I know it is said there is a real need to know what I think about when I am being abused by others, I however have no idea exactly why people want to know what I think when I am abused. The facts of what is happening of course being that for those who turn up to abuse me at random, I am sure they are aware of what everybody knows must be done about those who have a statement of intent to commit crimes. It is the people who make me more susceptible to abuse and make me more available to it as well I always have a problem with and saying I need to do something about and react to them means I need to do something about that drag queen community, that stupid media, that stupid city identity, that stupid partying and clubbing and so on, which of course are largely things they have the right to do with their own choices which they can do without affecting me in any way for their part too. So status is that I now know I have a problem with my temper and I know so because I have reviewed the fact that when people call me a cunt I want to take it through to the US and the special relationship, through to the International Community to find out what they go there to do in the corridors and so on because before then they will have insulted me to desperation first and then when they see me get tired of it start the derogatory name calling which is a statement of intent towards violence. So the outcome is that they handle my person and my possessions without permission, illegally and because they have damaged the finances think at least at present I do not have the means to address the problem, so they move on to a statement of intent to the effect of a derogatory insult which is to instigate violence – I always think they do because they feel like they are really, really, tough especially the blacks and more so because they share a skin colour with me and for it somebody I must enlist to soften them up as well so we can find out who the Cunt is. The next best thing to behaving like this is that other part where they claim I call people derogatory names as well and will be made to pay for it; I am not denying I do but I am making it clear the purpose is that handling my person and possessions illegally and also without permission, finding out it requires all your time to do so and that you are so full of yourself that you believe I must now remit something towards your own self maintenance for all those years you would have spent time on what is important to you instead with a big mouth yapping of how you can do and undo handling me, while you have damaged the finances which will ensure I cannot address the issue which then progresses to derogatory and violently abusive name calling which is a statement of intent and thinking it is fun and even abusive fun gets to apply that the civil rights is no longer relevant if society is willing to tolerate all that while it happens to me on account I am royalty and therefore have no human rights due to the fact that I have something everybody wants to have and it does not work with the modern age to exist in such ways – this is where they start giving up the human rights and civil rights as a community – like I said they do it because they think they are tough and somebody I will enlist to soften them up too, those stupid insults of which have a very special place in my heart as well: the answer to the question then is yes, I do call people golliwog mouth etc – it’s a start and we will go from there. Worse case from here on therefore is the part where I have said these things and some media idiots can get off and extract all the glory for themselves from it and return to surround me with problems like I have them as well instead of going away and staying off my books – but it is not a new story, he who says the media are not troublemakers should stand up and answer the questions.

Their strong defence is endlessly that of how I have a problem with feminists but I do not have any problem with feminists just a problem with thieves that like to think they are feminists on account they have refined their methods so well the law cannot do anything about them and are now set to steal from me and get help from popular culture men to be rich and famous and get into dispositions where people can be branded thieves instead of them which means they can continue perpetually. I feel as though I am being burgled, every blessed day around here and it is this same feeling of insecurity that I wish to visit on them in order to bring this matter to a resolution - no such nonsense as being charged with making sure I do not sell my books by members of the Royal Family or Politicians I may have criticised, since we all know be that true or not it is them that have an abusive habit of deploying my public work to make their own fame while messing up my leadership to assume all kinds of nonsense they are not to me and get me stuck with their community croons in order to do that. They might be having a party now of course but so does everybody know that once I start there is no stopping as well; in short, they are thieves and I do not have a problem with feminists. Naturally they say when their stupid men and community croons come across what I have said or written it will create more problems for anybody that is associated with me - that big mouth all the time but if I ask questions they will say it is culture; last we checked the need to make them come up with new ones so we can find out how anybody will get killed for screwing around with them, it was a case of getting on media to make up a different version of what happened when I kicked them seriously along with those their popular culture celebrity idiots, this time the challenge is fired off of course but nobody knows what back up they have yet.

There is that talk that I interfere with peoples businesses of course but I don’t; there are two issues in the matter, one of them is that of people and their media fools cashing into my market by handling and shifting my products illegally and as I said have refined their methods so the law can do nothing, the other is people messing up my shares in companies that give me one through equity brokerage or companies that broker property securities with me, which again is available to all so I can do some work in a backward facing country for a living. Now we have reached a stage where they need to stay off those shares and stay out of my market and tell their stupid girls and useless women to keep off me in order that we might determine which companies broker equities with me or not and which ones I have shares with or not, so that we can determine if as they normally boast, they can handle it if they want to and there will be no consequences. I mean when we talk about taking up my market by shifting my products all over the place, we are talking about getting out of bed to get involved with my fans to bully them and change what people think about my products then sell their own instead, we are talking about all these activities carried out by idiots who complain they walk into the office one day and realise somebody they don’t know has been claiming to have shares in companies they run, we are talking about nothing that stimulates you in anyway whatsoever like popular culture and partying and stupid insolent young people being used to ensure that their business cannot exist unless it does in the lives of my fans and my market and now I am the guy whose royal reputation, public work and fame they like to cash into and get involved with anything they like, that they claim they don’t know and have never heard of when it has been going on every day for more than decade now. Then when they do these things and lose what I own join me with media and offer distracting and abusive sex because of their fanaticism, so that I can never feel good on account they exist and have needs and that big mouth never knows its level too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland