The idea I never take decisions which leaves people in the lurch all the
time mostly because I have not got a clue what I am doing is especially used by
Nationalists but expressed a lot by criminal fools; in the case of the
Nationalists their point is that they do Nationalism because an issue has
arisen when in actual fact they do it because of their wickedness and the
prognosis of a country where they have so much history that they can control
what moral people get up to, in the case of the criminal fools it’s just a
matter of how much money there is in the world and how getting all of it is
somehow connected with me which is entirely wrong. It comes down to the same
old issue in the end i.e. I am a Christian and they serve the devil but they
will claim there is nothing wrong with it except that I am certain the devil
will be just as pleased if they were t practice the wickedness they do for him
with their own hands instead of tell him to do it himself on themselves and I
am not suggesting they practice the wickedness out of their own choice and not
the influence of the devil because it is a nice speculation; it’s just a simple
fact that when you had set out to ensure you change the way a faith I practice
in my personal life which displeases you not because of how I do it or anything
you can envy but displeases you on grounds that it is real and not one that you
can simply tolerate, then it is not the devil any more, hence the way I deal
with it as well, setting out to change their society and cultures and homosexuality
and anal sex etc. There is really no such thing therefore as indecisiveness on
my part.
The bottom line however is that they need to do themselves a favour
especially the business freaks and money idiots i.e. count the presidents of
the countries of this world and count the diplomats and count me and then
specifically in my case make a clear square decision never ever to do anything
I do as well and then they will have nothing to complain about. The business
ones and money freaks are even more comprehensive because they speak of my
warnings which apply in the sense that although they might think I am not in
the league of the Presidents and diplomats nobody ever asked them and the main
issue is that I got a royal commission at 21 years of age and getting on my
case since means I am doing my academic work at this stage, to finish in a
couple years. I am not interested in any insult from them and am not giving
back the stupid left hand side either since this is my life and not their own
and they can move out and try to ensure they do not create the idea that
normalcy is when everybody in the world wants to be me and to do what I do as
well while they get to manage it. In the end the fact remains that people do
not listen to those who simply come from the blue so that when I gather my
things I need to do my work after settling my place with respect to extremisms
of the world which got me the attention of a Queen who gave me something to do
as well, they stay well away from it since I have had enough of them and their
insolent violent mothers especially at this stage and will show them no
quarters if I get my hands on that stupid fame culture. They stay well away
from it not complain of when they gather their get rich thing I handle and get
involved with it as well noise making; from that angle as it were.
With regards to the problems posed by Americans however, those at the
heart of it are simply looking for a story where it will be said American must
be seen doing its own thing and not integrating with the rest of the world;
since it is clearly second nature to me to do everything I do along the
prognosis of making sure Americans do not peddle my faith or history and more
so thereafter make such statements about a lowly person who thinks people want
to grab things he owns, typical example being that of a fame freak who does not
seem to understand you hate him and his insolently violent mother especially
when they are black and is therefore convinced they can do anything they like
with your person and or what belongs to you but there are some of them that
have something to prove as it were.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern