There is
this popularity statement they have become quite used to, which suggests that
my big problem is a lack of respect for women but of course the truth of the so
called big problem is that they have no other way of making an appearance in
Public places save jumping on my public image to tell me they want something
off it and somebody will beat me up and kill me if I had failed to co-operate;
they cannot do journalism without it and they cannot do celebrity and popular
culture without it and so I need to continue to look after a statement which
makes it quite clear that they will get their arse fucked first before anything
happens to me. We are not even talking about the celebrities in a bigger
picture here, that would have involved a group of people that are better human
beings than I am with a criminal record and an inability to run their own lives
without seeing that somebody else’s life comes to a stop and so when considered
in the grand scheme of things, the bit where they claim I cannot stop punishing
people whereas what I do is keep records on them and their need to handle me
and my possessions and my estate, to prevent a process where I have to do civil
rights for money while they show up to grab the best bits of my work claiming
they were here first before me after all the destruction that got me into that
position in the first place and this is the one that means they claim I keep
those records to ensure that I have a means by which people cannot change their
lives, which of course is a use for it that is possible but we can see how they
wish to change their lives here described as well; thus it comes down to the
fact we have never seen me deploy the records in look after my Estate income
margins, to rip up their finances and to give away an trade secretes their
involvement with me leaves around here, which they are not paying me to hide
for them all together, so it is quite difficult to explain why they get after
the records and then get after my Books as well all together, meaning I keep
the records but I am not selling any Books. Thus in a grand way of looking at
it, these are very evil people but they need to stop threatening me since it is
their choice to be like that and mine to be the way I am, if they want to stop
complaining about it as well. The other part of the story we hear so often is
not just one of terrorism about which I have made myself clear where I stand on
terrorism while they are the ones who continue to get involved with the systems
and structures that exist to give people protection and then are seen
expressing Public uncontrollable hatred for those it is meant to protect as
well at the same time – thus the terrorists are the same as their media and
popularity and celebrity selves not me: - it also progresses to the claim that
people do not understand what I am saying whereas they do i.e. if men will not
stop ripping up my finances and getting in touch with Politicians and media to
acquire things from me that I cannot prevent my age generation from giving up
to them, at the end of which they perform strange pornography and put it on the
internet at my expense, I will never stop clipping them in every aspect of
their lives, so that Women might be able to dominate them i.e. people
understand exactly what the things I do and say mean. Their excuse usually
comes in the form of claims I take full advantage of the fact they have friends
and family working in the security services and that they are required to
behave in a certain way but it is hard to see why the assumption was that blaming
me is credible while people took my literary archives off the University system
I placed it in 2005 but it came back to constitute a global threat to me during
Hilary Clintons run for the White House in 2016 – no idea what they are doing
asking me about it or blaming me when they are seen spending time with such
women and such journalists and such celebrities and such popular culture goons
every single moment that they are able to spare. At the bottom line of course
is the real matter behind the claim I love to punish people i.e. there is no
way I step out of my door when I am not being abused by their local community
croons behind it, without facing up to the fact everybody knows I am queer when
I am not, as such now that their entire societies and cultures are queer and
just like criminals are pounding what have you around here, their Offices smell
like their toilet and their toilet like their Offices – yap, yap, yap it needs
to peddle my Public image and faith and personal life gets to clear my space: it’s
a story where if we imagined that the only job there was were security services
jobs, we would have been able to see that the Law enforcement will look a
certain clear way and then people would look a certain clear way and then those
who have been punished would look a certain clear way - so we understand that
if a criminal or a character that is both a criminal and a victim of crime is
to exist, it will always most likely come from among them; need to stop
threatening me and stop complaining about the records I keep of my property
being handled alongside a perception I create of them that people can run with
too, depending on how insulting and abusive their celebrity and popular culture
and media ones about me is - need to stop making out I am queer and will never
come out unless I am forced to, if it does not want to speak about the smell of
its Office and its Toilet too.
understand by public popularity that I am simply appreciated by the Royals
because of how stupid I am but the fact I make a mess of everything is becoming
less tolerable for the Politicians which makes no sense whatsoever; the
Politicians are the ones who get out of bed every day to have the fun that
involves inciting a crowd to show a disrespect for my patents and do whatever
they like with my Books, so this has now grown into something I am selling all
together as well i.e. I am not complaining about the mess and I do not think
that they should too. The Media gets involved generally because it is full of
idiots who think they have the authority and administrative position after the
politicians had spent tax payer funds to sort out their careers for them and
just as lazy as the Politicians are, the job bit is the most difficult for them
all together. It usually comes to a head when the insults of homosexuals have
reached unprecedented levels and then I am left wondering where it all started
in the first place, taking me back to the days when I had showed up on the
workplace scene recently and they had decided I was to become the Jesus that
was crucified so they can feel good about themselves and have been working hard
ever since towards setting me on a pedestal by which religion is effectively
banned. They speak of some of the things I do to them when it is calculated
that nobody is born homosexual if they are always hunting others down to take
up years of people’s lives turning people into homosexuals so that the process
of having homosexual sex might become a punishment that they dished out to
those who messed around with their greedy needs but it’s just a question that
is this same question of the link between effective torture by immoral people
to make people gay and to make them have anal and a process where people were
born that way in the first place, about it which I have posed to them which
they will answer every time they get involved with my concerns bearing in mind
they cannot beat me up like their big mouth does suggest all the time i.e. the
media gets involved in this matter where every time I am not selling Books it
is Politicians making themselves into the characters I criticise in my Books in
order to deploy Government office telling a crowd to mess up the patents and
stop it getting sold, if they get involved because they have the Administrative
office and public power like their politicians do in the first place, besides
which there was never a conversation about it which I made that was referred to
them in the first place all together. It could be as simple as a process where
they do not show up near my Public image and kept their distance from my Books,
as we can see that if this was a physical premises I would be employing a
security guard that I instructed to bruise them each time they turned up. They
like to say my actions have no effect on them while complaining about those who
have stopped them from having the 80s and 90s and noughties style fame all
together and the Politicians do it apparently, not because they are unaware
this sort of behaviour means somebody did the job that was writing the Book
that meant he worked 40 hour week, then has to deal with what they have come up
with which amounts to a job that is another 40 hour week, while the first 40
hours have not yet been paid for because of the second one and if it carried on
long enough the victim will then have to take out another externally paid job
that will help to deal with bills, while the 80 hour week job they had invented
had not yet gone away – so is the question here showing up all the time about a
people who are so proud of others sorting out what is to happen to the way
their salary moves around to get to them having the effrontery to inflict such
things on other people, making a case of themselves when I am sick to the
stomach because of it all together too. So they do tell me the bit about
selling the mess they make which means they pay more time to doing this than they
pay to doing their jobs is not the best, while I am rather convinced it cannot
be done any other way; when it comes to it, it’s just Books I wrote but then so
is it equally important that having been people have warmed to it, the Books
need to get sold. They do claim I enjoy having power over others but not others
having power over me; what happens rather is that the Politicians spend tax
payer funds to sort out their lives for them, they cannot stop insulting and
abusing others that are just trying to get by for it but even so it is the job
part that involves visiting land marks and institution of importance to the
population and coming up with a song if the person was a singer, a song that
will entertain people, that was the most difficult aspect of it all, so their
stupidities want my Public image to make fame with. What I have ended up with
then being that they speak of having power over me like I have over them and
it’s a behaviour, really bad behaviour that since saw me and my Church business
and wanted me to fight for my life with local gangs issuing those insults and
abusive threats and presuming rights to punish me all the time, while it
believes its civil rights had amounted all together to a right that lets them
get involved with other people’s concerns in a personal way – this has now
given rise all together to a bad behaviour that is happening right on my income
margins on account somebody else has to deal with how they are getting their
own incomes paid; where I get told I talk about it in a way that lets them get
away with it which I do not – its social corruption you see and although we do
not speak of young people who sleep around alongside their ageist friends and
goons of these sort being socially corrupt these days, we still have people who
live in the understanding that they are and that it has never really had a good
ending, just like we see that each time they invent new insults to throw around
it is because they are trying to secure mobility. I understand people view most
of my activities with suspicion but it is largely a habit that has been
developed because of the way I work, which also suits me well - tends to leave
me time to get on with it and get judged by history and not those who enjoy it,
then become cynical to prevent others from gaining access, so as to carve some
Royal Privilege out of me that lets them secure inequality. I already had a
reputation for being a good listener while I never really cared what people
were thinking and it was never something I ended up doing because I was a freak
as such; we find when they talk with me they are more interested in my public
image and good looks, interested in what they can do to relieve themselves on
it and so on, all the Vaginal monologues in the world, as insultingly as they
can, so I listen alright but I hardly care since its utter nonsense. They do
claim I am part of the problem referring to the bit where they are always
playing a game of catch chicken with me and so I am always being made to feel
high emotions in public places because of the activities of the Politicians and
Media and people catching chicken, right up to the stage where I defend myself
and an idiot will go off to give them what they want, then show up to make me
serve him and the crowd for it as well, so with respect especially to the
ageists at the heart of the matter, it got serious when I dropped out of
University and they had to be made to know what I know and to stop being so
stupid which meant that as soon as they did, their next target was the Media
boys who would not let me tolerate these things as they had seen it too and
decided I must be made to discipline my Mum. They do say I am just a little Man
making my voice heard but that said, we hear them claim my Court is free for
all as well, so I am not dead yet but the bigger Celebrities will soon be
adopting my Royal order to teach people lessons as it were, so apparently they
are then able to complain to me while I am alive as they blow off their big
mouths concerning how they would want to kill me and own the public image all
together. So they say I live in this world where it’s not what I know but who I
know that matters of course and it’s the Politicians talking as they have no
future since the economic crisis and claim there are unpaid jobs I will do to
help them keep their places in the worlds rich list, which I am very curious to
see as well; we see the same thing happen when their idiots claim I have some
mental illness and when it is really understood, the business of messing with
my work and finances was meant to keep this going and ensure I am not availed
of time to deal with it. The Celebrity and popular culture ones with their
insulting ethnic minority laziness they have for security guards who direct all
my movements and decide when I am getting into a fight with local gangs once
finished with showing up around a Christians concerns to do him favours with
cultures that gives the impetus to decide what is to happen to another person’s
life, that allows them a license to practice all kinds of abusive nonsense at
me linked to some business of the balance between evil and good that will let
them keep up the favours and soon enough gives way to the business of rich get
richer and poor get poorer hence the case of where celebrities were better than
I am and have been trying to tell me all along, followed up with financial
consequences from the same idiots who show up on my media equipment like it was
their share in this world-no matter how many times I warn them of the
consequences we can clearly see when I twist them own hard enough to get them
enrolling in the Military to do the one that the state will actually pay them
to do for instance, especially when they come from Ghana and think the UK looks
like Ghana as well all together, I intend to tear them up 80s style popular and
celebrity culture as well, so we get to meet in the middle. Like the Industry
ones claim I have been ruined because I have no respect for them, which it
seems adds up to an announcement that the business of showing up here to run
off publicity on my assets then get involved with companies and make me
irrelevant to build infrastructure and business and products on equities I am
actually trading with other Companies have finally paid off and we can see it
is a sulky sad and bitter scumbags apt announcement too.
On a more
serious note these are equities I broker with very large and multinational
companies taken up by a group of fools who want access to something unusual
that they can run globalisation to get rich quick on and then the outcome will
likely be a process where I started to see an incentive in making money from a
process of striking when the business cycle is on so that I get some peace and
dignity by pillaging those stupid contraptions they get up with it. The
Politicians always lead from the front when it comes to telling me there is
nothing I can do while a fight with them is rather the answer for all problems
as we all know it will think the purpose of government office is to run two
behaviour that are not compatible, where one of them is having a footing at
Industry in order to be disrespectful due to feelings of power and the other is
meeting the electorate on the streets to secure a job whereby it gets to decide
public policy, inciting people to damage my patents and books, seeking to be an
idiot that wants to be tolerated but regularly getting on media to ensure it is
impossible to tolerate. It is therefore getting near to a stage where I will
detach them from the Government Office while they will meet somebody on the
streets who says he wants to take advantage of a kid to make enough money for a
good retirement because the kid has still got time in the work force and then
we will find out what becomes of it and how much of a joke it still is in the
shop floor of parliament from then on. I do get asked if I am not afraid of
Politicians but it’s never really a straight case of being afraid of them or
not; there are people from ethnic minorities who behave in the same incredibly
stupid ways that I stay away from but need to chase me around like chicken in
the backyard for sexual abuse satisfaction, so when I twist their case hard
enough they joined the military and got hurt by the enemy to do my stuff
thereby keeping the hands off while I get it cleaned up as the Military does not
really look like that – so I have kept those at a distance and had the
academics destroyed by and hence leaving me stuck with the white ones as well.
It is usually said I talk about it because I am afraid, the truth is that I do
because I am a Christian who does not want it festering in my mind when I have
not yet made a decision on it - I mean I have seen people put up advertisement
with Christmas lights because they were told to keep off my equities if they
enjoyed hurting me so much, same case of CV faking, women hating, society
loving goons running large companies; will not let me sell my Books and will
not share the salary and nobody knows what it wants but the Politicians are the
ones who have not yet realised a fight with the Government Offices are usually
the answer for every problem.
I. Uno I
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland