We are
told most of my problems were a product of the fact other people took up dangerous
and life threatening activities at the security services because of me and yes
they did, after all, it seemed that people needed money so badly that they made
me a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy on the basis that I was
seen getting involved with businesses during the trading and economic cycles,
so it grew so big that they had to make claims I was in league with communists
to get money off Washington and did not mind trashing a Bookshop for it. They
even suggest it was my willingness to fight for the poor and the things I did
with private security industry that caused most of my problems – we know that
in terms of what I did with private security industry, poorer people were
making use of it at no cost to me, once they got involved we faced a crisis,
they were now complaining with the aid of media narcissism and a crowd of my
door step that will keep getting bigger until I met their needs and each time
those needs were partially met, the outcome was a narcissistic happiness that
kept giving and brought about market success because they were then happy
enough to sell things for a living, demanding more and more every day,
complaining about being affected by reality on how difficult it was for poorer
people before I did what I did with the private security industry. I mean the
new gimmick where they used Ambulance sirens to claim the Police disturbed the
neighbourhoods on my behalf but do not wish their NHS careers to be used as
tools for tidying up the mess they made in the neighbourhoods is now a five
year old career mess for me in 2023. This is the part where their corrupt
friends at the security services got to help mitigate the effects of their
media narcissism which I have described above, like I warned them I was able to
make it a tit for tart situation even when we shared an Office space and had to
meet each other to make a living every day.
On the
point that what I did for a living is ridiculous, we were moving away from the
fact it was never a crime for me to some respect for it off other people, the
way that they got respect for their careers to keep the income that made them
bullies, the crime was the breach of my patents and the handling of my career
publicity for a different purpose other than what is intended, the narcissism
that follows, needs to straighten up and cease running off the involvement
corruption at my expense. On the details, hey were still the only people since
showing up at University to get me dropping out chasing bottoms and running off
abuses and ridicule, who appeared to have learned only insults at school and
enjoy the gimmicks that displayed on Media because they have not paid for it
yet, completely convinced they were entitled to something from my career all
together. the ridiculous aspect of what I did had to be a process of securing
important aspects of generic governmental affairs since I got a Royal commission,
so when I am seen working with businesses during trade and economy cycles,
there was a way to complain about civil rights issues through my career
publicity, wreck it and become a paid up part of the problem on the other side,
if I set out equity to help people build products that baby sit wealthy people
who spent money wrecking their lives for no reason or purpose, the way that
they appeared to be some sort of investors that made the most of an attitude
women displayed at the market which involved sex and disobedience in this place
for some reason, there had to be a way to make me a character people bullied to
befriend the wealthy and lip flap on Media to leave me open to home wreckers
before they found they could not keep their mouth shut and therefore left me
doing poor market numbers. Ultimately was a problem with the way that getting
jobs from companies I worked with, allowed them to display all sorts of
nonsense that involved expressing how thoroughly modern they were, in a way
that affected my finances, rather than get on with the work, also backed by
society idiots that had perverted my wealth equity to build abusive society
that groomed me for homosexuality, selling services to them, a bunch of idiots
whose abusive behaviour only takes a turn for the better when victims acted
The boasting
was mostly to do with the idea that they had created me an incredibly difficult
time to contend with which is utter nonsense; the Celebrities need to stop
selling my career profile to get rich fast in Hollywood and their ethnic
minority alongside the civil rights sociopaths who are really good at looking
for trouble when none is dying because I organised my career to make them take
more risks with personal safety as they claim, was following up my public place
and social media career profile which they picked up to make sense of their
insolent narcissism, which an idiot from the US Government gets to spend money
on, in a way that ensured I lost something important and became more willing to
fight people on their behalf whenever their stupid brains had gone on holiday. They
do claim talking the way I did would do nothing to stop them either way which I
understand completely, the one that will do something to stop them concerned
the way I am unable to pay my Bills because their stupidities and that of their
fellow British idiots show up here to corrupt a whole National security apparatus
for the interest of a bunch of fools they employed at the US security system as
mercenaries who had no military ethnics whatsoever, even the process of
vouching for privacy that was used by public security operatives was on the
offing – building up to this stupid outcome where they all do not wish to get a
day job, the famous fools were selling my career profile for a living and their
idiots were looking like trouble, picking up my career profile to explain their
narcissism for which there had to be a way that it was all my fault. They could
have it the other way i.e. each time they corrupted matters around here, it
became noisy and rowdy, they made a mess of processes that helped to protect
the public from terrorism and if they were complaining about me, need to fool
around somewhere else, it is the part which solves this nonsense as a matter of
their need to make trouble for others, particularly in terms of where they got
to take a good look at their ego and the price that was being paid for it – claims
it was at war with Russia and China, not clear exactly what had made its
business with Russia and China a conflict as such, what exactly must have
qualified it as a war. It is impossible to understand what they meant if their
social position was compromised because I wrote a book and communists were
willing to pay for their copy but the stupidity needs to move else where and my
bookshop had to work for me on a schedule.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland