They do claim I am the biggest threat to people’s freedom in the modern age even though I am a twig they can just snap but it’s an old story that takes dropping out of University for them to see that the idea they are more important than I am with those insults people have gotten used to is superficial. All that behaviour only has a place in comedy shows on Television where people are depicted ad idiots that wreck their lives and claim it’s not their fault, the things that happen on the left hand side and on the right hand side about which when they have made popular culture fame and fortune actually amounts to how they are living their own lives the last time we checked – attacking Pop stars in my Court and pillaging our incomes like we are doing something we shouldn’t with ourselves and our lives all day long, complementing those lies they tell with politics and Media and industry idiots with get rich quick narcissist happiness canopies that bring about sales and pretending they are everybody’s leader all day long. It’s not a matter that worries me at all in anyway; they always say I will not make progress with my life but I was rather of the opinion it’s a matter of bullying, where I write good Books but cannot sell them because I am always miserable and there is publicity I am unaware of built from those who cause it without my consent to such publicity: so what they are worried about at this stage is that even they and all their laziness would find the very thought of attending their daily concerns a depressing one if somebody was fucking around with their Celebrity Prestige and their Popular culture star pay packages – I for my part have set out a deadline as the beginning of September 2017, it is the point at which we will start to find out if I am bluffing when I ask them to seek another way of making money that does not either involve me or involve this business empire directly or invariably. The other story of whether I am the one changing the world of Mr Trump -US President is, that was an old case where Casino Industry in the US will decide which is which, as we all know Mr Trump picks up what previous US Presidents have done and the most outstanding are Truman and Kennedy, except the difference is that he has taken a position of Migration in a very public way, which is by the way not unconnected with my Books. So, I say it is up to the Casino Industries of the US whose abuses have now come right down to Media bullying, to decide which is which. Like when they speak of great British betrayal whereas reality is more a matter of people wanting to act in my interest while they disregard my authority; so that typically is a case where the KGB is the enemy and must be taken down but they must do it around my concerns with disregard for my authority which leaves them unaware that British companies are selling British weapon designs to the Russians and the Dutch ones for instance are making high tech weapons they sell to Terrorists in some act of freedom and regret their actions at a later date; what I want from them however is the bit where they stopped breaching the copyright of this Estate and its Literary Empire and cleared my Public image space; the blacks are most outstanding on this matter even though the rest are trying hard and can complain about racism all they want, the important thing is that they keep their hands to themselves and off my private area when they risk their stupid lives to act in my interest while disregarding my authority. It’s like when I do not want people moving into my right hand or claiming they taught me what I know and it becomes a main preoccupation for them, which usually leads to outcomes in which the stupid socialism as an ideology will be jeopardised to make them listen all together while I get asked which changes I have made to the world as the media makes up the minds of their fanatical idiots for them all the time, appearing to be the only circumstance in which they keep their insults where they know people are likely to appreciate them; what they regard as a power I would need to change the world is me being myself and the confusion here is that when the White House is in on what I get up to thus a bad time to be myself, that tends to mean they can run off their madness endlessly if they wanted. Then they claim all I know is beat, beat, beating people whereas the reality is that they cling to my entire business empire and do not seem to be listening when I tell them to get another life, if they can get on media to blab of how I have not got an empire as well for good measure, leaving me to wonder what it will take to ensure that I get my Books sold as this behaviour has already ensured I have been unable to for a period of 7 to 9 years straight so far and it all fits into those tales we hear them blab all the time about a changing world and impending wars, when what is really happening is that they will have no other life save breaching somebody else’s Royal Estate Business empire copyrights. They speak of the bits where my Parents are my problem and we all know it’s better for my parents to be my problem, than for my parents to finger peoples bums and get them ripping up culture and society to ensure everybody has to deal with racism and not just a few, they love to deny that this is what is really happening and are telling me the bum fingering insults have other purposes when we all know it’s a matter of their children being more deserving of fame and fortune because of the physical features that they have and nothing else. So, of course it’s all well building up more insults to cling to my public image especially when I blow it out into the open like these but also worth noting I am able to decide what I think about their culture and society is a dispassionate way and so am I able to decide what to do with their stupid celebrities in the same manner as well, I am happiest when I do my Church stuff and my personality does not exist because I fucking sleep with peoples wives i.e. even they in all their laziness and organised robbery, would find it a depressing thought to attend their daily concerns if somebody else was messing about with their Celebrity Prestige and Popularity culture pay packets - an old story where their greed and need means that they go off to the Middle East to advocate respect for society fathers which will prevent Terrorism and leave us a stupid socialism leadership with a world where Terrorism keeps going round in circles no matter how many people get killed over it. We hear that talk that I pull a veil over people’s eyes about ownership of country and sit about pleasing myself with the throes of my own suffering but it’s an old story where they wish to decide who owns the Country and ensure that they are the ones that do but we have not seen them decide how they will defend it or who will be paying for it clowning around. In the end it’s not a magical case; as ever the deadline is the start of tomorrow which is also the beginning of 2017 September as well year date 31/7/2017 and it shall be clear for the public to see if I am bluffing for the things I have said to them for my part as well; everybody knows my only concern in life should never be the things I have as a result of the fact I belong where I am and am a Citizen of the UK living there, I want a family life as well, I have to get into a relationship and have a wife and these are the things we will see them handle one more time and show up here with insults when it’s turned to cracked up out of my league stupidities, to ensure it’s my tummy going to hell instead. All I wish to do with any such energy obviously is find a community to belong in case I have a job and career it does not attract the wrong crowd and their insults will find somewhere else to express all that nonsense about the importance of extremist behaviour on other people’s personal finances and personal space to praise those who do something about it, which the tiredness of those who are not interested are never really respected as it were. I do get asked if I think they have any right to any feelings at all as such which has nothing to do with it - I mean I live in a big house with my three sisters who have husbands and children and nobody in that house feels like they are decent persons on account of pressure being pushed at them all the time is all good but deploying my Royal Estate structures to make money, escape the pressures, pass them onto me and pass around insults that move the financial structures of my empire somewhere else at the markets and issue threats at me blabbing nonsense about owning me and deserving things around here on account I share a skin colour with them was clearly not anticipated in their view. I mean the threats are all very well that big mouth especially the Americans blabbing about how I wouldn’t say it where it matters because they are being spiteful of everything British as a means of making money, useless peasants who have nothing to live for with this nonsense that only has a place in comedy TV shows where they claim the state of their lives was not their fault as it were but it’s the insulting threats that constitute the biggest problem we have. I mean an example is the popular culture with the use of structures that I built exclusively for individuals I share a Court system with, who have always been with me since the teenage years when girls needed to gain some form of support to help them cope with boys being more interested in peer pressure issues because they are certain of gender unfairness coming through for them later in life and one of these days I imagine the result will be that somebody in it will get hurt because others are using it as well for some reason, fucking peasants showing up to threaten me as well an American led leadership of the world – it goes back to three hour gay and queer TV shows made to mock and abuse and insult me like that is what TV shows are for, result being that I am serving people in a  business and they are losing a sense of what the business does and stands for right before my eyes, which fucking shows the devil is powerful and I didn’t see that coming with that big mouth they have got. It’s always construed the blacks are a problem for me especially which is actually not true; they are just being hateful and I am tired of the personal touchy insults and we are about to find out if I am bluffing for my part too; I mean putting up with their disobedience is one thing, when the threats start to come through the reasons they hate the British empire has become important again i.e. the disobedience will lead to vandalism when it knows you are likely to do nothing about it and then the vandalism will lead to war when it knows you are unlikely to act on that too since the feeling of doing what is prohibited gives it power that continually fills its stupidities and clowning jesting violent nonsense with energy and beyond that is the war that it will lose but people will die for and it does not matter if it gets what it wants along the way either, it’s just the sequence by which such nonsense occur and end. I am aware people are concerned about me striking back at them as such and such a time will never come to pass because they will never get a fucking chance as well; peasants that will show up here only when they want a Book. As it stands they complain that I wreck the structures they had put together to get rich because it depended on me like a tool and no matter how hard I got hit never co-operated but at the same time are blabbing that they would want to let me be but that would mean I am important when I am not with that big mouth. It’s an old story where they say I am becoming a Man but it’s more of a story about how the feminists got off making out some imaginary sexual behaviour on my public image which they have never seen me perform, to have financial benefits attached to their feminism i.e. see anything to do with the benefits of being British in people’s lives, grab and toss it to the dogs to sit about playing candy crush in front of them at Public transport etc, it usually leaves me with a sense of how those Men that end up on the right hand side ended up there to show them they will have no Country as well - so I am a little optimistic about my abilities since last I detached the finance based attention seeking wickedness of these other goons from mainstream living as it were, the devil wants what it wants but in order to get by in this world as well, am I clever enough to do it? The answer to this question is what we are about to find out too: so, bum got fingered at the Monarchy and by the Armed forces and their temper is the biggest thing that happened in this world so far, especially those of them that are fucking famous.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland