Eventually they say I rub shoulders with people and it is utter nonsense: I mean half the time they say that and the other half the time cannot let people be by themselves because there is sex to fuck around with and then we hear that as I say it, I will get out of the whole thing by wrecking their perspective and public image, which makes me very angry indeed, since we are actually talking about the Public image they were born with and grew up with and had childhood friends by etc and not my own – so it is an old story where the none violent ones never apologise for anything so the involvement is all good but you will be the only one to apologise while the more violent ones and the political idiots are used to blabbing such nonsense all the time and we can see the play-out is that they start this story of me rubbing shoulders but do not wish to listen to my response; so I am only being tolerant so as to let them blab about perspective and public image with their media goons to a stage whereby they get used to it. It is not actually meant to be this complicated; mostly we hear this talk of involvement with them but you have your job and family and maybe Church as well and hence very little schedule for them but because they are such an insulting set of goons, they will carve a space in your schedule for themselves anyway and then start to talk about people rubbing shoulders without wanting to listen to how that is actually happening, what they are doing with that of course is making sure that since last I dropped out of University, I am unable to pick up an income and return to finish it and each day I spend not finishing it will see somebody get off and follow on their insolence with a more violent version that speaks of me getting myself involved with personalities to do with a career I know nothing about and it will start the rubbing shoulders story on media with no plans to listen, while each time it is cleared out like I have for example they then make out it was a bit of fun: obviously it is a bit of crowd abuse and involvement corruption based fun but we all know they are the most insolent goons in the whole world and that is why their crowd abuse and corruptions of involvement is taking people by surprise – it all comes down to an abject level of insult that they cannot stop exhibiting and that is not me getting involved with them in anyway: I mean for instance I have mentioned that if anything goes wrong I would be the only one to apologise because they never apologise for anything in their lives, which was before the case of me wrecking their perspective and Public image came into the picture; so we can see they do expect to wreck mine and keep theirs. I mean we hear nobody really can tell why I am always at odds with the Politicians for example but reality is still that Politicians fantasise all the time about a world where there were no rules and laws and they could mess up their lives with vice and pick it up again to become rich and famous at any time they wished and we see them seek this fantasy a vanity all the time but the problem is that when they are doing it with your life, not only will they never pay the financial price for it, but you are only ever going to recover your own life when they had damaged it, if they said so and you may travel around the world and seek but will never find another group of people that are as stupid as these. So the media ones are pretty much the same story as well, some idiocy on the side lines and we hear them talk nonsense about me being disciplined all the time too with that big mouth they are got; creating this outcome where people think I am going up against bit trouble while in realty, he spends all day talking about the bad things that happened here and happened there and if this scenario was that that person would feel a wrath endlessly until he one day meets somebody that does not wish to share an Office space with him and then it gets better at work, so that big mouth being blasted at me if it is not busy building my own public image a version it wishes to own with it stupid media because it is worried about following while I lead, is to suggest they can handle the problem at random as though they have got it. We all know we live in a society where people do play very stupid games with very serious matters and you may come across a prostitute for instance that likes to grab your public image and sell herself with it and you will tell it off and warn it of impending violence and it will respond by telling you it will sell your public image as well but we all know it never just does that without being really sorry anyway, so it is your responsibility to keep your public image from them and not the other way around, hence if it happens you have to be tolerant – these idiots who rip up lives and careers and get husbands beating their wives and kids, choosing their girlfriends to preserve their DNA and using peoples personal space to work liberalism that they are teaching their mates wouldn’t recognise tolerance if it sat on their heads and that is why they love to tell me they are a tall order when we all know if it kicks off they are so stupid they have never apologised for anything in their lives and I would be the one doing all the apologising. So for now that yap yapping says it has been passing these kinds of insults to build itself a sub culture that it cannot get out of which is my fault because its stupidities knows how to handle my books in ways that hurt me and provides other people with disobedient exit for their insanity but it is the same as when they say nobody knows why I am always clashing with Politicians, they will say they do not know why they hate my guts because their bottoms will hurt and mine will hurt but I will be the only one getting out of the problem – it’s the insults that will kill them all obviously. As for the part about talk and no action; it’s the bit where they really have no reason to be seen taking pictures with celebrities but is a life they want, so they know how to get women and guys that look the part oppressed due to their understanding of the processes involved in Childbirth, in order to secure such a lifestyle – obviously I want them off my Books and my Public image space and that stupidity is talking about disciplining me all the time and I am certain it is rather not going to end very well too, like the foolish women who think I am so different they can do whatever they like with me exist in the same par as goons who claim I live like a Woman i.e. once done building themselves a stupid sub culture on the matter I will get into trouble as well with their big mouth. However, in terms of my personality, I am a Red Mom-Blue Dad Character and there are lots of people like me all over mainland Europe, nothing different about my personality in anyway whatsoever a carving out a future for their stupid kids from making me suffer with that big mouth they have the whole time.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland