It’s the
same old story; either way violent people are bad people and you are one of
them, the difference being that you think your violence brings about a good
outcome but we just want to see you in pain anyway. Then I will ask them why
they are here and they will say it is to gain from my work without having any
sense of regard for me and have my books without buying them; ah ha, there we
are. Of course I am a threat to their civil rights and will never cease to be
unless they get off my property. The part about how my sexual habits brought it
all on is just as well for the sexual habits are there so they can wreck my
finances and hold me around me to simulate the wife I did not marry and then
have sex with it; it comes to a point where you advise them never to take you
for those who are or have become too lazy to have their revenge but it never
goes away, for of course other things soon follows the fucking wife I never
married part since I was never married anyway and cannot do anything about it
and of course by which time there are too many things to be concerned with so
that nothing might be done about the crimes. Now I am aware too there are
questions about leaving my own royal privileges and turning out to get around
with ordinary people and attack them thereof all the time but the reality is of
course that I attack no body and because they have media have no sense of when
it is night time or work time or reading time or resting time for me either,
will never buy the books and have started hurting me to get rich, even on
social media as well – like the old story about socialists and how their
existence means I can never ever feel good at any point in time whatsoever and
they always say it is about how I have handled their culture and how they will
never stop until I am dead for it, so I might want to sell up that stupid
culture as well, which will then have created a condition where they can never
ever feel good too, however mentioning that I intend to whether or not I
actually get down to it always has the desired effect anyway for now. What I do
is very different from who I am; I mean I may write all my books about facts
about me but at the end of the day it is about selling up other people’s lives
since it is not just something you learn from working for money if you need it,
it is also something you learn from Church as it were, hence the reason you
need to know it, push some gospel out and make space for it to stay or you can
never breathe. Hence the larger outlook is that they hurt me all the time because
it is vital they have a smile on their faces while attending to their various
city indulges in order to get rich and I need my own smiles as well to run my
company and do my public work and sell my books and I do mention my books are
about exploits and I do make it obvious the books are written entirely on the
premise of sardonic humour; hence I know why they hate me so much , it hurts that’s
why, but I have always known that I would anyway – villainy villainy.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland