Now talk
about cheap cancer drugs on the NHS can cause wonder any time but the reality
however is that it should not, since we know the real problem is that the NHS
has never once been managed with any of its pros and cons, just like the rail
service. They say it has millions of pounds paid into it, but it also has
millions of sick people, so if people want to do business with the NHS without
considering the fact what it does is provide the cheapest health carefree at
the point of need, they might want to strike out and move on, otherwise play
ball and there is no more to it than that. I mean the only thing that is holding
back availability of cheap drugs at any rate is research, so there is an
attitude in the UK where we do things on the basis of peoples cultural power
and the trend effects it creates on the media instead of facts and reality; so
that the reason we spend government money on the guy who puts in 5 hours
research to create £1000 drugs, instead of the guy who puts in 20 hours to
create £200 drugs that do the same thing is because of peoples cultural power
and the things they might do with it on media and we do this all of the time,
all the way to the mail service – when it is obvious nobody told the big fat
companies not to put in enough research time to create drugs that will be
preferred because of their price. They always make that excuse of the need for
market to operate freely without government interference in terms of the NHS
holding its ground in the health market sector in the UK, but it is utter
nonsense because since the reality is that they lazy around on grounds they are
waiting to buy the intellectual property off the guys that put in the hard
work, the market is clearly not as free as they have professed that it should
be. So that big fat lazy companies who think the NHS can never go under, will
turn up with minimal efforts put into research to sell people expensive drugs
and when you ask them about it tell you why you cannot sell your house to buy
the drugs for example if you want to live, which will steadily develop into
attrition as well.
The part
where I am stuck in financial problems I will never get out of does not apply
either; that is media fools turning out to lay hands on things I like to do and
then attack me with aims to bully me into making sure that it is what I sell
instead of my books and that they are making sure I am worth any money I get
from selling it as well; the Civil rights matters they were beaten at and the
feminism that beat them as well, concerning which the civil rights fraud must
now turn out to be successfully as a lucratively chosen victim with the use of
government office that was their own as it were. I do not think it is worth
wasting time on because of course it never does to get after things that may be
closely related to what you have decided to do when you have decided to do it.
However their actions have courted consequences as well since it happens when
people are evil and I mean not ideologically evil but the practice of evil kind
of evil, where they get on media to ensure it is what I like to do that I must
sell to people and that they are bullying it out of me and that they are also
taking position to ensure that they wring the worth of any money I make from it
out me so to speak. I have taken away from them half of that their world and if
they were normal people would have noticed it does not work to pass insults at
people and tell them you do not want to hear it, which then creates self-improvements
for you that creates fame and fortune at a later date and as I have warned will
take the half that is left over as well, provided those insults continue where
they address me instead of reading the bloody news especially and cannot get of
my books or buy a copy of their own if they want it so much. I mean they have
recently started talking about companies I set up to secure and win concessions
whenever I want, alongside their MPs who want to make more money with my
property in the most insolent manner imaginable and talk rubbish in my
direction all the time with respect to women and their foolish boys who will
beat people up to protect them while they screw around with men like me,
concerning which at present they hate my guts and the reasons for that are not
farfetched and the MPs can get off the government property and get on the
streets so we can see them if it means so much as well. I don wonder if the
idiots beat their wives because they are being nice to me or because it is a
sign of something more serious, I should be worried about as such.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland