I am normally accused of never paying attention to the little I put up with, to respect the fact others have put up with that for all their lives on one hand but on the other this position does not apply because they are richer and of wealthier birth than I am after destroying my finances on this same premise and talking nonsense all over the public about keeping me out of the Royal Family for it as well, all the while, during a period where I have to keep the Royal Office - they even brag that it is what happens to those who try to be what they are not. So on the matter of being what they are not the issue seems to be that whenever idiots attended school with members of the Royal family they can handle my possessions and pretend I am a piece of wood without feelings and talk nonsense that nobody asked them about all over the place as well, on the other matter however, the reality is that I know what these fools have done wrong and the realities of it is largely developed around the fact they never do what they are told when they do not know what to do and they do claim people who have views of leadership such as mine never amount to much like their destruction here has shown that they might never be wrong but everybody should now be fully aware of how far they are willing to go to ensure others have to climb a ladder under them because of these things they do and it is never a mistake or a lack of hindsight either, we all know in terms of that for everything they fail to do there is evil women getting better off from it and then when done they impose their filth and homosexuality on other people religion and think that other peoples Royal Prince will on some excuse or another climb a ladder from under them which has landed us where we are today and whilst that media is still that salvation which I intend to take away from them as well, they still continue to savage my work and finances and boast all over the place to provoke me. The line therefore between what they have done as a matter of mistakes and what they have done deliberately to chase money and damage society becomes blurred all together while they pretend to have dominance where they have none and the media is a key item in that as well - it goes right back and way back indeed to the days when they are leaders of student Unions in Universities and Institutions - the attitude have remained the same and their insults I have had my fill of as well.

I still do not know, the idea everybody cares what they think when they are stupid and blunt, if it is the fact I know what they do wrong to deserve what happens to them that makes me the target all the time but I do know their wanton destruction of my property and the boasts that follow it will not go without punishment as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland