I am aware of the vile nature of the things I say being mentioned of course but the reality will ever always be that people think they live in a democratic and capitalist society and because of that they reserve the right to allow certain women do whatever they like with a certain men of their choosing on grounds of greed and power and so I find it impossible to work out what they are complaining about too since I am at liberty to rip up everything that creates the idea that handling them for failure to keep their insults to themselves and abusing me in sexual context and personally is something they want to do all the time so that the stupid men that put them to it can improve themselves and advance themselves and become famous and important. I am only saying I really don’t care what people think since we all know that when it comes to their civil rights they are their own worst enemy and because of that it appears that when they have set me up to be targeted all the time because my Christianity that they are sharing without believing in it is enough peace of mind and contentment to douse the effects of their stupidities and offer them comfort and peace of mind, to which effect they go further and further with it all the time up to this point – I have rather always been very clear about the fact that each time they have exhibited those kinds of behaviour in my direction and then have something to say about it when nobody is asking them, the vile shit that comes from their lips will either let me move on as it is what they want to do with their stupid lives or it will piss me off and then we will have a story but I don’t care what the big issue is either – they need to stay away from my books and tell the women that belong to them to do the same as well otherwise I will get hold of one and make an example of it. It is never a new matter career wise either; it is a matter of how they want to be in a place, what emphasised like other peoples living revolves around them, want to be in a place like so, where there are men that are no good and they have a community where they feel verbose making fun of such men all the time and having been they picked me, it gets to a point and I have had enough of them for my part as well. In terms of women in general however the reality will always be that I will never stop ignoring them until it hurts, while their Politicians make an enemy out of me by telling me the reasons they should have their careers at my expense is because they know where my finances are and that if they don’t get what they want I will have dishonoured my parents which will make my living very difficult and that can continue as well until it ends as badly as it sounds, however my friends are always suspicious of me and it is something that makes for good sex most of the time when they have to say sorry later on and all that stuff they do – for me it is a matter of spending time with those who work within the same interests as me i.e. owning a shop as the case applies and other things I do to broker my equities thereof not allow myself to be given to anger as a result of my penis and anus being explored all the time by get rich idiots passing tests and as a result of which the real question is what they turn up here for all of the time as it were.  I do hear them speak of Black people are the British Military of course so I suppose what they mean is that of a matter of people who are protective of their military world about which they are the dropouts who like to assume they know what I am thinking all of the time: I mean it should be referring to the workings of those whose leadership is concerned with primarily being stewards and not like me who fundamentally gives birth to history in the process of leadership as such but at the end of the day their absurdities are things even their parents are aware has reached a point for which they need to give themselves some reckoning and I suppose when they have my royal estate people will not be born gay in this world anymore and we are not talking about my conflicts with British people who want the Royal Estate for themselves either, as I mentioned anyway, for them it’s a case of being dominated by them before I am allowed by their governments to carry through my academic work and look after my finances not being as palatable anymore so there has been progress in that direction: those who want to be my enemies cannot be quietly confident around me, it takes the biscuit and they need to live with their own choices – all my enemies are either concerned about what I will do next or tend to leave me alone and let me be and nobody is one such turning up to look quietly confident around here. It’s the normal case of somebody wants to get under your skin and so you are an item in their view and they have set out the processes and are working on it like you do not exist and so the problem since you normally ignore such nonsense is that Politicians turn up and work on you and handle you to get them through- this is the simple day to day bit – I am not denying its about people that want me off their companies but that is entirely a load of rubbish as it is largely a collection of useless people with offices in Companies where they think they can simply get out of it and tell lies about what my work and possessions are and are all about then tell even more lies and get violent and make it their own finding out nothing in the world works like that and it has reached a stage where I have been forced outside of my Church concerns to look into quality of life issues which they have started paying for and it seems will pay to the very end too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland