On the point that I am over optimistic about celebrities, I am not, they are not more important than I am, at the point that I began to complain about their abusive activities towards my career, the need to handle the publicity for money making, no matter what they owned, should have ended. It did not and so what we have is the economic work I had done for the public and before I could set up a sales structures to bargain with them and get the money over a service, they got in due to a lack of respect for my person, drew people away from mainstream economy, broke the academic system in return for prestige trading, make me out to be a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy over my business and economic cycle preparations, whilst my public service office investiture work where businesses viewed me as a strong hand to help transition during innovation was construed as a means available to them in terms of passing off my public image as their own to get rich. I now need to claw back the money because I keep sinking further and further solely because my money ended up in their bank accounts and they were taunting me with it, which they could always not have but clearly when you have not worked for your own, you would see nothing wrong with the idea of doing such things.

I now need to say for instance, some activities and the finances associated were specific, like those associated with abusing my storage and distribution arrangements or those associated with my public profile etc and retrieve the equities from them, top end action, create another wealth politics equity that will ensure they never cover their backside at my expense and there was a product they could not do without on the matter. Since the Books I have written already deal with their narcissism and misogyny to a great extent, I have started rather very well, at the same time inviting every git that is part of the King’s own narcissism that involved the idea I had stopped doing my duties and should be made to, need spend time with their own mates and keep their fucking hands to themselves if complaining about me too. It is always the liberal gits mostly, all those racist murders and crimes were worth it, whilst the rest of us think it was all terribly, sad, I was some big fish and they will eliminate those factors to get to handle me properly, rather than get a real job.

I am rather certain I did not need to take out a campaign that showed what I as really doing due to the sheer level of controversy these famous persons stupidities had created for me, if there were descriptions attached to the products. On their point that I always complained until the problem took care of itself, we know the problem was dirty white boy on being asked to clean the residential area, shares my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that fingered my bum over work I was doing to keep opinionated ageists off my career, followed on by its idiots at the NHS using the Ambulance sirens to run off a message until I could not step outside of my door without clashing with the fact the low lives said something to each other and people held secrets about me that were all bad, expecting that instead of an end in which I caught their stupidities and they took responsibility for their actions, they will instead push me into a fight, fail to do anything about the gits that attacked them whenever they got on with their jobs and run those sirens to send the message that the Police disturbs the neighbourhoods on my behalf, to which effect I should be made to be a man and fight my own battles, I will get into a fight with others on their behalf. It complains everyday about the consequences of their imagination getting into my panties as they lived in a world where what people did not want was what they got ahead and did and at the same time, this nonsense was still on.

Their getaway card apparently seemed to be that others were bigger than I am and I was warned they will take my career from me at some point, whilst the Celebrities claimed I entertained no sense of respect for other people, whereas nobody could testate to the idea that my disrespect might have caused them to end up on social security, like I have ended up on social security because of their disrespect, the other big people were convinced I was a character they could step on without consequences when it is not yet an instance where the main problem to solve was that we met and actually never should. I can only say that it needs to continue picking up my career publicity and interfering with my clients, considering it seemed to enjoy my response to the society gits who want me to commit crimes in order to show that I deserved not to be bothered at work, punishing me for work I did at private security industry. Whereby it is said that the private security industry work was the problem whereas it is not and I need to access my own work history: typically which is a matter of the work I did, some 14 year old was fooling around with it and three years later I met the 14 year old who is now a 17 year old girl still fooling around with it whilst I was trying to do my shopping, in which circumstances the conditions had changed as per celebrities had decided to trash my finances and show up on he red carpets being overjoyed for me that people were pushing me down using rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, like I really need to do some serious harm to some famous idiots to make their abuses go away; the society gits were always abusive in the same way, always showing up to look as if they were in love with those instances where those that can beat up never stopped lip flapping all sorts of nonsense and those that cannot never stopped hurting themselves, whereby it is the actual private security industry work I did which had pushed them off the edge and I had to be punished for eternity, these need to keep showing up as there was no prospect I will certainly progress from those abuses that they perform after they pillage careers to make people fighters whose bodies were being abused by enemies, giving them the license to do whatever they liked to my person, needs to keep showing up to make a mess of the Bookshop and my career publicity instead of pay for its own copy and find out what probability there is that I will get my fingers on the celebrity wealth, to pick up a stick for the well off neighbourhoods.


I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland