I am essentially figure head and owner of security property in a Global Business Village which is my Global Intellectual space that works through an Emporium that I run, and an Empire trust held by the Enterprises involved on my behalf with respect to it. It was born out of the need to be protected against the destructiveness of men and lack of planning for future generations, on the basis of what they describe as the fact it is not their duty to ensure things work well in the country or the world, as it is rather their job to make money from it instead and therefore the prognosis of their excuses was measured by me on the basis that one job is enough and having been this was not their standard, it will never be enough. I intend therefore to exclude all that sympathise with them or try to tell me what I need to give up so they can make money with their business from everything, just like they demanded my securities some years ago, got it and set off thereby to the creating of a condition where they made use of another person’s securities at the stock market, as a result of which no matter how evil they are it would not matter to what people want and why they would want to buy it. It was as a result, a time of plenty and they destroyed it all and left me with nothing too, so that they can control me and make fun from silly and insolent claims they are only being human for demanding more and getting violent over it to the point of destroying my firm and I intend to punish them for it to my satisfaction as well at a global level and stage, especially the Americans who simply seem to be at the forefront over anything that is as insulting and abusive; bearing in mind also that I was meant to be the one who makes the country work so those whose job it is to get rich with it can get rich can do so according to their determination but they rather preferred attacking my earnings as well - this is the standard of what I mean when I mention excluding them and their stacks of cash too, whatever those might be and wherever they might be or whatever they might mean, from everything - especially my uncontrollable ranges of security based alternative arguments. I know my House therefore and I know it is in order too; questions about my assumptions of what people think or feel about me does not apply, I can play deceived if I want to, I should not be punished for that, it is my property; my Empire. Now with respect to how this applies with how much trouble I get into with disobedient members of the Royal family, I do not believe I should spend any of my time giving attention to such things: first of all I do not consider myself to be their equals when they were either married or born into the Royal family and they know so, hence I am not imagining that it is the problem, what I have is simply better than what they have and if it is not and they are so certain that it is so, then it has become impossible to explain why they are all over the place. However the means by which their community idiots set out to ensure I pay it attention and Political fools with their media goad me over it to get rich and important is to be taken into account with respect to any action I might take, otherwise it means nothing whatsoever but the stupidities of people who think I am vulnerable to their violence and suppose it serves a better alternative to working for what they want to achieve - such that even if I am not vulnerable to those things they do I will be whether I like it or not when they are finished, with a big mouth. It is nothing about the bad boys of politics and that of the other side like they wish to claim that it is. I mean it is the question of what is so gang-like about me that I am always being entangled with those who do such activities and why is it always me as well as every single one of them wanting to do it? The distance between this and what I really am which is a writer that becomes frustrated when he feels the job is not satisfactory like anybody else would is unbelievable in the first place; from this point of view of which it is not a problem either, as it is much the same criminal community of idiots that want access to my income and then their politicians help them to the access and then they turn out every day to want a break from work and employment from then on, in order to be rich and famous. I at this stage do not feel they have built up enough of a state of affairs out of it, it is about 80% at this point - when there is enough of it the complains I handle their cultures which is just the beginning will not be enough and I will have means for administration and this company will serve me very well in that respect indeed, bearing in mind at this point it is simply impossible for them to leave alone my earnings and my health and wellbeing. The idea I am always in some kind of trouble is one which I find most infuriating; the fools who love their games about a child who thinks he can win power fights with his fathers have been so badly beaten around here anything they do fails to be recognised, to such an extent that they are now a danger to unsuspecting people if they want to be and I have to declare it - what they are suggesting is that when they insult others enough times they become invincible especially on media and it will soon get to a point where I make something serious that can be recognised and dealt with out of it and find out where those stupid right hand side where they save their lives and societies and families and turn up to rip mine to pieces over power games, where each and every one of them wants to see me in public places, shut it down and tell me what I am supposed to do for them violently. Especially for their Muslim African, Asia pacific and Indian friends who like to feel they want people to think it is a big problem for me as if I think as much as their idiots that when girls are bullies, they do not want to bully boys as well.

I am aware I will be vilified for some of my Racially unsound statements but it should be noted as ever that they occur as a result of a provocation concerning the support that none white people give to racial activities because of a conviction they have that it will make them powerful, the accusations levied at me when they wish to find ways of getting away with it as well as the wrecking of the products of my Royal talents by attacking faith and religion when it is sound to stir those matters that come back round again and again and again baying for blood which will not be theirs as a result of their lies which again tend to create issues that constitute a barrier to employment for other people but what provokes one most of all is the lies they tell when they are done or while they are at it - so it appears to have been a conundrum as well that a black man should deploy a racial slur and they can end it if they stop their behaviour, hence these slurs will never be reversed. I hear it being said I am being really messed around but there is really no such thing; just a process of me handling extremely disobedient people who simply want to extricate instances of it and build up a state of affairs on Media to allow them become important too; it makes sense of when they die i.e. when you think the person being killed is a very stupid individual that likes to think he is clever and reserves to himself the right to teach others very comprehendible abusive lessons that change people’s mental disposition every time he looks around him and recognises he is not clever at all, especially when you private parts are in pain but of course it is still a socio-political failure to allow it happen as such. The part where I am being beaten down is another of those occasions where their new media-based situation will yet again lead to an outcome where it is said UK Government Officials are at War with everybody and there needs to be amnesty. The part about my actions annoying people and making them despondent about life is one I am very aware of i.e., it takes extra effort to be studious at Government Business and my academics and yet I am unable to be studious enough to distance myself from bad company at Media and Popular culture - so if I cannot lose them, they will lose me.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland