The trouble with Politics is that Politicians
simply cannot hands off those who have beauties they should be using to improve
their style and cannot touch them in any other way except that which hurts so intensely
they develop personality problems and forget who they are as people, I beauties
they should be using to improve their style they say of peoples livelihood of
course and it has still not occurred to them that I have paid no attention to
it because we are not mates and I will not stop hunting them and taking them
down for each time they get somewhere to feel they have become more acceptable
to people due to becoming more superior at my expense. It is the only way to
look after the property, what is left of it from the effects of their
stupidities which do not operate on it because they are clever or more powerful
than anything, besides which they are the ones that have elections to win, in
case I want to open up their guts to the world on account it is funny as well.
I will not rubber stamp their sins and it is very important they understand a
large portion of why I do what I do to them is based on that; we are not mates
and I don’t want to know and do not want to bear the burdens of any of the expenses.
Besides which they always want to do the wrong thing with government office
while keeping safe their families and friends and jobs to find out what the
result will be instead of doing what they are told or indeed what they know;
but it is the part about sitting around Westminster talking rubbish and then
pretending they want to handle me that will soon become a real problem and we
are not referring to the process of explaining it away with my work for their
decadent media scum who know where the problems of the world are, cannot stay
away from it and feel it is always another persons problem and then telling me
I have come to accept those explanations as well. I mean as I mentioned, I am
the one with elections to win hence they are doing me a disservice opening up
peoples guts to the world and making state of affairs out of it. It is not my
view essentially that all politicians are a bad thing, although whether or not
that is the case is none of my business either; the fact remains that these
idiots are more interested in handling peoples children than they are in their
jobs. So it is the only way left to look after my property: he did this and I
did that, he stood here and I stood there – not here – they need to fuck off
and most certainly will.
After all I have had to put up with from them
they are still confident it is perfectly fine to continue those things they do
to some people that are said to be vulnerable to the powers if the media says
they are. I stood here and they stood there, I did this and they did that;
after all I have been through because of them. I think I will enjoy my versions
of those power games as well as it stands and I will particularly love to over
my company where everything I do has an alternative argument to it if the media
wants and stifles stone dead the income each time there is a real world real
market progress with it. I do not think they are wrecking the business all
together its the stories people tell; all the bible I read tells me all I need
to know about people being envious, greedy, lairs, quick to shed another
persons blood and so on; the main issue here is that another set of idiots
think it is acceptable to get into state property and use it to serve their
purpose by giving them access they do not have on my work and property,
therefore I do this and they do that, I stand here and they stand here and it
is all legitimate because it is politics; with what? In the end they will find
ways of adding more money to the money they have and by that time will they
have gotten away with it while it becomes obvious that the point of it was the
powers of their cultures which is important to wrecking the lives of those who
have things they don’t and get in their faces with it and that will not happen
here. It has carried on as long as it has around here first because they knew
that with me it would never work and then because they wanted to have a state
of affairs which creates violence that they will then enforce on me. Saying so
does not mean they will become Christians and change their wicked ways, I am
only telling them to leave me alone because none of that stuff will be allowed
to happen around here – not now, not ever, not in the life after. The way I
have put it for most of the time is that I will soon get to a place where I handle
them all the time seriously, such that I do not give them a breathing space in
life in general, so that they might want the Christian aspect of me they hate
so much to come to their service as well. The complains about their cultures
has to do with a means of enforcing this over the endless threats on public
media against those who are none violent religious people that talk rubbish at
the dangerous guys of society and I simply thought I ought to take up that
culture and decide what happens to it so that if I kill them over it I will be
able to shut them up thereof, bearing in mind that threatening me is something
they seem to have gotten used to with a big mouth. I do not think that it is
half the titanic fight they make out that it is, it simply a case of things I
did to help my friends since having a royal commission does not mean you must
cease to aid people, claiming they had civil rights problems and the result is
what we have today as such where they split half my life and use it as resource
to fight me while I use the remaining half right down to my time deployment
everyday, to defend myself, while they keep their own lives and property safe
somewhere to enjoy and feel superior with and some collection of idiots stood
up to make out with their politics that I have acted in a certain way to make
them react like that, hence I had to secure a condition where they cannot stop
offending me and those who make those statements cannot stop making them so we
end up with the required state of affairs needed to deal with the problem.
Every time they touch me or do anything in my direction it is hurtful and
painful and the reason to handle me in such ways is that I have beauties they
want to use as means of making their political style and it gets worse and worse
everyday; today its local media the next its regional media and the next its
National media and then when it becomes global media it happens every second –
now they are threatening me as well.
It is not some huge big game of revenge and
vendetta; just things a certain group of media, politics and business idiots do
not have the right to do to me, that my parent had set me up for because I am a
moral person who needs to be stripped of it, about which each time I say so
they mention their better off position with all that belongs to me at this
point about which there are things I do not have the right to do and need to
shut down so I don’t offend their ego. The Politics ones will want to find out
how deep the rabbit-hole goes as soon as I make that statement in public, the
media ones forget they are other peoples boo boys and the business ones will
bluff to hell and back of course naturally. Of course the most important thing
to them is the fighting prince that makes them feel secure and safe and then important
and decadent and so they like the way I fight and secretly are peddling me like
a slave for it with their media and son but it has always been the same old
story about it anyway ; they know where the problems of the world are, cannot stay away from those
places and like to measure up people and determine how much of those problems
they want to use themselves as an agent that operates on all kinds of excuses
from civil rights to outright social hatred to inject it into my life, then get
on that stupid media to determine when or how I do it and for what. So when I
have lost my temper over it like I have and their Politicians have to use
government office to save precious media institutions, I myself although being
victim sometimes wish it ends there but it does not, the idiots cross the line
and want a piece of me yet again. Of course there is the general idea that the
way I react to it is incredibly funny and just pours oil on the fire but it is
how I want it because there is no way people will ever believe civil rights
most of the time it is mentioned is a fraud; so when they hear me ramble on
like they claim I do as if this Company has become the meaning of their lives
and hear or see them laugh then they can come round to ask me really stupid
questions as well. I mean it would serve the same purpose their double dealings
serve for them, if they want to pass exams but binge and do boys as well then
somebody else has an academic work that gets in their face for it or if they
want to be successful and rich while at the same time getting around with areas
of society that bring people nothing but financial destruction, then somebody
has a business that gets in their face and they make up enough excuses to
handle it in that way that there are too many arguments for anybody who says
they are wrong to ever make sense or be right; I mean I am certain they sit
around in secrete gatherings if it is not an outright secrete society to plan
the powers of their powers there and that is before they shoot off the civil rights
fraud as well which gets violent soon with a big mouth and it is much the same
with marital life and sexual fidelity, when finished we see them turn up to
lead everybody and especially me with their stupid politics. So they will pick
up from here to blow off stories about how I am neither on the side of royalty
nor on the side of Politicians which is largely a matter that based on the fact
they are the clever ones, will be determined on book sales. You know the bit
where the Heir to the throne thinks when Politicians attack me he must attack
me as well to bring about the balance of power, those rubbish they do that
costs people everything and does not cost them a breath, to find out what the
results will be instead of doing what the rules say or what they are told about
it. It is not my problem now the reasons that the Heir to the throne attacks me
because Politicians have in order to bring about the balance of power; I always
loop upon it as alienation and that question of why royalty would set p and alienate
what was at the time a commoner is not for me to answer. However the onus is
not on me to hold back on whether I want to talk about it or write about it;
it’s my life, my alienation experience and I can do whatever I want with it.
This is the prognosis on which the matter of which side I am on – royalty or
politician will be determined on book sales is born, bearing in mind they were
the clever and superior ones in the first place anyway. So they always think it
will affect the country in a really bad way which it never ever will. After
being alienated, each time they get involved with my things and more so to
damage it, it will cost them bearing in mind their involvement is harmful in
the first place, however there are no rules about whether or not I can talk
about it with my friends, which of course I can and there is nothing that they
can do about it.
As for making so much noise while back stage
media people know they can have me, it is utter rubbish; back stage media
people can have nothing around here. the fact of it is that one day when I walk
into a studio and grab their shirt over pictures of stupid girls they take on
my property without my permission and same with stupid women that like the
girls cannot let me breathe over violence that men like me should do to provide
them with money and security on that stupid media, they will find out that
their stupid secrete lives where no body can make them account for the money
they have no matter how much does not appear to be so secrete to everybody. If
they do not want that to happen they need to realise that it is important they
shut it so I can sell my books, shut it and let people continue to know them as
the tolerable thieves that they are – stop yapping about people they can have. It is regularly mentioned of course
that I get angry about nothing but what really winds me up for most of the time
is these men whom I do not wish should have any form of involvement with me
whatsoever. In their minds the plan to teach the Christian not to carry around
ideologies that suggest I should not double deal to leave my fat wife at home
and get around wrecking his property to make money with which I sleep around
with younger girls is going stronger and gets to mean that I will have no right
to earn a living unless I do what they want with the sexual aspects of my
activities and so those boys and their women will bring that stuff and lay it
up and the world will not move unless they had spent all of it on themselves to
ensure the world works like it normally does. In my mind it will lead to
something more serious before I have the right to earn a living and the fact
they exist does not mean that doing the right thing and working by the rules
becomes such an extreme disadvantage because of their desire for double dealings
and plans to be rich and or famous with it. They like to say I measure up to
people that are more important than I am to force me to clear the air on my
Christian views which they can then claim abuses human rights; I think they
live very worthless lives you see, take binge drinking for example – if they
did tell their parents they are wrong when they are and face the music if they
must, if they were nice to people generally and try to do only one thing at a
time, then there is no way they would end up in a place where they think binge
drinking is the thing that you need to make you feel like you are a real man
and so on and of course it is too late for them now I mention it. There is no
chance whatsoever that I measure up to them when they are older and more
important than I am.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland