Now they
say the EU Negotiations are about to get tough for the UK, which is utter
nonsense; from what we know, what happened was that the UK stopped being a
member of the EU but Geographically cannot stop being a part of the European
continent – so this is a gimmick that means the end result will see us
collectively fork out some money on some new EU waste and the question is
whether we are in the UK in a position where we want to play this gimmick and
fork out later even though everybody else will be forking out as well; an example
of the reasons the EU is breaking up – anything that matters to others is a
dire way is ever important to the most insolent Politicians in the world. It’s
pretty much the same as we saw with Greece and we thought that when Greece had
an economic arrangement with Russia it was the biggest loser during the EU
crisis, we could not have imaged that Turkey will fall victim to the same thing
when they were actually better off than the Greek were anyway. In the end we
hear them tell me I challenge Politicians, the gods of idiots who take
advantage of everything and seek a leverage in the bank to ensure their
collective stupidities are always profitable if they make intrusive statements
into other people’s concerns about them but what we have here as ever in the
case of EU leaders is a process where every fool that wants to say that going
back to establish relationship with consumers is not trendy and that the new
trend is to rip up the business of those who do not matter with that big mouth,
always tend to get their support. The result is this situation where the idiots
have set out tools they claim are financial products as a means of extracting
money from the global financial markets and placing it in their personal
accounts, refusing to allow liquidity flow and creating a crisis in the
process, expecting government to come up with monetary Policy at a later date
while these idiots spend a little bit of their millions of self-seeking,
popularity goons, people’s property vandal medium sized businesses who think
nobody here can sell Books by getting out of bed to make them suffer the whole
time to keep up the power and hope of ripping up peoples empire to make their
own more profitable instead of working for the millions that get to their
heads, I set out to make a few statements on my website, which has now
gradually and very abusively and destructively been made to appear to be their
own statement and their own website in all but name with that big mouth, the
statement was originally devised to ensure that an alternative state of affairs
was set up so preserve my owns mall savings and ensure it was obvious there was
always another course of action save one that will devalue the currency and
cause it to go to pieces. since they apparently have money to waste on the
economic effects of government intervention and so love their disobedience so
much for it but now due to government co-operation with their needs, it has
been set up such that it means there is always an alternative Course to follow
save striking deals with Industry fools from the National Cabinet as though it
was a toy and not an important job by any means will mean that Prime Ministers
are constantly poised to lose jobs when somebody else takes it up, their
Political idiots tell me it’s all talk which risks global economic meltdown
should I deploy it at Industry to ensure they can keep their fat cat mouths
shut when their millionaires are losing millions daily. My point of course is
that the EU negotiations is about to get serious for the UK is good talk only
when they are not being serious and its important pointing out, the era of
goons in small Offices with sales army that will let them count themselves
among the very wealthy without much effort, that Brexit is serious. The case of
matters I am always stuck with every day was a simple case i.e. Media fools
making news and chasing headlines by squandering all I own – so the easier and
real bits are the ones where I say that the daily abuses on TV allows community
croons to seek involvement with me, which develops further into a process where
they chase my private parts to ensure I mess up other people’s lives while
clinging to my Public image to claim I cannot have it to myself due to a plan
they have as an organised community obviously, which is something one does not
react to if one wants to spend time with the studies and the careers, except
this bit is completely torn down by bully ageists making sure no part of my
body is not sore until I do and it turns out that where their stupidities play
out at its best is the media, meaning that reacting to community croons allows
leftist idiots to get out of hand but when Media is involved not reacting is
even worse. Like it has been in the last 24 Hours, this particular method of
chasing headlines means I have not been selling my Books while their pre-
pubescent self-seeking goons tell me I am not accountable to anybody with a
mode that suggests their purpose is to find new ways of forcing others to do
things they do not want to, so as to brew new sensations of convenience that
facilitates those old processes which mean that moral and religious people have
a use and it is the one where they get stuck somewhere dealing with violence
and being conservative while people extricate sensations of convenience from their
lives to make fame and fortune, which of course has become some bench mark for
their stupidities – the reasons they are always crying to be free at media and
celebrity and popular culture being that the likely victim of the antics they
claim are of benefit to society is the average Cab driver having their careers
laid out and ripped apart, thus obvious that when I do not want it done, none
should do it and tell me if I called them stupid I would get into trouble which
continues to remain as the state of affairs that encourages a process where we
met so we can find out what will happen if I did as it were, talking nonsense
about the lessons I will be taught all the time. It happens often while they
also claim I never stop i.e. the insults will continue relentlessly and people
will not support me unless I did something about it; get my Books published
online and the biggest problem I have faced since that was done is that it is
not a legitimate publisher and my Books should not have existed thereof as a
result and apparently while it talks nonsense about the trouble I will be into,
the insults continue and the fucking idiots will issue threats rather than edit
it out of their news reports. This is sort of the second stage; the first of
course was the one where I am some kid that goes around giving people the kind
of respect that kids of today do not give to their ageist elders anymore which
has persisted and made it so important to have a national conversation about
being used by those who have no respect for you, being used by people who will
not get around looking ballsy after they had boosted their income and felt like
chasing your private parts instead and so they complain about where I publish
my Books, where my information ends up, where I have decided to get a job role
but the insults persist never the less, now all laced with claims I love to
fight people and I push for war as state provided security has no right to
protect me from them and when I say I do not want a particular thing done with
my work or property it gets done anyway and I will never stop until I no longer
see them show up around my Books.
They do
claim I would say anything and do anything to deny that I am being bullied by
Royals which never really happens; what happens is that they are not chasing
Celebrities these days anymore, they want to chase me and have already been
bothering Royal Family Members who then ask them to perform an investigation
but the whole process remains one of wealth that was their own to build up all
together. So it showed up here years ago to claim the Law exists to protect
weaklings like me and prevent the fittest like themselves from getting by, so I
did pump their stupid heads full of what I know alright and now they will
punish me in every way known to man obviously. In the end it’s the same old
case of Community croons abusing me in sexual context to mess up my life and
ensure it is making a mess of people’s lives as well, so they might tell me I
cannot have my Public image to myself when I have screwed up other people’s
lives and can be poised to have it by violent means too - paying attention to
them lets the leftist idiots who fantasise about those who have such public
image that can be confiscated being caught up in a gang fight to get completely
out of hand but the reason we are here is the self-seeking busy body get rich
quick scum who are usually middle class trader idiots who mostly later become
somebody else's idiot children who got elected into government Office sometime
earlier and have insults that will shut down other people’s lives to show off
with endlessly making sure no part of my body feels good a distant violence
from their stupidities until I am responding to all these things and then we
see them later cling to my Books and seek the most convenient way of getting
out of trading problems by savaging my Books and do not see why not all
together as it were. They love to claim it’s
all about the Duke of Edinburgh but we all know the Duke if leader of the Royal
Family and since his Role and that of the Monarch where the leadership of the
Family is concerned intersect, what the Queen decides goes most of the time -
the rest is busy body goons who have created this condition where people seek
their cultural insanity by means of messing about with other people’s personal
finances which they actually do not need to do but tend to do because they are
sadistic enough to enjoy it; so the question they are worried about is that of
which one happens to be the goon that gets out of bed every day to block other people’s
path to work and employment and we all know what is hurting them is the fact
they want a new Country and that in the view of most people is not hurting them
badly enough. I for my part had long decided the myth of my laziness will be
settled along the lines of the effects of the University drop out sting thing
which will end with a case of me making my first breakthrough money on the back
of celebrities and popular culture goons, so I might tie of the back yard well
enough and concentrate on running an Intellectual Property Administration
business; we can see even now that where I have decided to publish my Books is
a threat to their jobs while the insults which mean I cannot get published by
somebody who will put my photo up on a sky scrapper and am fighting just to
protect my public image persists alongside the kinds of nonsense they are
planning with a sensibility that says I am afraid of them and there are parts
of my existence they have gotten used to therefore an aspect of the occurrence
of this matter which is my fault. The Biggest case they have is that nobody is
protected around me a crime of passion but the real matter has always been the
various things they need and the various forms of bullying that will get me
chasing it to a point they can handle and then leaving it behind for them which
is how a human being should be used - in the end all I do to protect people is
contained in my Books and they are far more interested in playing games that
involve the leverage they have in the bank, of which they will accept no safety
advice that involves keeping away. They say there is this problem of me getting
about with people who are sexually beyond my league but we all know what
happens is that I have to explain my life and they do not have to explain their
own and even when it becomes clear I think the other lady that get around with
me is different from the one that shows up to ensure I am stuck with civil
rights to a stage where I want to make a living with it to find somebody else
was there first, they are still handling my whole life with a self-righteous
corruption of involvement that will clearly not serving them, thus if they are
complaining we have come full circle. What is happening therefore is a process
where I am trying to locate everybody and so if I find them there is that brief
period where they are located and then can hang around until they are
completely fed up; if the process bothers them it should serve as a good
message concerning this need they have to create people such convoluted problems
and dilemmas. Of course the idea I am starting to talk about my real situation
is utter rubbish; it’s an old case of that black guy in New York who owns five
Ferrari buying shares in a film making Company in order to control his kid on
whom his future depends around here once again - so given the right tools and
measures they can be made to listen to what others are saying to them for a
change and this is therefore what happens when people show up around the
concerns of government operatives to screw around with State provided security
- facts about a Police Officer making a decision to take a life to protect the
Public comes to light all the time, so people can show up here to screw around
with my health and Public image and personal life and Finances doing my stuff
with popularity - it’s sort of when I tell them I will rip up the celebrity
culture and the popular culture and the media and the fashion for them if they
continue these nonsense and continue to shrink my Empire and bottom out my
finances and they think I am bluffing; whenever they are complaining it means I
am not. They speak of irreconcilable differences when it’s all a case of a
future of building publicity for another person’s life in order to insert
themselves into the space at a later date after getting rid of the owner, so it
works when tribal punishment is deployed against the religious people who
simply need to be brought before cultural fathers and mothers that want to
decide their fate and enjoy some villainous beauty every day, it does not work
with modern people have to be gay which is why they are always telling lies and
clinging to processes they are certain causes others massive distress and
bottoms out the personal finances.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland