Of recent it is said that Americans think it was imperative that British Politicians got me under control but I cannot see what they hope to achieve by doing so anyway; what is really happening is that they fail to make sense of the way that villainy works and then their soldiers die at duty and their British idiots who have failed to sell state secretes in a way that puts certain character they think it costs the public too much to care about at their stupid mercy, got to decide for them who was responsible. Then again it’s a whole industry out there of very stupid Americans progressing from calling me names, the stupid women wanting to move into my life to make sense of processes of marrying and serving in a household their insanity and their stupidities showing up here to pretend they had power over a singular person in this place – progressing as such from this to a case of poking, pinching prodding, abusing to make sense of their personal problems; sometimes I am being harmed while they draw attention to racism in order to make sense of it, other times the point of call is inequality and other times its poverty and it is incredibly difficult to find anything else so stupid anywhere in world. So, the real world suggests that it is possible for me to copy this as well and since my career and the world that I do is very separate from it, difficult to determine how being controlled by British Politicians would help their cause.

We know their twats here in the UK would not allow me a moments peace over it and I have not been able to account for the way 3 years of my time has passed but they are idiots hanging about somewhere with gimmicks that set agenda for my bookshop and wreck my finances, talking nonsense about country ownership, community ownership, civil rights ownership and so on, which causes the tummy issues and incapacitates me while I chase my career, blowing off that big mouth as if it was all over while we know it’s far from over even more so at this stage, as long as this nonsense persists. Again, I fail to see how being controlled by British Politicians to serve American politicians would help their cause, but we can see that when it will not stop setting trading agenda for the Bookshop its stupidities created and the Books its foolishness wrote while it kept its salary, it will find time to blow off the dirty mouth like so every time it shows its face in public, at my expense.

So, it is all a consequence of an assumption that ignoring them solved this problem, something about what their crowd mentality insolent stupidities have recently gotten accustomed to, looking for a response being that handling me is currently one of the most pleasurable that there is.

They do claim the point they were making is that my type and abilities should be fighting to keep others safe but does not wish to do it and I really do love to play with it too. That said, children raised in military academies are usually different from Children raised in civilian schools and we all know that these children are able to tell when somebody has a job that is associated with National security and when another person does not, apparently which the Politicians do not, so when they want something from others it is set in stone and worth an 18 year destruction of a person’s career and finances to get it, except they are now working on the business of controlling me after years of setting themselves promises that they hung about somewhere working against and it is therefore unbearably annoying. I am certain it is possible to see the kind of pressure they put me under when harming me to make sense of their personal problems is the public leadership that they were providing and how it was completely detached from my career as well, hence the prospect that should it lead to a fight because the fact they kept their salaries while they were at it provided enough encouragement for them to do so, it is quite certain they will wish that I did the fighting as they would want me to and this is something that they will never get too, it will certain go beyond those gimmicks of doing whatever they liked at Government Offices to pick up morally upstanding persons whose lives they wanted to completely wreck as their stupid exists, then show up here to control me. I have for my part run whose scenarios to find that I do not really have enemies that I needed to pay attention to as such, I could only do any fighting for them if I enlisted in the military and this is not the work that I have at hand presently. We find them claim that it is something that the Monarchy does all the time while we know what the Monarchy does is a completely different case i.e. I for instance am able to draft a process and get people to enforce it at government to prevent the destruction of civil living by culture and society gits if I had to but there would be no way to, if Celebrities picked it up, made a mess of it and built a Crowd that tackled me each time their stupidities were affected by the problems and it always produces the same outcome i.e. Celebrities were big enough to take care of themselves hence they live in a world where people ended up in hospital beds on account that they were making money, the other goons who really enjoy abusing younger people too much, soon end up in a violent situation with people that are worse than they are and they come up with ideas about the way that my personality and body type should be fighting people to keep them safe and will not stop handling my Bookshop to set trading agenda that helped control my finances in a bid to accomplish this nonsense thereof. It is a completely different thing from a handful of scum building up from an 8 year period of me ignoring their abuses to tackle me over their own personal problem and then come up with ideas about controlling me at the end – in the meantime, the idiots have built a power crowd that makes sense of my personality and gets people to share it talking to me as if I am one of their stupid children all the time and they are always violent about it, had ideas about my tummy and my bedroom window every day, now it wants to control me like it thinks it would be a fabulous idea if the whole thing blew up in their faces, talking nonsense of the way the Queen defies men on my account at the same time – simply cannot let people be, just impossible to keep its stupid hands to itself as such I suppose. I am set to copy this naturally and make sense of this nonsense where their white boys had access to CCTV and used it to ensure everything I came into contact with was a means for bullying in search for their stupid self-improvements every day, after which they keep their incomes and blow off the big mouth at me on media and I will begin my own processes of harming them to absolve my personal problems until I am rich as well – it needs to stop blabbing about handling me. There was the part about the Military going the same way as well; first there were officers who were enjoying a lot of success at their work, then they felt it did not facilitate a process where their stupidities were being served power and so they drafted their idiots into the security services and set about persecuting me, having now reached a stage where they thought I ought to be controlled over their own frustrations and short comings.

It would appear I am at odds with the Politicians naturally, whenever this case of what it would appear to be if I got off sending the goons they groom to make contact with me and exhibit their stupidities that encumber my careers, where their local constituency offices were located arises, to set out the idea that I am the one behaving dangerously but before then, they were all responsible for obtaining permission from the Queen to form a Government and people made it up as they went along at Parliament. We find their idiots can never stop pointing out I am likely to be the most annoying character they have ever met but this nonsense about living in a fear their sense of entitlement will entitle itself to my social life and career and then my life will be over is still their strong suit and needed to be exercised every day. Eventually we hear I am loving my servitude of the Monarchy while we know that tyranny was a habit and that we were all human on all front and that when we end up with one of those, some of us will get killed before it got better as it were.

They always say that I am suggesting my support for the abuses that they claim they get from the Monarchy and its utter nonsense – I support what the Queen does to control them at Parliament as they are no Celebrities and the Queen cannot say they were big enough to handle their own enemies by themselves, so everything they did was still HM responsibility. I on the other hand work my Hermitage in a manner that the Queen really likes i.e. they believe I cannot consign whole communities to history because I would like to own a successful Bookshop and this is what is being put to the test, to consign them to history, such that they hated a particular person or business but if they needed the products, if the products were essential they couldn’t avoid buying it, in which way they got to stop handling me while politicians facilitated the means to whip me with immoral men and immoral women society stupidities that have already stagnated my career and academic pursuits while their silly American friends cannot have enough, at the end of which popularity fools show up here to attack me over what I had said to disrespect women and get the responsibility for female communities in their lives, which they have corrupted to the latter, off their hands in such ways. They do claim that what they see as abusive activities from the Queen is stirring up instability and its utter nonsense too, instability is stirred up by goons who have been working republican sentiments, who then go off to do areas of the role that the Head of State performs, with respect to public and national security activity and it’s a whole world of all sorts and indiscipline getting them to make sense of their hypocrisy at Parliament and attack me over the way their immorality and the need to shove it around and trash my concerns, affects them.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland