The resolution being that all applicable goons want to discuss in public places is that I am homosexual or that I have a problem with homosexuals, none of which is based on reality or fact – they are currently complaining about the time I would lose my temper and decide that everything which adds up to homosexuals being persecuted so their anal sex might be profitable is to be eliminated, so we might find out like we are presently how evil they are really are, when they need to get it out of me instead; besides which during the time of Civilisation such as Ancient Rome we would be dealing with homosexuals standing beside Emperors to request the burning or Crucifixion of some Christians. It needs to do nothing else save making sure nothing I am doing is done at the right time which will facilitate community croons gaining access to my Bedroom as time progresses and then it will decide after it had wrecked my whole life and destroyed people around me that its smelly anal sex can only work if it is making me sore all over to draw succour for it and we can see that when this becomes my Public image and my Royal work, there is no denying a lot of the things they claim is their civil right is actually very discriminative and very insulting. We understand them claiming that they are forced to go along with the will of the Church all of the time, which is utter nonsense just as we understand they are always threatening people over their need to have some money and that the Church teaches all those things that means if you do not work for it you will not have it, if you are not diligent and dedicated you will not be successful and helps them deal with what is besetting them but they would rather hate it and throw around their discrimination and insults all the time – so I get told that getting involved with homosexuals as separate from getting involved with the Church when I wish to do both being two separate things is itself discriminative. In any case of which if they do wind me up, they will be finding out I can cure people of the homosexuality if I controlled the Community croons and stopped people persecuting them, so that the anal sex might no longer be pleasurable and the Communities might no longer have a disposition for meeting, when the anal sex becomes painful enough, then they will stop being homosexual and I will have had some peace but we can all see it is not my own choice to make which is all the more important they need keep the insults off my case, their fingers off my Bum and stop showing up here to make out they are famous when they have their heads up my arse. The Politicians speak of the ease with which I do it and I am left wondering if they were hoping to negotiate with schizophrenia that spends its time smoking marijuana among other things in the Caribbean and then show up to play around with important matters happening in other people’s lives until it looks like a character people want to take jobs from, then cling to peoples public image and finger peoples bums unexpectedly to cause duress and make people understand it knows how to, where to and has the power to hurt them if it is not making money, then spend tax payer funds to help them assume a disposition over others as though they were important and thereafter a disposition on media which suggests they were famous; as I have mentioned before, it is a slippery slope starting to live in an arrangement where people are attacked because they are stupid as we justify ourselves in doing so but I am not homosexual and when I say so it should be enough. As for the things I do that are indicative of being homosexual, that goes beyond their disobedience and incredible insults finding a way to be financially profitable at other people’s expense like there was an invisible barrier stopping victims beating them up most of the time, it goes way back to when I dropped out of University because Lesbians were chasing female lovers and hardly something I started as it were; they are worried about what I am capable of but there is something driving them to do it all the time, so I should say I am perhaps not as stupid i.e. when I say I am not homosexual it should be enough. The whole business of dilapidated neighbourhoods full of criminals and violent people was never a freak of nature, it is made, made by these fools and I can always unmake it for them as we all know it’s never going to work making out somebody who thinks a black skinned person that believes the skin colour I share with him is a curse to me and his civil rights looks like that, should be killed as part of his lottery for being wealthy and important is the wrong thing to happen to society, while those who organise women and squander people’s property, destroy lives and families to make money by their disobedience and threats run wild uncontrollably; when I am say I am not homosexual it should be enough lest I play an artificial part in the way these matters work out altogether myself. Other forms of damage that are too costly to mention includes my marriage to my Court systems and the Women in it being jeopardised by such practical jokes, so when we work for anything a cracked up out of my league fool wants to do to determine what my bank balance would look like over his needs and an abusive tale of discrimination, makes millions of currency and conduct tribalism based raids on people’s lives and finances and property that he or she is certain will be profitable while they make up the reasons over the Laws of the Land as they go along.

The reality about me is that I was originally a very happy and content person and then I got off to my Church activities as well which the last time we checked if the stories these goons tell were to be believed, does not make people happy and content persons as well to add to that and thereafter which I got a Royal Commission from the British Monarch and Monarchy which thus means it is really difficult for me to be sad, what these goons do with me is to steal my equities and make money by making be depressed through their involvement bearing those stupidities from criminal activities and vices and there is no fact whatsoever attached to that other incredibly vicious tale that my personality is a product of sleeping with peoples wives.

Now I do get asked this question of whether I can make it very simple what the source of all my stress really is and of course I can; it’s all Celebrity cynicism; they wish to cling to my Books and finances and watch me suffer depression and psychosis, then make the problem so bad that I will no longer be able to keep the Books which they will then be the ones to write and become famous for all together but the whole thing comes at a price that causes them damage as well and the way to manage that damage is to seek a position that allows them to suck up to some form of power while blaming others for the problems. So I have come to the conclusion that since it is so difficult to be a Role model to Members of the Top Family at the Monarchy while Celebrities copy and make use of my personality and pretend to be me as disobediently as possible because they have need to get rich and so on, I must find a way to make the idiots understand by stopping it completely – for them it has always been a rather very simple question of whether they wrote my Books and therefore have so much rights as we see them claim to have in public places over it. I do get told I am a trouble maker as well but I am not the one that has formulated a way of handling peoples asset equity to make entertainment with and then no matter how much I make from it, never really a complete expedition until I had diversified the use of those asset equities into something that brings various racially diverse communities together as a business model; so the first time I had to tolerate it, they did mainly on the basis of involvement and how they had to control me to get what they wanted, now they have got some money they are doing it on the basis of new found power. So comes the question of why it really happens i.e. plain old laziness and a means by which to keep an eye out for the best things in life without working for any of it and as I have mentioned before, those stupidities are not some form of industrial manoeuvre, they are predatory – but the bit that brings about the problems is usually the part where they spend their lives chasing deviance to a stage whereby all the drugs and crime and criminals chasing them becomes something that is deployed as a tool to turn people like me into the criminals that want some of their Hyde which is what I am trying to prevent, hence all my stress. Of course they would hat my guts for mentioning it and they are not the only ones; the Politicians who spend tax payer funds on them to build their confidence then spend some more of it wrecking my finances and academics so they might look like they can teach me some lessons will hate my guts just as much; I mean they do have their own lives to make fame and fortune with, their own people to sell entertainment to as it were. The part where mentioning these facts makes me more vulnerable is utter nonsense of course; what it does is clear out the confusion on what the situation is, ranging from what I have mentioned above to the fact they behave the way they do because they are far more vulnerable to the nature of violence than I am but we see that the cynicisms from the same people who attack people to a point of killing and being killed over their hatred for those who judge them have wrecked most of what I have done here with fame base self-seeking cynicism and the problem is still on my lap as far as their big mouth is concerned as well, as they suppose I have no responsibilities all together and that they will continue to maintain access in order to feel safe and secure every time they wanted – if I am feeling vulnerable, I will start to look upon their stupidities as a form of damage, so I can rip up their own as well; it’s never really been too much of a problem for me, I got some Books published in an environment where there were a lot of Liberalist social media going on and they have always loved to get together and make out my Books belong to them according to the usual stupidities were are all aware of, so it has now become a question of what the future will be for their need to chase peoples bottoms and ambush people in every aspect of living to better themselves and mine specifically is whether they wrote my Books having such fun – I do get told it appears to be a problem without end which is so because it is a stupid things Politicians are doing alongside their Media goons; so typical case is for instance if I said I listened to 5 Hours of London’s Heart and at the end of it have decided I will be pillaging their profits as well for the next 24 hours, we tend to see them listen to what you are saying for as long as the feeling that you have not done far reaching damage lasts, see what I mean as it were.


The single biggest impediment to operating at the Company has not changed I should declare i.e. a process where I keep carrying on because I am not aware of how I am being treated and handled, not aware of how people are doing my stuff, not aware of how I am being harmed. It is utter nonsense of course and all it does is ensure I cannot go to the office to write my books in peace or sit down to trade at the firm properly or in peace and that gives the facts behind it all away i.e. they do not harm me, they are all thieves and you do not pay attention to thieves and their business, you do not say something about it or do something about it which makes them feel they can communicate unless you are trying to put an end to it; so it is usually not something I pay attention to unless their specifically elected Politicians from certain parties spend tax payer funds to ensure that I do but that does not change the fact it is all thieves business which is not my business unless I am a thief as well which I am not – so somebody makes music CDs stealing my income and another makes their own getting involved with me but stealing nothing, both are unacceptable and the reasons they hate my work is much the same i.e. I am either stopping the thieves of bringing the decadence of those who are not to a barest minimum that I can manage at will and that is reflected on all I write and say. The part where they tell me where I am supposed to be is meant to have been the point at which the warnings begin to come forth too as it were; since this is not their corner of the United Kingdom  here at home, not their corner of this village or indeed their corner of this planet, which they by right should not be living in or be seen to be living in at any stage and for any reason whatsoever and they are not harming me in anyway and need to stop flattering their self-harming stupid selves. So it applies they have their excuses ranging from racism to the fact slavery happened in the history of the world, right down to something bad which happened about which I failed to have a sympathetic view of occasions, amounting to problems and the need to steal mine to make it better – so it is all thieves business and I am not getting harmed by any idiot. They always say it is a matter of what I can do about it which is not a major crisis since we all know they live their lives in deviance because the result can only be that they continue getting better and better at enjoying life i.e. they lay waste their corner of the Country and the Village and the world they were born into and then they proceed to spend other people’s own and with that make friendships of convenience and money with it and can only keep getting better unto millions and millions and more millions of industries that are actually a fundamental menace – so in my view, there will not be a second warning beyond this: I already have systems in place to manage thieves and thieving from and at my company and yes it exists in the mildest form imaginable and will start to exist in vicious one as well. It is a fundamental reality that men have always thought that on the basis of all these facts and behaviour rules do not actually apply to them and all they need to do is find that place in their lives where that is the case and then they will be able to acquire everything that they have always dreamed of and they are always stealing from me because they forget I am a man as well and each time they recognise that fact provide leadership with it and the Americans are the most prolific offenders seconded only by Africans whose plight a lot of the times serves them well too and the Muslims think that with their terrorism they are the only men unlike cowards such as myself who are not being governed by world powers.

They do say I talk too fast and am always rude but it’s an old story about all my equity broker time being taken up by idiots who think they are successful and important enough to discipline others; time and again it shows up around my concerns to stifle my Books and work its stupidities, apparently this nonsense is what it gets into government buildings and Liberalism and Socialism to express the whole time and if it is, then there is always a reason or excuse for me to have all my time spent on it – every time I find myself sympathising with their stupid cause, all I am left with is this picture of an idiot whose friends and mates got ahead of and yet every time I am told it wouldn’t be a loss if it government buildings and city centre insolence learned from me for it, I am left with the fact it can never listen to anything anybody says to it. So I am eventually aware they are willing to change whatever the plans for change may have been but vanity at our age does not dissipate like precipitation, it just moves where those who own it do not wish to see it because something more important has assumed the space – I am going to keep my records of their stupidities and see where they intend to put their own blowing off that big mouth like that all the time, showing up here to play with me and screw up my Book sales. I am not a victim of sexual assault by women as many may suggest; it’s largely a case of insults and abuses and the odd bum fingering and penis grabbing nonsense that amounts to preparing me for a process where female influence is the same as male violence and I am in a place where I work for money and run from it so girls might be comfortable with it; so we have ended up in a position where they are always passing messages from stupid Politicians about what I am supposed to do to make some girls feel comfortable and we are getting to a stage where their insults will not let the process of taking from them the popular culture and celebrity culture which facilitates it to come to an amicable stop and hence give way to outcomes where they are passing messages to their stupid Politicians for me as well so an ending might be decided for the bum fingering bits of their insolence. It’s nothing unusual; if they are not complaining about me due to the fact that clinging to my finances to get somebody that will beat me up and thus make me let go of it didn’t end well, they will be stuck somewhere dreaming of me being in love with their civil rights and assuming when they handle me enough times being positive, I will end up in such a position as well. They do not trouble me in anyway, however they speak of how I am always untidy but trying to count myself among which was all their creation no matter how simple I made it for them to keep off my Books and my Finances and so this idea I make them nervous is utter nonsense, what does it is the fact I never get a 24 hour break from abuses and insults and interference with my Court which makes me appear to have been through the processes of gang recruitment, after which the idiots have no wish to work in the sex industry if they can have my public image and get famous peddling my faith and personal life instead – so now that they are getting serious I suppose we have come full circle. Nothing on this website has failed to indicate I run an Empire from a bedroom setting and there are matters around my work which are culturally divine and that I am the only one who does an Arch Prince’s Literary Estate in the whole of the UK and the world – thus I imagine it is going to be fun with their stupidities and those threats alongside it too. No normal person would get off chasing another person to attack and abuse them as a process of building notoriety that brings fame and fortune, but should a person take leave of their senses for it, how far do they go? Do they go right up to the point of building a public case about the persons private parts, do they do it every day for decades, do they carry on for eternity and when they become celebrities their victims must now sit out another process whereby they get married to gangsters – it is supposed to be a world where cowards can control the brave, which is exactly what is happening between government Officials and the National security services.

The other tale of how they want to see the softer side of me and then after that the nicer one is not an emotive one; first the Politicians spend a decade of my time ripping my finances and helping them build their own, after which it set out to sort government Policy on the basis of who is paying taxes which puts them in a position to have government policy decided in their favour but now this sort of stuff is only set to show that if they all got killed, their insults would have been the main cause; hence my question is whether I am being forced to show the nicer side of me on account their finances depend on it in this city just yet? We will not be talking about insults and abuses that understands I will want to make queer its society and culture so more idiots can tackle me with hurtful friendliness that wants to get along with those who make societies queer while they seek self-improvements as money loving madness insults and provocative nonsense they might also find stupidly amusing from the effects of me having done so in order to be myself and thus continue to get involved like it was their right as it were.


The popular story of how I had never reached a point where I am rich enough to be as powerful as I have displayed is very well understood when people are at the receiving end of recompense for their stupidities which they always think they can always exhibit if they have some corporate property or possession - the reality of course is that this is a Literary Empire and the products are things that are guaranteed to get sold but they are aimed at a very, very, very slim and thin market i.e. business men and Entrepreneurs with the liquid finance to develop products on the bundles of Equities and therefore will be happy to buy the books - so I do not see what sales idiots and goons who want to get to University and those who need a job want around my books, it is an Empire with brokered Equities, the Books are all Church things, Royal Office and Renaissance things and those who do not have money to invest should not want to collect them. The poorer ones can be part of The Company ecosystem if they are certain they can behave in ways that means I do not have to deal with anything like socialist idiots wanting the privileges of the rich when they are not there yet because they think they have found somebody they can torture it out of and so on: we all know it is how the enemies of the right and enemies of the left issues are created for people in The Global Naval Community which the other two fundamentalism really love to exploit for obvious reasons and more so Politically especially


I mean it really kills me when they start to talk about the need for me to change my physical appearances, so as to facilitate a process where it is not damaging for the fact they had a bath and dressed properly and are off doing something professional and well paid with their time, it beats my imagination so because we have not even started talking about a need they have to invest some money that is going to pay a lot and very quickly from years of abusing me to create these conditions where everything I do is followed with bottomed out Book sales and a process where they have set up a much nicer version of hospitality that is lighter in social and political weight to make them feel as though they are providing a service at the apex of civility and we all know it’s not as though I cannot complain about it or tell them off as much as it is about the fact that even if I could there is nothing I can do about it, leaving me wondering if I will ever live till 60. So this part about my behaviour changing is supposed to have in its own right amount to the question of who gave them the access to my Bed chamber that they currently have with that stupid media, to talk through to me and take positions on my personal space in order to avoid complying with morality and the gospel while gaining from its benefits without according other people some of it by themselves too; I do not play with their salary obviously and have made it clear time and again that the Court is female only, they need to stop handling me and buy Books from this Estate. They always say it’s a real problem for me which is utter nonsense - the reality is that they have to do everything by kicking off some filthy and stupid industrial espionage associated with the promise of a particular place they can belong to in order to ensure my security measures does not prevent them from taking advantage of me and these idiots I have warned about their insulting threats on that stupid media need to start thinking about my Books as the only thing that draws them towards my concerns too before that stupid social and moral corruption of theirs becomes a real problem for them - they need to get a Book from this Estate as I do not play with their salaries for my part as well.

They say they are organising a boycott of my products but it’s an old story where their stupidities think the end product of every social and moral corruption is homosexuality and popularity insanity which is not actually the case before we find them fighting for my civil rights before I was born etc. Their only concerns with my affairs should be to buy my Books and it does feel like something I should not be doing even though it is absolutely necessary: at the moment I am not the one complaining about the difficulty associated with seeking financial progress the hard way around here,, the same idiots that ensure I end up with no cash stage after stage of my achievements and therefore do not bow out of any of the processes are. It has become a question of exactly how tolerant a person can be and I have been tolerant to a point where I build a business empire and the financial processes end up in the hands of idiots who need to make me deals that ensure they are rich first before I can access the, issuing stupid threats at and disciplining me because there are evils in their stupid society as well, pretending they are perfectly certain how I will react as well when they actually not (It’s an old story where there are five people in an Office space and there will be two of them who think the evils of society are the best things ever and their envy and their jealousy can cost somebody a promotion or pay rise and so on - disciplining me while handling my property equity and public image because its stupidities are trying to make women comfortable and he is trying to get famous, assuming it can measure exactly what my reaction will be the whole time - their only concerns should be about my Books when they get involved with anything around here and I could not put it any better as it were, they do not know me, they do not know anything about me).So it is said I foster oppression which I do not; if these goons relaxed in a resort long enough to go back years to their youth, they would end up at that point where they drunk themselves senseless and ended up in a cell for the night - so it will always say it does not like itself and wants to be me and will always come up with plans for taking advantage of me which is facilitated by Politicians or Media or Stock Market industrial Espionage and I need to breathe.


So I hear that I am hated all around because I have no idea what I am talking about on one hand and for any little I know some old society idiots are determined to take it from me in order to glorify themselves and I am stuck in a condition I cannot get out of but really enjoy having a go at telling important people what to do. It is utter nonsense of course as the only thing I am stuck with is my own life first of all and then other people’s disobedience which when built up on Media alongside an abusive way of shutting me up from a distance for every single thing I do and say in order to create a state of affairs, tends to mean I lose position and property to them on account I refuse to go out and try to be a celebrity while they move into my right to be where they were supposed to be in order to achieve their personal glory. The Politicians and Media idiots however do say they put forward this kind of behaviour because they consider themselves to be my Fathers and I really have no idea how disrespectful somebody has to be towards the challenges others face as adults just like he is, in order to come up with the abuses that facilitates this kind of insult but I have parted with good friends that have thought it a joke in the past never the less and if they do wind me up, will clip that their stupid sense of fame again, since the case here is not what I know and what I do not know but a matter of pity I have for them and their stupidities, since nobody knows how they expected to spend tax payer funds on idiots that were poorer than their counterparts without ending up stuck with terrorism; so they can get off telling me it’s a matter of a benefit of hindsight which they did not have and continue to assume that this excuse can become the answer for everything. I am an Arch Prince however and usually more interested in what their sense of right and wrong is, since it is clear that if it is flawed right from the beginning then it becomes more crooked the more people try to straighten them up and they must have known what they were doing when they dispatched tax payer funds to fools that were less successful than their mates, claiming it was wealth equality as equally as we know that they cannot and never ever stop lying. I am not stuck with any situation I cannot get myself out of, they need to ask the right questions, not talk nonsense about why these things happen. They need to ask why it is the case that although peoples are strong enough to scare them, such people are usually poor in a world where financial comfort is a function of working for money and then saving it – they need to ask the question and get their fuck off my religious case. I mean they have completely lost control as it stands and it beggars belief that their stupidities were unable to foresee such an outcome; since we are talking about these lazy idiots starting off with playing up civil rights with the lives of younger people from whom they can confiscate a future if allowed and soon enough will we find them tell tales of cultural evils of power that they have which means they have the capacity to make people poor or make people rich, so that if they start to chase around those idiots in Government building talking nonsense about how religion is the problem of the world have set them to, what happens when they get tax payer funds for it becomes an outcome that means that either way people want to look at it, the outcome has still been that their cultural powers of evil and devil has made them rich and made the person they were asked to stalk socially poor, which means that it does work. The result being that they acquire followers for it too; it is impossible to figure out how their clever other people’s Fathers' stupidities was unable to foresee such an outcome.

So there is talk of how  want out of Politics and Government which beats my imagination; I mean the Politicians will say they are restricted at the International front, what you do to defend yourself from money mad freedom idiots of Countries that are not constitutional Monarchies and have no peace in mind opens up new horizons, then it’s time for them to dither and mock you and get you stuck somewhere in order to give it up for good and then every goon will realise they can screw with you as much as they like as a result of it too, while they tell lies and enjoy watching you Labour – so I cannot actually tell since the most important bit is always the secret societies that help them find peoples private parts, which is the Politics and which is the Politics I apparently want out of anyway. It’s the same things we see the Media do with corruptions of involvement that screw up lives of those who dare to have things they have not yet tasted and then the result will be that they are messed up like everybody else they have messed up but because they have a regular media appearance to play with become the least messed up – so I just tend to end up in this place where I never knew I had a solution that could get them out of that mess all this while but having said that they will get it somewhere in hell too; it always has plans and none it has ever once had anything to do with the right to feel good, this is why they are always talking about this imaginary processes whereby the Monarchy is handling Parliament. They however claim I interfere with National finances whereas their main preoccupation has continued to be every new money mad goon that wants to make a mess of me and all I get up to playing some music they cannot resist at Parliament everyday – as I mentioned earlier, realising I have a way out of the mess they have made for themselves and they will have it in hell too; its yap, yap, yap all day long and has plans endlessly and those plans involve hurting you and poking your tummy and finding your anus and if you want to say something swallow it to the deepest recesses of your tummy until there is a bad smell, yap, yap, yap hurt you and hurt you and extricate secretes that will then be stolen after they are public and hurt you all day long; the idiots have created a sub culture out of it obviously and they are the only ones complaining about that too. It’s an old story; they always think I am afraid of them and cannot move a muscle where they are around and hence can do anything they wish with my person but they are only the 5 persons in an Office space and two will think the evils of their society and the big bad goons who refused to study at school but now have plans to get rich quick by being famous are the best things that ever happened and that some like me have a personality and a public image that I cannot protect which they can take advantage of, when everybody else likely knows if I get hold of their insanity I will rip it up and sell what I find and that such behaviour is not taught a Church but learned according to the amount of time they spend with those that are clearly their mates - leads down the same path where their concern with me is to buy a Book and nothing else and they really need to watch those insults at some point. They do say my work does not appear to be successful which is why they think they can handle any part of it as they wished but it’s an old story where I have built an empire based on writing and selling my Books which I should hire a Literary agent to work on, going into the City to build a Campaign and a Brochure but have done it myself because no Literary agent has the imagination to do it for my work - so some will see this process of not having one as a weakness but I do not think that weakness actually is any of their business as well anyway. So I do not think anybody will say it any better than I have when I have made clear their only concern with me should be to buy my Books and nothing else, considering I do not play with their salary as much as they have become quite fond of playing with mine due to the priorities they have in life as it were. They do say my problem is that I have been setting up business in a system that is built by people I do not like but it’s an old story where I live in the UK and the one thing foolish black men must achieve is a process where I am not allowed to feel British - their big problem these days being that I want to eat African food all the time and it’s the same things we see when I find a Journalist I get along with and message them in some way on social media - an idiot being that the Americans are the ones doing it these days considering the rest feel they have had their fill, will get up and have a problem with all I do as per me chasing career paths that is the reserve of those who dreams have been taken from them, talking rubbish all over the place - so I am wondering, nasty likes to trap people what they were expecting, in the same way I will be trading with them soon enough should this nonsense continue for a prolonged period of time, since that stupid civil rights tends to make them feel that any who has the same skin colour amounts to persons they can familiarise themselves and screw with as much as they may have pleased. It happens all the time like when I create a library environment in my Office and they decide they want to build violent gossips to make use of it along with my personal space to enjoy life and secure conveniences - they love to assume when their stupid community croons pick up on it they ever stop too, hence when I work at night they want to go to bed, have a good rest and sleep so they can get to work by day. Of course I do get asked if I realise why people behave in such ways, which reality has always been that they are trying to get connected and powerful but it’s never really pleasant when it takes up my time instead and of course there are buffoons that need to teach me the importance of the fact people have a right to want to get connected and powerful which is all good as long as it is the means by which I drop out of University on account they are making use of my public image while I am trying to study, since it is not serious yet so far as it were.

It’s like the case of people not honouring their National Anthem while the vice President attends a Sporting event and they are always trying to excuse it in some way leaving us wondering if they really world have where it was Trumps Republican rivals that won the election instead of Trump. In any event either way it means I win again and the next time student Union characters telling me what to do all the time a hurting my bum striking me a fantasy, they will have a reason for it too; I mean I do get told my case is largely that I want public support for my actions which I don’t and this is the kind of occasion where banishing such nonsense is worth it’s while i.e. if anybody is likely to damage your livelihood, these guys will do it, Celebrities will do it and Popular culture goons will do it, thus one gets careful when living with parents and does not like to be messed about when living alone – it’s about how they justify what they do the way I justify the fact that Security services have a job and we are looking at those kinds of incessant abuses that are completely pointless but tend to facilitate a process that allows a drug dealer to abuse others until they cannot go anywhere and when they walk down the street feeling cold and all, get called up by a drug dealing in an expensive car and offered solutions to problems and some drugs to take, some to sell and bring in the money, no selling means getting shot; I do not need public support for the way I want to make use of them as well when the Politicians and Media are done – we know they love their servitude so much and that is because they understand they are bigger and stronger and can work for more money where work concerned, so if everybody were stuck in servitude, they would have the means to dominance but while that is going on, they are never the ones paying the financial price as they are poor and have got nothing and are in dire need of civil rights; so handle their case when I walk down the street and get noticed, next time I walk down feel subliminal messages come through that I am their kid they are rounding up and controlling, on whom their future depends, such that when I shake it off, I end up being detached from black people and racism stirred on my account, so that the racism I never knew existed and that which never existed all together started to exist and so on my account specifically – then anything I do to defend myself especially after it starts blabbing a need for me to fight racism without a job while the racists have jobs, will mean it will get off to the Politicians and Media to get help that will ensure I cannot go anywhere, once it has gotten the help and I cannot go anywhere, it starts all over again and ups the ante refusing to honour the National Anthem, one among its many excuses being that it will be satisfied when I get beaten up, which is the option it prefers to simply keeping its stupid self and concerns off my Books. The women are an old story; simple case where if they know it will devalue another person’s Royal Estate they should never do it and as for the insults, we are getting to that stage where I am developing a habit of telling them to keep it where their money is; for their case, when it comes to the big stuff, I really do wish that News reporting was a serious job, since if it was, I would have been prevented from going around kissing them female journalists and playing with them all the time – otherwise we can see that when it believes it has an ability to get away with a process where more than 10% of activities concerned with its job is allowed to screw with others as much as it likes, then nobody will have a semblance of normalcy where its salary is not paying the Bills.

I do not think the matter is a complicated one; my honest view is that they are all very evil people, besides the need to confront people they do not even know and have never met with statements concerning an existence that exists to cause people job losses – in my case of which largely refers to having grabbed my work and public image to go off and get connected and famous with, there is also the fact that they do nothing save there is a twisted and evil and witchdoctor type aspects of culture involved, which is where all these abuses and insults that have far reaching effects come from. They like to tell me I talk and that gets me accolade and I think I can do anything but we all know talk is meant to secure the accolade, the serious bit is when I start to pay real attention to scumbags that I truly despise as well; at the moment it is their opinion that I am unable to do anything about them but everybody knows that if I am using them the same way Politicians and Media fools use them as well, that has to count for something. The Politicians and Media fools who never stop squandering my property and blowing off their big mouth about which one I got beaten up for when we all know they are likely to beat up nothing whatsoever from the Television; In the end I have difficulty locating how tough it could possibly have been for them, that if I told them those comments they make about my person and my Books are not linked to their job description, are not made because their families are being attacked and will not leave them out of pocket to shut down; they rather love to respond with that nonsense about how somebody on media is fighting my cause when if such a person didn’t exist we would have been talking about this in an open and real world where those stupid comments only give them power on media where lots of people listen to it and then I have something to catch up on and it will get real for the damage it does here very quickly indeed. So it’s talk that secures the accolade, I have not been doing something about people I really despise for my part as well yet but it is important they understand I have had enough of it too – great stuff letting it explain which part I have no respect concerning other people’s spouses for: that started off years ago with something about which jobs I shall never get unless I have sex and show that I am and developed into a need to find some business to get stuck with while leaving the risks for a boy to deal with and now it has become a process of laying claims of ownership to all I do and work for on media as well, an unofficial version of everything I do to make it lose granting them a process that makes it possible to take funds out of this Estate and technically my Bank Account. Needs to stop telling me which one I need to swallow right down my tummy whenever it needs to spend time with the job in hand and lay off my case before the spite becomes something far serious enough to match its City Centre suit wearing stupidity.

They at this point claim after I had mentioned it and everything has now calmed down, it was all my fault; reality of course is that it’s always kids screwing around while they know what it really needed at the City Centre and the assumption absolutely everybody thinks that what I talk about here are matters of provocation concerning which it was not a set up on their part. So it progresses to telling me its hustling and of course it’s the kind where it took advantage of something I said or did earlier and it helped boost his income, so he is seen driving a car close to me the next day along with a Ballsy friend with arse right up my lips and hands in the pocket and threats of what is coming to me if I made one false move and it means that yesterday were talking about them all hanging up somewhere along with Hollywood producers with this sort of hustling that will clearly not lead to trouble coming from those they have made use of but have no respect for to make me go round in circles over matters I resolved in order to write my Books on account they wish to deploy my Estate asset derivatives in very insolent mannerisms that also suggest something I owe because of I have Publishers for my Books, to talking about living a life where they need to keep off my Books and realise that if their families are not being threatened, and they will not be left out of pocket if they stopped, and it is not linked to their job description, if I have had enough of the way those insults and comments affect me they need to show some respect for that as soon as possible.

They do say I talk too fast and am always rude but it’s an old story about all my equity broker time being taken up by idiots who think they are successful and important enough to discipline others; time and again it shows up around my concerns to stifle my Books and work its stupidities, apparently this nonsense is what it gets into government buildings and Liberalism and Socialism to express the whole time and if it is, then there is always a reason or excuse for me to have all my time spent on it – every time I find myself sympathising with their stupid cause, all I am left with is this picture of an idiot whose friends and mates got ahead of and yet every time I am told it wouldn’t be a loss if it government buildings and city centre insolence learned from me for it, I am left with the fact it can never listen to anything anybody says to it. So I am eventually aware they are willing to change whatever the plans for change may have been but vanity at our age does not dissipate like precipitation, it just moves where those who own it do not wish to see it because something more important has assumed the space – I am going to keep my records of their stupidities and see where they intend to put their own blowing off that big mouth like that all the time, showing up here to play with me and screw up my Book sales.

They do claim all I do now hangs on a knife’s edge, which is utter rubbish; its governments and Organisations and individuals making use of my products and not paying for them but the difficult bit is when they refuse to withdraw from the contents and the property and go off to deploy it to make their own, then set out statements on the leverage of their money which suggests I took it from them, followed by their stupid girls telling me that the more I speak of it is the more they want to do it and this is usually the bit where insulting media scum make careers out of it too; it’s not competition you see, its damage and we see them give their own to the frugal by the way, will never find competition where its mates are competing.

They do say I am at war with Media and Celebrities but I am not; what has happened is that since 2009 when I got my Books published they have done nothing else led by Liberal America apart from ripping up my public image and setting out a sense that my Books are a dump on the Public then labelling me problem solver along with my Books who will be used by Celebrities that want to solve problems in order to be famous – so I have nauseating financial complications while dealing with the bottom chasing and tummy whipping gurus that are a problem for them that they do not wish to get rid of, while at the same time laying claims of ownership to my Books and the sickening effects of anything these idiots do to me can spread to the highest levels of society and provide unprecedented Mobility for trouble makers and criminals as a result of it. I want to get them off my Books and Public image and need to seize on that story and how my empire cannot be respected because nobody knows who I am and my patents are not famous enough to get a response from them which means they show a degree of respect for property that is not legally their own whenever they see other people’s possessions and act on it; at this stage since it has become obvious they have already put in place a plan whereby I support women and there is fame and fortune popular culture made and will be kept financially constrained until I support the daddies as well so boy bands can sing songs to serve them on my public image whereby if I tackle them they will make money from the effects and if they attack me they will still get rich from the effects and I had become pathetic character whose life is not making any progress to go downhill every day until I am done for, or else the daddies and their gurus will ensure my bottom is nothing to write home about and even if I co-operate they will still do it anyway, it is the reverberation of what I say in response to the daily insults that is causing them financial loss at the global markets, I need to set out these warnings since it is soon about to develop into a case of damage to anything of mine meaning damage I must do to the finances of celebrities and their show business as well or it will never be over, the stage at which it will start to get physical: for now they know I do not think Celebrity culture should be part of mainstream living because I am an Arch Prince but so does this idea they fancy my Books mean they are giving something which I need to respect as well – but we can see the purpose of fancying my Books is to play around with criminals and claim it is the sweet thing they deployed to make more money than what they have already got and live a life of excess with thereof; they started in 2009 as soon as I got the Books published and they wanted to be liberal big Mack characters that loved girls and so on, it is 2018 and they need to take a hint now. They do claim I damage show business which I do not; like they had the time to require entire National Parliament and Civil service and Media to show I am cursed by my parents, they only need to wait for Politicians to turn up and provide them some show business based incentive attached to bullying me as well, then do some show business thereafter; they do love to claim I am deserving while reality is that each time they pass insults at me especially with respect to what I am supposed to do their life of vices creates an outcome where the vices pay attention to my personal life and Feminists to my bank balance - when I am selling anything or doing anything it has to be done as written on the Tin so women stop bumping me and causing me to waste everything I have to concern myself with just by existing; like I get told I am relaxed about the problem which I am not - we hear them speak of dishonour all the time while their gimmicks started out as bullying but all I have done now has to be deployed to pay their bills simply because I have ignored them and done nothing about it, so it’s the dishonour we are talking about here as well as per the Book they wrote and are entitled like we see them presume they are all the time, especially the Politicians.


I understand it is said that I am suffering from Stockholm syndrome which has gotten me into a position where I co-operate with racists and extremists; it is utter nonsense of course, as the reality is rather that even when peoples actions are responsible for pushing me out of my academic work while the racists pass their exams, at the same time of which their stupidities have marked me out as the person that will fight the racists for them, they still need to get on media and work out insulting and oppressive nonsense that will support the theory they were right and I am wrong in every occasion even when I am neither addressing nor talking to their insanity. So, I am not suffering from Stockholm syndrome, what will likely happen is that I will get into league with the racists on their account before their foolishness along with its practical jokes comes to a stop.

It’s not a crisis I should say, it’s the old business of never dealing with it i.e. the society goons that boast about having so much power over me they never noticed when they wrecked my academic work should be dealing with youthful fools exasperating people to make statements about what passes on the left and right hand side – so both apparently have now reached a point where it seems they were made for each other and technically should stay off my concerns at this stage, not that I am bothered about inflicting more since even the violent bits do not get them to understand the effects of their actions the way these targeted processes of similar consequence that I have created does.

In the end they want a relationship with me that does not involve buying my Books and the way it works is that I have a relationship with large companies who tell me I have got the stick and should be poking them into the market place to keep their sales and efficiency going, so what I have come up stuck with is Celebrities and their goons inventing a relationship with me that does not involve buying my Books, thinking the prospect of making sure the only problem in their lives was the one my Books solved does not exist not does the part where even if that was the case, I would end up with a public persona built from years of cultivating the sense that the Books they should have bought had been bought by somebody else already – which will then go on to fulfil their dreams of oppressing Royalty through a history of career based insults and denial. We even must deal with those tales that I make these claims about myself when I have achieved nothing that looks like it; while reality is the way in which my Estate business was built i.e. I completed it in 2006 and by the middle of 2007 the Financial crisis had taken hold, so if I got on to invest since I was so well prepared for the recession in the sense that all I had was blue print and Capital, the markets because of the global economic situation would have taken everything that really mattered from me and left me a sales Man, so I considered the best way was to break up the entire empire, find a small product that will help me earn from the markets and deploy the asset equity to build time factor among other forms of creative equity for Companies that agreed to broker with me, since then of which the main problem has been these fools showing up to make a case on International Media about why those companies should not have worked with me on the basis of how little respect they have for me, amongst which the most favourite of their insults is about the hate they have for my Books, while normally considering all these facts and a reality where most people’s work escape toxicity created by Media fools for about an Hour after it has been exposed to the Public, the least my Books can do when I have a position of Economic leadership is be toxic as well; I mean there are the dream aspects where I created people bundles of Equity to operate with which I would have wanted to be known for but it does seem that the job will only get done when the way the toxicity built through my Books is the buzzing at the background while everybody is getting on – it is obviously the biggest problem that the businesses who ally with them have i.e. fashion for instance is about putting people into clothes, before which people will have to get naked first aka the least my Books can be is toxic.

The other part of the story comes with two bits and one of those is the sexual abuse that women claim is the problem, but women happen to create a bigger problem on, while they claim I encumber their freedoms. The truth of course is that in terms of the sexual abuses, that was a story that went beyond the business of me experiencing all sorts of nonsense from them which hamper my earnings while they claim I do nothing about extremism when it is their families that are not affected by their behaviour which effect on me is that I am too broke to have a girlfriend for instance, unless I hurt them seriously and it became a matter of Law Court and funerals through which their families will find out, as it has become quite clear the fact these destructive and wicked activities done at their Offices every day, such as getting off to claim I am suffering from Stockholm syndrome as though they had become psychiatrists overnight is no longer fact that most people can agree on because there are no many lies and process of hurting peoples bottoms to get what they want and or having everybody else over a barrel as a society because of their needs which they think I am blind to and hence have invented other reasons for but apparently have not i.e. it is all it is; I know how to hurt you and if I do not get what I want, I will use it, right down to the criminal activities and a process where the Police are demonised for violating their rights. The sexual abuse bits being the old question of the sexual matters between their teenage years and present age, which have ended up in their lives without their consent measured against the ones they have put into other people’s lives simply because female exist – I do not mind the insults that are a product of going off to cling to a big salary after boasting about talents they do not have, to show up here and make my whole life a misery for as such anyway, if I get hold of the society they will complain a cracked up out of my league once again that I encumber their freedoms. It has always happened since College days, when I had not yet ended up with the reputation I have now; at that time, it could just drive up to me on the street like it was going to park its car on my feet for no reason, then make a U-Turn and drive back the way it came from straight down my perspective as I walk to school and generally knew everything about the relationship I had with my parents when I had never met its stupidities, alongside the process of hating the love-hate relationship I do have with my parents, while I have not yet started making my own fame from the one they have with theirs just yet.

We hear them blab frequently about how I would be better off not talking so forcefully which leaves me wondering who the hell they think they are anyway but then again, we are not talking about the popular culture ones here, it’s just media stupidities looking for trouble and there isn’t enough money in the world to facilitate me tolerating this sort of nonsense without consequences, so it is likely to grow into a tale of how much they want off my Public image and which type of game we will be playing as it were; either way I believe that what I have said above concerning their alliance with the women who take sexual feelings from their good looks without consent which they are scared of, giving way to talk of women creating the reasons they get sexually assaulted should be well settled when they have set out the sexual experiences that have ended up in their stupid lives without their consent since teenage years, try and make sense of why the physical contact in terms of the sexual assault beats people down so badly as it were, I for my part will fuck that society again if it fucks me; for now their popularity idiots are very free to announce that I have haemorrhoids and tummy ulcer everywhere I go. As for their freedoms for what it is worth; it is an old story of a process where being an ethnic minority generally means that you could easily spend all you have on the process of just being able to call the place you live in Home, while white people had more of a range and security of the sense that this has been their home for a long time and will not be affected by such things but while the gimmick of seeing what the feelings of the ethnic minorities are like does happen in every Country on the planet where there are Majority and Minority populations, the business of digging me out of every place I have called home the way we see them do on Media every day is incredibly cruel, so I thought I ought to dig them out as well and if they push me I will help the burn the Country for my part too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland