I am really not to be counted among those who think that Popularity and Popular culture vandalism have got anything to do with the way anything is or normally is or used to be – I am aware of the nature and purpose of Office popularity culture however which is a separate matter. I am already aware for example that these is nothing about it that is not an evil thing that people should warn their children again. So the understanding they have with me is secrete hatred based very intrusively insolent discrimination that aid them to get rich with my earnings, divided into the three sectors of parents who make claims about their importance and are determined to ensure I get satisfaction from seeing any job completed because it is the route to insolent fathers setting in on the power that exist over all I do to gain money from my work with their insults and proposed stupid violence, their businesses that will do nothing else on a daily basis but extract an income from my income with any rubbish they refer to as products which is entirely typical of what deviance do to peoples earnings and savings, except that for me there is so much disrespect from them that they actually control mine or rather feel that they do as such because as they claim, they know where my books are and there are things they can do about me if they wanted hence I need to co-operate, while their stupid children that always endlessly have visions of what belongs to others belonging to them spend all their days on public television doing what deviance knows how to do with peoples livelihood as best as they can, alongside their gang idiot, football business idiots and football celebrity fools.


I mean, I am regularly accused of letting the lower classes get the better of me but it does not actually work in that way; what really happens is that they wake up every day to plan out how they must manipulate me and nobody who has to live with the idea of that sort of a state of affairs would fail to loose their temper for it. They never listen; with respect to matters that hurt you their ears are for other purposes and likewise matters that apply to their own benefit, they say I am not worthy to lead them, but they are the ones making themselves relevant to my job when I do not want them to be. For the lower classes, getting involved with them alongside other royal responsibilities in the royal village of the world is murderous and for the middle classes, they are the most filthy trouble makers imaginable that cannot live without mudslinging to get rich while saving their own jobs for money and the good life. The way it plays out of course is that mothers loose the battle to make their children better people on both fronts because not only have they got media but also once they had decided everything will operate through celebrity culture and that people like myself will be said to have liked them, then they have so decided which of course is infuriating beyond measure and when they are seen playing it off on the fame and fortune arena it is unbearable too. I do not like them in anyway; all they do with their time these days is pillage my income but it is still the case that they are not given Power, Wealth and Privilege at culture which makes them famous, they avoid culture and history to get fame and have recently changed to have their lives like royalty because of their confidence in their drugs and crimes and violence which is well noted too especially the fame idiots who cannot get off my Television singing rubbish to abuse me and singing my intellectual property for a living - most remarkably it should be noted is the fact they appear to have gotten used to it and need to be reminded to get out and get lost and find ways to telling stories about how Politics is the way to get things done to absolutely anybody because they have respect for nothing in their stupid lives, as early as they possibly can (the foolish men and women who support it in royal circles and the insults especially what appears on media and social media of their stupid children combined with access to my state provided security will soon see one more of their violence over absolutely every move I make mean I get to show them what their insolent stuff looked like in the first place).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland