So recent stories have had much to do with my lack of co-operation over matters of National interest; I should guess therefore that what is mean is that these fools who think a royal prince cannot sell books he writes to release cash from his estate and therefore means they know what humiliation is and have set out to make that permanent as well, know a lot about National interest when I because of them have not gained a penny from my work even though I own a Royal estate and a literary empire because they are using it for other purposes, while they have known the pleasures of being paid every month for a period of the last decade so far.

It is the one where they claim to have girls that have done nothing to hurt me to unleash on me because they will find themselves to have the right of might that has ticked this matter off; it is the last straw, the last insult I will tolerate from the secrete service idiots and their Popular culture scum. I mean from what I gather they are not scared of anything in their stupid lives and those who are in charge are cowards that need to be taken care of by them as well just because they are asked to provide security.

I am saying I have had enough of them here as a warning so they do not get to wind me up into doing my work for malicious reasons. I intend to completely crush and destroy everything that has to do with that stupid popular culture because as I have mentioned they can only have one job and secrete service work it is or popular culture work it is not both and I need to earn from my work; you cannot be penniless when you have a royal estate and a literary empire to play with. I was hoping to just get on and sell my books now I have been settled despite them but it seems that I will not have respect from them so I will extract fear instead.

For me it is still the four main issues; one of them is that protecting young people from pornography, media corruption and popular culture is not how they do their stuff and they need to stay out of my life and my earnings. The other is that they buy products not pillage my intellectual property and temperamental colours brokered with companies. The other is that they are supposed to have one job only i.e. the secrete service job they do and not make extra money with the use of my office at the pleasures of their stupid girls and boys. Then there is finally the advertisement thing where people pay them a lot of money to get on Television to use the service to make a statement about how they were treated at a rich person’s party which then also has something to do with me as well, as though they would pay that level of money for that sort of service while I on the other hand just have my books reported instead of the news and they say they do it that way to raise ratings. There is no such thing as a condition where I am addicted to television like they have claimed either, I gather that is supposed to have been new privileges their stupid children can be treated to as well.

I. Uno

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland