They always ask if I think my case with US democrats would be walk over all the time especially when I mention something about the fact they witnessed some really ad events in their lives but have not changed a behaviour that means they want to take advantage of others to make wealth that they have not worked for but it will be a walk over, we all know my Books were something I wrote to set out a stage in which I made clear that in terms of what people want from me which takes up my time, what I can do is set out and hold a line where it is my interest that things are done ethically – so anybody that wanted to make money and return home to enjoy a life with their families should never have had a problem with the Books, obviously we see that the democrats do because making money and returning to wife and family is actually not in their interest which is not a problem of mine: save they have other ideas, it involves threatening and abusing me, it involves taking something from me that does not belong to them it involves their needs being met on grounds they are hateful people. They mean handling them would not be a walkover if I had a personality that suggested I am no longer a conservative person and we see this sort of nonsense all the time – the women will bear down on young person’s sexually for years and then the purpose will be to fill in the personalities of such people with ugliness because they have children that are more deserving to be celebrities, having been more serious things have happened around it such as me dropping out of University, we obviously have ended up with a massive problem because of their need to cling to me on media as well – so most of their public place bullying is built from this and the means is a form of abuse that beats the imagination; from chasing people to factorise them by their private parts, to claiming people sleep with other people’s wives like a state of affairs that is used to dominate them at random: so it would be a walkover if I had cut that stupid party to pieces as well, so it can stop blocking my personal finances while it winds me up to change my personality every day. They have become rather convinced nobody is watching them and that they are the ones watching everybody else which is entirely wrong; I have been them make their lives useless by year one, it will continue till year five when they have their backs to the wall and want a Royal Estate because it is something that does not currently exist in their stupid little lives, at which stage there is me on one side and they on the other with a back to the wall, thinking it will be an easy ride. Then I get told I am all talk and no capability to do anything whereas we all know that is tall boy drag queen criminal talking and as I have mentioned before, it appears when they have my Royal Estate there will be no more queers in the world as well; it will be a walkover when play time is no longer viable as it were – for now what they need to know is that if after all they have put me through they get by those things that have been done to me with matters of consenting adults without my consent anyway, I will satisfy myself with revenge instead and this they need remember and stay the hell away from my Books. They always say my Books make a problem for them naturally of which it was written to serve a trust system and not for them to pay their attention to like these every day as it were and we are here talking about personal progress in my case because I am my own agent and have to vouch for my own business links, which does mean people should have noted there are many signs that most responses to any forms of attack will come from the very top but they have continued to believe that taking risks is better if they have insulting media that wants to make a talented tortured soul out of me and feed their narcissism with accusations of it all being my fault which is pretty much saying that I have enough talent to pay for their needs and they have a fucking right to get it paid for with that big mouth. It’s an old story where you get to see how the murders and manslaughters which are not worth doing are made, you get to know it is not worth doing but the stupidities will never end until you start to play with their salaries by coming up with a plan to get the idiots out of the stupid jobs as I have mentioned before; I have to resolve all these issues but nobody has ever seen me set out a campaign that says I am selling a personality that always has his career taken from him like their characters for instance; it does cause thought and pondering as to the reasons people behave in such ways but has never really made me sleepless; it’s that old case where people ought to spend time with racism, the story of racism all the time on account it’s the one that is killing people, while they on the other hand simply have a civil rights to practice wickedness and evil if it means they are getting by, soon enough I have to know about it when I am not interested and for no reason I find myself fighting for my life in a neighbourhood; this was the first reason they hated my guts – the one where I am holding my own against five massive guys to protect my business and my interests and they show up with these abuses that will let five massive guys get things they have never had from me before, so I make them do it and it’s an example of the little issues they hate my guts for and blab about how I am suffering because I think I will rip up the culture and society and get away with it whereas I already did; the Books are where it will blow up in their faces all together, their problems and all. The media ones do not bother me at all; they are now complaining that when I start a fight I need to get it done immediately whereas the same spent decades of my time fighting me when they have never met me so their public place goons might pick it up, hence we have come full circle on that; the rest of the time range from a case where I am in a corner that is a product of me putting my information out there to run an intellectual property admin business only to have them pick it up to create a corner in which I am trapped and used as a tool to manipulate celebrities and fashion models and famous people; so I had to find these people and they are now stuck in a team as well between me and them, a little bum hurting a first but it will be fine in the end as it were.  They always say I think I am saying the right things when I talk the way I do but I actually am, since what we have here is a set of goons who have no respect for my writing business while behaving at the same time as though I buy my television so they can talk through to me with it; what I say is absolutely what I should be saying unless they want to tell me what that fucking age of theirs is and it had better been impressive too; the reality is that these goons are not anywhere near half as destructive as I am and of course cannot predict my activities in anyway; what they know well however is making an agreement to go into poverty which will provide momentum by which change can be wrought and the media goons and Political goons get to deploy the poverty to have revenge on enemies and any enemies that are lucrative to have as enemies and therefore need to be made into one such as myself and if they handle my Books for it again, there is definitely going to be trouble for them over it too; especially around that stupid superficial talk on wealth inequality that cannot let others breathe because it targets only those who actually cannot defend themselves and does not in any real way help anybody to get a job. Of course, we hear I am hunted and its utter nonsense too; they resort to telling such abusive stories when they are done complaining about a light that gets in their eyes when they are not interested, at which stage one is physical tired of them. The Media power bits will be the one where I do get told I live out a very difficult existence which is what it looks like from the outside but from the inside save idiots hurting me because they will have no other existence save breaching my copy rights to extract job roles at this Royal Estate and incomes from my property led by Politicians, which means that writing a Book can be physically painful as they lay claims to owning me, having found ways of hurting me that cannot be physically substantiated; in the end it’s the same old case i.e. the economic recovery is in sight but who is out there grabbing it? in the end the Government create build initiatives to look after the environment for instance but there is no way of making the get rich quick goons who pillage personal and family lives to build wealth that facilitates partying that rips up Natural environment treasures by making sure that their own working environments and skyscrapers can be emptied at will too – hence I have to attempt what I have a talent for; at the moment, I do not want them pushing boundaries and bending rules at my expense and the insults are good for them but they are screwed and need my leadership - so I have all I need at the moment save my academics need completing and there is nothing stopping me from doing it save the Media experimenting on how much power information businesses can wield at my expense, which leaves me with even less time to complete a project at the Office let alone pick up an academic endeavour as well, hence I need make my choices and decisions easy on me, by making sure they do not get what they want. I am not unaware of the claim I am incapable of communicating and am also compassion less none of which is based on the truth and reality of where they chose to play their games i.e. the nature of my Books and going into a college to deal with the lecturer organising the rest of the students to tease and abuse every time I attend, which some will say is better to ignore and spend time on my studies while the reality is still that they have the power to decide if I can pass the courses or not. So it really comes down to the party piece of their need to put their faces on sky scrapers and get famous with other people’s public image, in order to avoid the risks: the way it plays out being the whole business of claiming some goons is bragging about knowing rich people which gets on their nerves, right up to a stage where my business is said to be stealing pocket money from peoples parents and then ends up with a case where everything I say and do is followed by a just like that habit from them, provided it can benefit people and its garnished with access to media and popular culture to address all the changes and breakthrough associated with a phenomenon that is the Books I have written as insultingly as possible to show they have power over me by damaging my finances. It’s never really a big problem, we all know they want to go about screwing with people while at the same time having access to the security systems of those who hold government duties, since it is usually a none violent way of dealing with violence – in the end of which either way that they have it, others are left being educated about how the murders and the manslaughter crimes are made every day, while the lecturers at school think that study environment is the best place at which to show off their own gimmicks and well to do enemies on media blab about my inability to operate like a person. We have to listen to all that talk these days, of Politicians who need co-operation due to the fact the world us becoming more unstable - the best part of their deal in the last decade and a half consistently being one of beating down anybody who claims another person’s has an adage, talking nonsense about nice people who need money to a bunch of scum that wouldn't think twice killing somebody else to grab possessions, money and fame. Recent matters have been that of student debt in the Country and I am left wondering how students come into debt anyway when the entire system is based on leverage type subsidy – which therefore means that if there is a point where the leverage system has done its job but the students have gone from making use of a system that puts them on a compulsory path to a qualification and a job which amounts to the source of revenue for the government to paying debts, what is really happening is the usual Tory scum getting close to government but this time to steal money from students, then claim it’s a matter of being a financier who has to put out stupid products in the City, make money of it, become scared, then put the money away in overseas accounts, of which it is obviously a good time to start taking money out of the British economy bearing in mind that if everybody else stopped investing and financiers had no body to sell products to, students would still be studying and it’s a system that just keeps giving: if the economy was their Dad they would have gotten a letter by now, telling them there are other siblings to look after but apparently it does not have any feelings, it’s just a thing. It’s another example we see in the House of Lords, where people have started a new expenses corruption; same old case of how it begins naturally i.e. somebody has been disrespectful and the Lords must now punish the whole population, which targets me more often than not and means that they are going to hate my guts like the commons do before it is over. I do get asked since I mention a lot of the times that the whole insanity was started by the Blair government considering we are talking about it due to what Mr Corbin will now do to get out of the problem all together, what I think the House of Lords should be like, which is that old case where somebody will tell them he is not a small person and he is not a coward and he is not necessarily a clever person and has kids at home he is having a difficult time controlling within the democratic process and the last thing they are supposed to do is what they will do never the less, such as give him some power; Blair started it of course, so that the Lords is now full of society goons deciding what becomes of society itself all together, now Mr Corbin is about to do come civil rights movement that will get us out of the mess. You can never get your head around the fact that one moment you are persecuted because you do not wish to buy financial products until employment picks up in real terms, the next these goons have lost some money and stealing money from students is the big story we must now have a conversation about on National Media. Then they tell me I am supposed to say these things directly to the government and not put it to Culture and Society to facilitate an Intellectual Property Administration business – whereas what really happens with their minds is that they are chasing Prince charming but spending too much of their silliness on real Princes, like in my case where I am handling the case of culture and society trouble makers on the Left and on the Right while assisting the Women with bottom chasing fame insane ADAHD evil type characters on the left, so they show up here to get stuck with my problems and complain about their hurting bottoms until they become the means by which mine hurts as well, so these fools might have a leverage, then get off at the other end pretending they have acquired new powers and accusing me of believing the government should be without power while the main problem is that no matter how long they have done it, at no stage does their minds ever think about how their victims have paid the way in the world, besides which there is really no incentive for their power games to be played out within a process whereby peoples finances are affected since they understand such energy should be spent on controlling criminal characters at government Office but do it anyway because they have a narcissistic nature that they have no wish to pay the price for after the pleasures. They do claim I am picking on Poor common people whereas what really happens is the only problem we have had i.e. feeling sore and hurt all day long over every move I make at the Office, which means Books are not getting written and if written are not getting sold, while stupidities become profitable when Industry fools get prerogatives, and I have no money - something that I think will never stop unless they are dealing with what becomes of those self-exhibitionism and bullying they fancy so much within a condition whereby they have no money. Eventually I get told I have really difficulty responding to complements but it’s not really the case; what happens is that people love my work and my Books but have not really got the time to read the Books, thus knowing if they do not I will not earn anything the question of how to make them secure more time so they can read my Books always clashes with a process in which they are able to take advantage of anything I do and get away with doing so, leaving me with complements that will apparently pay the bills in their view; so since most of them have always had a history of following me around to handle my concerns and ensure what I want from it is not what I get, so they might look at the body and feel the health coming on, it might just be an innocent process where they do not have the time to read my Books at this point but that history is not helping. So they say I get away with passing around discriminative slurs which is utter nonsense; what really happens is Mr A is an ex-convict, has not actually figured out his life but with the help of another group of fools who are always superior to me, have now located a means of making popularity fame and fortune with my public image, which then creates something that every pre-teen goon wants to be a part of facilitating narcissist happiness which brings about sales and ends with a process whereby they do not want me to do anything about the massive road sign that hangs over me saying ‘rob this one’ but the icing on the cake is usually the fact they cannot do anything and will never be seen appearing in public without addressing me while making sure all I do and own and have is used up and usurped just like that, as I come up with it every day – they seem to be suggesting there is nothing in this world that can tell them off, so I might look discriminating when I put them in their place. So, am I aware of Celebrity interest in my work? Do I know where to sell it? If it isn’t the reality that in the past the fallout from Show Business will be Film series such as Star Trek, which is actually now a mainstream Block Buster itself, meaning that Celebrity fall out community where people may have the time to spend on my Books is still a work in progress and I am not in any least a major contributor globally; a matter of what inspires people Today especially children. Eventually these matters come down to the case where I had opened up facts about my person, showing most people who do moral things are the person and the morality but I am the morality and the morality, which indicates it is actually part of my nature and there are people like me in terms of the fundamentalism of Law and Liberty but it seemed that what Men and their Boys and Girls were about to do with it was a process where my Royal Alliances were destroyed and I lost a Government based Estate at the end all together at the behest of their criminals with access to secret service tools pretending their activities are okay if they amount to Industrial espionage with the US at the leadership talking nonsense about freedom – so they did also claim they were really powerful and had a lot of money at their disposal and that I couldn’t shut them out, so I did. Question: will I be opening it up again? Answer: no. There is talk of me going back on my stance that it is not the best to think of the whole population ending up in the University system, which I have not; what happens with qualifications is that when you have them they become a part of you but depend on what others do for you in order to make sense – when you have one without a job due to other factors of your person and attitude for instance that become a degradation that you have brought upon yourself and likely to inflict on others to make yourself feel better like we see ethnic minority scum chase me around for abusively all the time, since in the end there is always the question of what you are likely only to do when other people make use of it too. The excuse people make is that I am now stuck with culture and society goons chasing my bum and hitting my tummy while I think people should not be educated and it is utter nonsense of course – I am not stuck with it, what happens is that I write a Book and people show up to have shown fun of making me solve their problems and then perhaps when I had solved all of it I might be important – thus the resulting question of me being stuck with these goons as per whether such things happening to person may have applied to me in view of the way I live my own life all together; same case where I have an exit and they have none even for their own problems and it must be one hell of a service for local criminal scum to work with private security industry to abuse me for them all the time, which will change absolutely nothing whatsoever – after all there is no God and there is no evil, there will be when people are wealthy and comfortable at my expense first that there might be no truth when there is. It’s always common sense of carrying around all the tools you have acquired in your lifetime whenever you are looking for employment – bears the risk of somebody thinking it is fun to make you do all the jobs that he sees you have a tool for and not actually offering you any of those jobs no matter how good you have been, hence always better that the government matches Universities with compulsory requirement for training imposed on employers not decide everybody should end up in the University even when they are criminal scum with a fantasy that sees me in my Office and bedroom and steals what is going on in my head to finger my bum all day and talk rubbish about ethnic minority situations. These goons are a problem that simply keeps evolving to make your existence difficult when you tackle it and only the Americans love to tackle people so that they might be free, like in my case where I have created also a problem Americans have to deal with that evolves every time it is being tackled until they have to let it be and let me be in the process as well – what will happen to British Women and feminists and their idiots and all that fun bullying with media and Political goons that does not stop unless they are out of money is that I will likely build them the same too and of course they always say they will take over my Public image which they know is just a dream as well; we can all see what will happen is media and Political goons doing lots of insults and abuses after they build mine up and make a case for themselves the whole time because they want to change who they are and at the end they will be past it all by the time they are finished and people will stop showing up here to make use of me while they have a great amount of disrespect for me at the same time, the problems I solve for them apparently of which is a matter that gets them stuck up and read to get into the prison service overalls. You may be asking what students are doing forging an alliance with ex-convicts who find their way into the private security Industry and get about fingering your bum every moment you get into your office all day, stealing what is going on in your head due to the imagination they now share with you but the main issue is still that of the comments the Media and Politicians make being tied to their job descriptions before it can be made lest they end up with their Salaries on the blue corner and my Books on the red before their owns stops too – they are not going to grab any public image in this life or the next. We hear them claim all the time that I never deploy my own possessions to do anything and never stop abusing those whose possessions I have deployed in a place where I have no rights to get things done; it makes them feel good but has no basis on reality – reality is that if I am solving any problems for them, I am doing it by writing Books and if they are getting any of my solutions it should be through buying and reading those Books, if they handle my Public image they will get the job done, they always say they will not but what they think is not what history says (so the fall out us putting a noose down the Politicians and media and dragging them back a detachment of everything to do with my Books from the Books itself and force them to get the job done, a community of white people whose idea of how to get by is to shed their previous targets and chase me around until I drop out of University, then claim it’s because I need to share what I know and when I write the Books the most important things are a follow on from that really stupid process of telling me they a need where I come up with new things and they dis-virgin it to be in a position to get rich, which plays out into being the guy who starts up business and after bearing all the risks, otherwise will have kept an eye on his concerned and showed up to get rich and so popularity fools feel they have that right and everything he does is gone just like that with a big mouth, of which one can tell oneself all the lies in the world about it but the bank account will never tell lies about the fact it’s all a community organise themselves for ruination talking nonsense about the effects none white people have on their Country – so the blacks come in to do the gangs and crime on my earnings and when they are controlled the whites jump up my public image and business to sell their own products and it has come to that stage where it needs to be made a simple for their stupidities as possible). It’s not really a case in my view; a simple matter of foolish women talking about a Woman prize I have a problem with and cannot keep their hands off my bum because it causes me to pay attention to pain and shows me what it feels like to be denied when they will not stop doing it no matter what, who want to make a lot of money without doing a day’s work in their lives, the prize of woman being the stupid men that send her out to do it and the agreement she has made to do it by showing one of those serious matters surrounding the case of the challenges women face and despite it. Eventually of which we hear I am in love with a Member of the Royal Family and it will never work, especially when the whole case of the Prince of Wales not chasing big show reign anymore since I am now fucked all over by it at the hands of celebrity scum with a need to talk nonsense about ex-convicts I have no respect for, while they cling to my public image and blab about a high power that protects me. Same story of the Middle classes getting involved with the Royal Family to institute their own ideas, or basically spending their time shutting down other people’s lives – so the picture is that if I walked past Piccadilly and Marble Arch heading towards Buckingham as a Member of the Royal Family a Mixed race child half the time of which we are just a family but half the other time what we do is a matter of Public concern, they will likely make the fact their envy plays out as per shutting down other people’s lives a middle class delusions very important indeed. In any case their main problem at the moment being that I am an Arch Prince and their envy is best expressed when they say I will not hold it with a big mouth – so we find that the lady who owns that big restaurant in the City and is one of those persons that are responsible for the fact that I do not have to go out there and seek what to do with a community I wish to identify with so that I may not attract the bad crowd while I am chasing academics and finances, now has two groups of people showing up at her premises all the time – half of which are criminal characters I have to respond to punching tummy and the other half are people delivering services and produces and then I get told the reason my problems are never solved is that I am patronising, the assumption being that there is no way it is possible they are suffering because I have had enough of them as well. Hence they speak of the things I have done and it’s an old story where they fancy men that are being tied down so that anything might be done to them, in the same way I fancy that stupid culture and society when people are not protecting it with guns and knives and they might want to keep their superior nepotism fingers off my bum for it too before it gets far more serious than that – I shall soon show up in Public to sell the Books and find out what they are going to do about the level of bullying which means that I am stuck thinking about them every second and when it shows in the Books I can then get told I borrow all I own and have no respect for others with that big mouth all the time. It’s the old case where one has started thinking about ways of beating down the violent gossiping and lying thing in ways that will mean their feminism runs out of money which is usually the only way it stops what it is doing - but it is slow with men telling me what to do about women, incurring some wrath too, considering I do have a penis (everybody knows the reason I am always being attacked is that attending Church and doing Church stuff while I may not have noticed, has had negative impacts on their popularity abuses and criminal activities - of which it is always largely a matter of their own choice when I pick up problems unexpectedly in such ways). They do say I think I am doing the right thing, my language and all but am not; same old case where everything I do is followed up with violent questions and discipline alongside the need the change The Queens decisions about me – now society and culture goons have picked it up and I intend to run the swear words, then get out of the mess and leave them in it: it’s their own you see, how they chase the private parts of Royalty in order to get one parting with property and fortune that they can please themselves with; the whole process of ignoring deviance thus becomes a fighting guys versus peace guys situation the whole time and then you know it will continue and become a habit, so the future will be one of making the money and wielding myself round to ensure they understand the only real way to relate with their stupidities is to get used to dishing out punishment as well. Of course the talk of me thinking it is all out of the hands of entertainment managers and media goons but according to what they hear there is another way it will end happens more often than it should but I do not see how it will help them to continue that abusive behaviour of joining gangs in order to show up and control me, so when the gangs make them rich enough to want to keep out of gangs they can set me up as a tool in order to do so, while sending out stupid deserving black idiots to show up here and tell me it’s my fault for having everything and using my own life and property to solve my problems, having a really difficult time apparently teaching their foolish children some respect, while complaining I kill people and get away with it; they always say I make out it is easy to handle them while reality of course is that it is easier than they think it is – all I am trying to preserve is a system of a personal life where those I befriend use certain matters around my concerns as tools for discipline otherwise I will be forced to get off an Arch Prince’s Office to duke out discipline which is bad for me and generally means these fools can chase my private parts and defile me as much as they like to blow off their big mouth like that all over the place all of the time. I personally could never work out the exact stage at which Media fools and Entertainment Industry scum were able to communicate through to me in such ways as the idea I think it is out of their hands but according to what they heard f latest facts – it is one of those cases that will end really well and we are not talking about personal pain and suffering managed with pornography that I get off to keep up with as well to see if their guts match those stupid insults either – besides which it’s an old story with the blacks who own nothing around here and deserve nothing whatsoever as it were and then perhaps I might be allowed to have a relationship with other human beings as well, with no idiots peddling faith and personal life and privacy around here looking for trouble.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland