems especially those associated with his immoral lifestyle and they do always say it happens because they have problems but so is it always clear that they have problems whenever they are evil.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland