About this matter of how much Politicians can do to me if we get out of Europe, all there is to it is a load of stupid fantasies. They cannot do anything and I don’t want any devilish faith killing determination insults from them either. Most of it I suppose is meant to make me spend my securities before hand such as the fact I am not giving back that stupid left because I want to when I am ready keep it for the purpose of making sure their privacies and personal lives and opened up to poverty problems and Political problems and anybody who has a problem on the media all over the world.

They cannot do anything whether or not the UK stays in the EU and we are not talking about government fools in this country that embarrass themselves all over the EU telling them how much money we have got by telling Europeans how much they cost us, then setting off to tell the Court of Human rights it needs to reform so it does not interfere with other peoples affairs of state with a big mouth. These their black idiots by the way of which are not as beautiful as they used to be anymore while I seem to shine increasingly every single day and their big mouth rather seems to grow larger and larger instead.

However the other issue of finding idiots from Ghana where they sit down and live out to the extreme their desire for power and every advantage in their lives is meant to serve the devil on those they don’t even know, that is not so much of a problem to me since those are always racially suicidal and want somebody to kill them to make an example of them all the time and it will never go away. Neither do they ever tell anybody when they complain that the way it works is that they have their cultures cannot do anything without consulting it no matter how disgusting and like to toss the filthy and ugly parts of it at people they have never seen before whose names they don’t know, name them cultural misdemeanors and have white friends who pick on up racism, then jet off with government funds they clearly work for, to get around the world making noise about how they did something with them in which they were the boss.

Of course none of what I say earlier contains any substance, they just do facts and that is because I am hard pressed to discuss the main issues that are better solved with action instead. The part where they never say that using the filthy parts of their cultures on people they have never seen before and more so don’t want it used on them because they are crazy about power and money, naming them cultural misdemeanors on Public media and then setting off to tour the world claiming they did something with them in which they were the boss, is how they get around the Christian here, whose name they don’t know and more so all the time. Then talk rubbish and get bolder at threatening people because they want to have their sense of tribalism even when they live overseas and there is no such thing there. They will talk rubbish about somebody getting killed when their culture is damaged instead with a large gob-since I am already notorious for that anyway and media idiots think they want to see me dead for being so but will not tell others about the destruction of my property they do with those things-in fact that there are so much rumours and lies about me it is possible for people to manipulate me with scandals without even having an item from my office because the perceptions are believable enough alright bearing in mind they go on for such a long time and do so every day. I intend to completely destroy those things as well and they do need to shut up about the killing anyway, I am at the moment trying to make a living from that stuff.

The European Union thing is just supposed to have been our biggest diplomatic disgrace so far. The present government is completely useless at it and the previous government were just diplomatic thieves. There is no such thing as a condition where I am confused about the reasons or unaware of the reasons they take the Policy stand that they do; it is all rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. Every academic fact has proven that it is always better to be in an international organisation than to be out of one whether or not you are still in the ones that you are in; schools of economics and Politics, even Geography show these facts and even state them. they have done the things they have because they say Merkel wants to be the empress which is a matter best left to the European Union and not what the British Government wants to do to have more power, the bottom line of course being that they wish to cut off ties with the EU in order to ensure Public attention and energy in the UK is centralized in the City where the Prime Minister and his close friends can get rich as much as they want to, which has then led them to tell the Court of Human rights that it needs reforms and needs to concentrate on other more important things than get involved in their affairs. I for my part could not care less about these looming fearsome threats I face from them when they have more power because getting the County out of the Union is what they want to do which does not prevent me from doing what I want to do. So in the end it will become a matter of those pushing people thing that works with years of abusive insolence and I will open up those their stupid lives to the problems of the world which is one of the games I am reserving for play yet so far.

As for the issues about what I get from the Union which leads me to resists the government like I do, they claim it is the ability to travel to any country in the EU without a visa but the truth rather points to a talent being spotted by EU leaders that can be deployed for the good of the Union who happens to be a writer as well. Now if this kind of integration was possible in past it is clear that the world wars would never have taken place but this is not what the British government is interested in, they say they want to control me and make me spend myself on British matters as though I own my company in conjunction with them. This will never constitute a matter for conversation either because it is entirely a function of their insults and all that I say something about your property after invading your privacy, which I do to entangle it with our culture and make it the property of our privileged children rubbish. I never expect them to make Laws on it but they always blow my mind to do so and then expect there to be shifty privileged victories for Politicians which will never be allowed because I need to look after my health so I can put up with all that rubbish from them. it is in the same place of course as their claims the EU fosters the powers of the Monarchy in the UK while most of them enjoy republics and also the one about how people in the EU really hate people like me which is utter rubbish because they always knew they had a Christian here and I will never show off in order to express how what I say and do is academically founded.

They claim the EU is very unstable but clearly North Africa which is their corner as well, even the east coast of the US is very stable economically; stupid Tories. For my part the things I do shows I am keeping up with environmental interests in the EU, Political and social ones as well and that I am providing equities in the process of selling my books. My question is why they are messing mine up for me when they want to get out of Europe? They will have to re-orientate themselves with their sense of respect I couldn’t care less and do not have to prove anything to anybody.

They say the EU needs to be more decisive and tinkering here or there will not help. Clearly in that we take into account Italy for example and Sicily for a microcosm where the Mafia took over the town and pairing it with their Financial Policy, the Mafia Bank made millions in profit last year alone. What do they mean decisive action and have they taken any of these decisive issues into account? I mean I am just a writer, I can save lives when and if I say the right things at the right time and I can do that to keep those who want to stay out of these gangs out of them but what do they mean for their part by decisive action?

HH I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.