I do understand a case where it is said that my version of religion and most who are associated with it are a religion that do not allow discussion but I fail to see where it comes into the picture, what we do know however is that it is ever mentioned that Evangelicals really have very little respect for other people’s calling – what happens with the Anglicans mostly being that it is a way of worshipping God which places a lot of emphasis on Choice – so we find that I may have set out a way of restricting the movements of violent people which ensures they hate my guts but can do little about it, whilst other people’s main preoccupation is to decide that the daily updates I put up on a website are mired in obscurity, people have lost their lives because nobody else has been able to do any of the things that I have done during the time they had their fun and we see it everywhere all the time; say racists can either kill people or not kill people and there is no try, people who want to beg the racists for their lives can beg the racists for their lives and there is no try, we find the Evangelicals have no respect for peoples calling until the civil rights movements is what everybody is caught up in, which provides them ample opportunity to provide loutish leadership while people get killed in the middle and there was little opportunity for those who had not yet believed to hear of the gospel. We see it all the time with them either saying something about me being a failure due to my lifestyle while they spread rumours that let them finger my bum if they desire it as though their stupid lives depend on it, while making out I will get beaten up for the bad smell it causes as well all together, as if one might have been a novice when it comes to the way evil and wickedness works and those who have acted in violent ways have not actually considered their own choices and decisions in the course of doing so as well or we can easily find them claim my problems are a function of what I have said about their great Liberal leaders or we can find them doing both altogether more so. In terms of being a failure of which it has been decades now of daily abuse and a state of perpetual tiredness for me because of a need they have to make statements about respect for my mother alongside showing me there are more successful ways of making money other than attending school – now the stupidities want to extract an income from my Public image and then tell me they are famous and every day will see them get on media to push misogyny they have built for the purpose of getting rich quick on me as hard as possible using a media job that has already gotten to their heads and it contrasts with all those times when I travelled with parents and people I knew and the times I met dignitaries, which is usually the things that add up to a process where you know how to work a crowd to your advantage and make a living with, not these scum persecuting me because they got off to get money off rich people that make it to fight others and their bottom hurts because of it, talking rubbish about how I am a failure as well and we can see that their need to show up around my concerns and damage my finances being cynical while they make me deals to be me or live like me will end very badly before it stops too. As for the things I have said about their Liberal leaders, it is an old story that the thousand and one people who are right about what to do will never be heard until a lack of civil rights is killing people, so that when racists talk about superiority somebody else can talk about civil rights from a government office to set the stage for what the Country should be while everybody else who have been wrong until civil rights started killing people will do their bidding with a big mouth and we see even Obama just like Nelson Mandela can never talk about his problems in public if he can lift a weight off his chest making a mess of my life through which his problems can be seen clearer than if he talked about it by himself, developing this question of how long it is really possible to sit about having scum play with your income so they can get past various mile stones passing incredible insults at you and what exactly did get to make it an activity that is worthy of the Church all together anyway. I do get asked what my barrier is but it has always been the same case as ever i.e. the Men will groom you into somebody that is detached from your personality so it might be possible to take a risk of murdering you to claim or make use of it depending on their needs, when you have defended yourself from it you will already have ended up with a story behind you which says that whatever you can do women can do better where women want to be you, get rid of you and then tell you what to say with a big mouth all the time; chief of which is the bit where I mention that it is ever seldom raised as an issue that a large proportion of the female society really are very stupid individuals but then again I do not have a burden to carry either, since it’s the reason women are so judgemental of themselves - if somebody decided to model themselves as a Doctor while doing pornography and there was a likeness, we can understand why the Doctor will never give it a rest on social media until she was completely beaten down and humiliated - I mean ever since you were a teenager finding out you had bits and bobs and trying to hide them from the rest of the world, you must have imagined that after successfully doing so, it is the process of making a living or actually being a successful person that will have exposed those bits and Bobs so that men can have a go at it on account there are other people in the world who have the same sex as you do etc. I mean we are in this situation because I wrote a Book that people cannot crack to take advantage of me and get rich quick and it is a global uproar - almost uncanny if seen from the eyes of those who are not trained to know what I know and even so, it is incredible to everybody still that the fools who are doing it believe they have developed an excuse which suggests they are doing something good. The idea that I am mentally affected by social media does not apply either; we can see if people are superficial in the real world, they always want you to address them that way but when they are on social media they want you to address them as normal people – the problem being that it seems I have to get out of my Bed every day to deal with a Literary Empire that has only one mode of operation which has nothing to do with what it is i.e. looking out for Media and Industry goons who have a need to pillage it and get rich quick preventing people from buying and or reading the Books – so I do get told it’s my fault for not providing leadership for the Books all the while of which it is the media making a mess of it without reason, save sometimes they make it clear they get a kick out of my reaction, sometimes they make it quite obvious I appear a powerful person that they can beat and since I have criticised people in the Book they want to be the persons I criticised so they can practice oppression on me and it all adds up to series of relentlessly abusive and destructive behaviour which while it affects family and friends and property none of theirs is affected as well, meaning that although mine is their main preoccupation, they really have no respect for any of my personal priorities – so before I have people telling me that digging holes and setting traps for them that they know about but have to consciously get into all over social media as well was too much, the facts are here to weigh. The social media issue is always a big thing because the obscuring of everything I do and say by mainstream media is usually a damage of my business and the most popular case behind it is that I as much as thought about one of their ego fuelled television stars that love to borrow my Public image and claim that I am nobody first of all and that there is nothing to worry about as per even if I were, I would not mind. In the end it does not really matter if I am thinking about seeing them lose their jobs or not, they need to stop borrowing my Public image and stop obscuring what is happening between me and people on social media who are talking from homes and kitchens and bathrooms and so on and so I need be clear about what I am saying to them about my Books. They always say I could have done everything another way, but we all know I am an Author not a Trade writer, I needed to know that sharing what I knew took up all my time and meant there was no other viable career path before I ventured to write Books, not a publicity and money-spinning stunt. In the end there is always that question about my mental state which answer comes from two directions i.e. the prevalent sensibility is that only good looking people can be used by others and abused by others to make fame and public image and it has been that way until I came along, so that the story of suffering like that while they play up practical jokes that mean peoples disobedience is so rewarding they now live in your right hand and you are a vagabond, always appeals in terms of aspects of my life that I don't want – now we know ugly people are disposed to the same as well if I make fame out of their lives and garnish it with my own public image and other things I know – I can keep my head now that it is impossible for it to get around claiming I am the character it deploys to get things done after I dropped out of University due to their abusive bullying they call fame. The other side of the matter is the nature of my Books and celebrities showing up to be cynical and to make use of it and to abuse it and to ensure it does not sell to the Public, so I am stuck with the Problems I resolved to write them, and the Celebrities are stuck there too, save they have enough money to spend my whole life bullying me by which of course is proving not to be enough all together at this stage. They do all have their disobedience, all I have is the warning that none is to peddle either my personal life or my faith or my public image and those who would not adhere to it will feel me as well. They usually claim there is nothing I can do when they have a whole world of misogyny built around the fact I have an anus being enforced by a crowd and some society goons all day long but I can always do the bit about their relationship with their parents, whether or not they are respecting their mothers well enough like we see them do here endlessly, the fact when they run their lives other people’s lives comes to stop and of course their criminal record but it need not come to this as it is just a Book, they need to secure their own copy to get involved with my concerns the more famous the more importantly that they did. Of course at this point we will hear them point out my attitude and there is nothing wrong with it; its incomprehensible that another person’s salary is the reason somebody else cannot spend a bit of their own on my products even when they have pointed out that they need it so often and it has developed into years of none sales and money I need to go out to the market place to recover lest the idea that I have not destroys everything here after they had tasted blood so to speak – so it’s a group of people whose stupidities know no bounds and need to stop playing stupid games with me, get a Book and the more famous is the more important that they don't show up here to play up silly practical jokes that turn me from a normal person into an animal as they make use of me without respect or payment, then tell stories about wanting to have a fraternisation with the Country like I do first because it simply never stops and is a hell of fun for them for as long as it has not become a serious problem to deal with too; blabbing which ones I cannot do – it never ever stops until it is physically stopped. This is largely a matter of celebrities setting me out as a character they are addicted to – so there is a lot of distress and abuse and insult and suffering involved while they run after the money and so on but it cannot be that difficult to tell them off anyway except the lack of respect for me is really that great – so we should set out how my mind works as well i.e. every time homosexuals start asking questions in my direction it is always built up from that process where they cannot have peace unless they have inserted their penis in my bum, every time narcissists chase me around at Industry it is the same problem – so it has come to a point where if they want to build popular culture on my public image they will blab about consenting adults crap and get be dropping out of University and each time they are told off, they have something to say about my very life and existence annoying them in some way, hoping to continue until they get their own share of what it is they have decided that they are getting by doing these things as a community; if they prick me I will like to show what I think about celebrities and homosexuals and narcissists at Industry and the likes of it too, otherwise I cannot understand what exactly is wrong with them and why they think they need to play with my income, why they think they need to make me into an animal by stripping me of dignity in that way looking for trouble with all that misogyny around me concerning my anus and a bad smell being enforced by society idiots and their queer goons running errands around me while I am left at the mercy of clinically insane croons as they cling to my life and work and all I own talking rubbish all over the place as provocatively as possible - it obviously a degree of insolence that beats the imagination and nothing more than that but I am tired of it always finding a way to beat out its stupidities on my Royal life and Public image whenever it wants the world to understand its insanity a bit better, especially now it thinks it is famous too. There is this case of social Media and what is happening with me about it naturally of which the only case with social media was always one concerning the mainstream media making a mess of everything I do most of the time, since we can see that social media is a matter of people talking from their own comfort zones most of the time, while it becomes impossible for me to be clear about what I am doing because the media is creating its own version alongside industry idiots making a mess the whole time. At the heart of it is this case where ugly people were supposed to be able to abuse good looking people to make fame and riches and we are now in unknown territory since it became obvious that ugly people can be abused by beautiful people to make fame and riches as well - in their case they use it to set out what besets them and deal with it in public messing up people’s lives, in my case I can mess it up too by setting out all its madness with reference to myself and it will still create the same fame and riches nevertheless. So in the end this is what they are really worried about while they tell me I am deluded about my ability; reality rather of course is that they have spent time on the rougher side of life and even with gangs and have trouble living with the fact what I have spent my time on can be used to make them obtain a clearer less delusional view of the effect their activities are having on other people and can in the same way be as dangerous as their capability for violence towards others. It all feeds into this story of what the case with women story all the time seems to be, it distracts from the fact I am an Arch Prince trying to sell some Books which is what this is all about and also distracts from the fact that when I am constantly being used by people in ways that I should not be by those who want access to and to play around with me it becomes a bit of a problem and I am not the one making public complains about it with their wickedness expressed all the time as well either. With respect to women of which the case is that whilst they cannot feel themselves and cannot feel life, they are nasty to women who are the keepers of the good taste all together and it is difficult to determine what their stupidity wants while it factorises all things on the basis of who is capable of more violence and successful violence to breed fear - in the end of which the films are better when women are relaxed and so are the documentaries and so are the Television and none tries to peddle my faith and personal life and public image without severe consequences after constantly warning them about it for the last 12 years everyday none stop. In the end, if people do need to know what my view of their madness is, they should see that I am able to work out that each time Homosexuals make a big case about me it is another occasion where somebody has obsessively had a fantasy of inserting their penis in my Bum and we find them talk rubbish about consenting adults the whole time as well, just like the narcissists and silly women that work with them talking nonsense about how I cannot deal with the reasons women become call girls and escorts while what happens is that when I don’t want them spicing up any sex lives at my expense they grab my work and run off to get rich, the men who do it pass around insults that are incredible when they show up at resorts, while they take off to ensure their kids are doing the same, looking for trouble the whole time (they all have their flavours but it’s the ones that show up at University to blab about the reasons women are escorts and prostitutes then when I drop out pass some exams and return to popular culture they did not need any education for in order to persecute me further that stand out the most, alongside the Muslim ones who are always following on stories of my personality being a function of sleeping with peoples wives because the fact it is a product of dedicating myself to service and to God does not allow a community to emerge where a suicide bomber can fester undetected); my point is that I have dropped out of University because somebody has fantasies of having sex with me that he knows my religion prohibits and now my Books exist in a situation where rules and laws of the land do to apply in terms of how it is owned and used - so if it tempts me further, what it is complaining about at present will easily become the least of its worries too, considering a respect for what others do for a living or stopping this behaviour of blabbing at me culture means here we are along with his family and when I hurt him they can hurt me as well nonsense that is the fall out of the most evil aspects of their deviance and city wickedness, stop it, clear my space, keep off my Books and move on, if they are complaining. So what we hear is that I undermine democracy but so are we aware it is impossible to have a conversation even with other people without holding your breath in turmoil while the Americans cannot have a conversation with anybody without talking about having the world’s biggest Military which is the bane of everything they do from Stock Market Trading to Internet Conversations and everything else in between, so it does need to find its mate and stop trying to push the talk loudest and be right all the time routine at me like we see on cynical media all the time. The part that really gets to make it a big thing is that their whole lives now depend on processes of going off to Industry communities to pass insults that me that will run all over the world in order to make money and I have informed them enough times of what those Industry Communities are like, informed them about Cake shop Industry Communities, where you walk in and the aroma is incredible but even if you did have the money to buy all the Cakes, that was actually the one that your placed an order for, which is why it will have been sold to you basically all together - so it cannot be seen passing its insults where its money is located or keeping its dumb students that do well in school fingers off my bum; what we see is what becomes of it when it gets past this stage and finds out that it can do a certain Politics which involves making money without working for it, hence all the abuse and insults we see all over the place and we all know the Industry Communities were a lot less strict than they are Today but it was never to be left that way, people had to exhibit these sort of behaviour a point, the point where it is all about the misogyny that has always been the corner stone of male success and a process of exhibiting the ones that are abusive and insulting enough to make them money and comfort according to the dire nature of their needs, concerning which as mentioned before, I have issued these warnings for years indicating they have been given enough time to select a different path, starting with when I dropped out of University after the socialists began a story of trapping those who know what to do so everybody might get ideas from them to get rich by and bring about economic recovery in that way - in fact this idea came to the head the year I dropped out of University and behold it was the same year that the economic crisis took hold of the world which meant that I had less qualifications and had an impossible task ahead of me, while they were still at it; I am not talking about dropping out of University because it is funny in any case either, we are looking at a case where for instance if a young family wanted to get involved with my concerns to sort out family finances and plan something for the Children to inherit, what we will find is that these fools have Media and I am stuck with the way that they want to have sex over it, so it is never really serious in their view until it actually is and we are here because they cannot stay off my case and find their own mates all together, just like we hear them claim there are big questions which need answering whereas what is really needed is practical jokes that everybody else can play as well, so as to live in a Country where they have instances in which they get to understand how others are coping or living with their behaviour, hence now they say I undermine democracy.

The Politicians are really good at making a mess on their behalf all over me and stifling my finances to ensure I make life easier by reacting to it; so one moment I am right and ten minutes later I am not - but if everybody saw the economic system as a thing they can go and take money out of, we would not have an economic system to take money out of; even when they have been able to make the money with fashion and Media and celebrity culture, covered their tracks by making a public show of what they have chosen to work on, we see that it is still just as abusive and destructive because they are narcissistic enough to make it that way. So those who ask me questions about being right one moment and not ten minutes later will get my answer too, get my answer when they feel they want to stop making practical jokes on matters which are deadly serious to me while blabbing about their needs being deadly serious the whole time - I mean I could do more than just tell them what the facts are of course but I will have been said to be killing the goose that laid the Golden egg on the sales, simply because I cared enough to ensure Companies existed which provided Families with jobs like everybody who has founded one understands but so does the question linger these days as per whether the goose is laying the Golden eggs anymore. The more important question of course being that of why I believe people should care about the economic system when others before them did not and I am sure they can see what I do and how I do it too and if they pillage my empire blabbing nonsense about being superior again, they will have another one to complain about too; we can see when the Politicians are good at the practical jokes right here, that the effort they need to cover their tracks after they have made money that they did not work for, if documented is enough to make the person doing so a job of their own - they would rather do a thousand things to avoid making money by working for it than work for the money because of something that was said, in which ways I undermine democracy as it were (People ought to earn their income not earn the thousand things that need be done to avoid a process or working for an income - needs to get off clinging to my Public image and stay away from my Books, stop doing what the media wants them to do to destroy any success for me and for others who follow me on the matter of abusive parents who are reasons their children's bottom hurts, we need to exist so we can see more of it in the future when they grow up themselves with this sort of behaviour, we have not annihilated their own and should not feel that they are our finances and wellbeing - they need to stop behaving as though it’s the one off, the younger ones who have a fear of work will grow up to have kids whose bottoms hurt because of their parents and may require the services of this Estate the way the ones we have today have an arrangement with me which means I should be earning a living when they buy my Books and so will I produce an Heir for this Estate, I am not afraid of annihilation and they need to stop acting in that way).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland