One of the really big issues that it is supposed I am really bothered with is this fact that people are determined to ensure I never get any rest in my lifetime like they always like to brag and claim they have got the power for, which is never a new thing unless it brings about some blood shed and that is attributed to my Christian faith for self improvements. I have never really considered it to be a problem either because I have no idea how a collection of idiots will get to teach somebody who does not like the idea products created by companies he brokers equities with are purchased by consumers who use them as a means of getting business ideas because they are being led by a collection of provocative scumbags that use everything they purchase with their money to dominate people and make more money. I mean people buy products to consume them and no person thinks of equities on products other people sell as something that they have purchased along with the products besides which the equities are not theirs to deploy, now they want to teach the master how to do his own stuff by making sure he does not get any rest. I mean it can only escalate and I will end up in a place where I ensure those their stupid lives are really violent and I do get the sense I will not have been the first or more so last or only.

Now we have the thing about the Liberals and the desire for House of Lords reforms laid out in front of us. They say they want the House to be elected but I have no idea what that will change when the social blocks of the country will continue to remain as the Conservatives and the Socialists and the extreme left or indeed what electing the House will do for decisions that are made with respect to the interests of these three blocks. Apart from the matter of hey tax payers money lets have some of those because we are frustrated at doing our jobs on account we are stupid, I do not think that even if we could gain a process where the upper house is elected it will solve any problems or settle any issues bearing in mind that its entire purpose is to be skilled in the law and to straighten out what the lower house does.

From where I stand therefore it has got nothing to do with me and I as such have no idea why I am being bombarded with notions of expectation of opinions and arguments from me. They need to put their argument to the House and find out what it decides and nothing more. Personally I have always held the view that liberal parties are made up of idiots that like to think themselves to be incredibly clever because they are so deluded with their usurper culture that they think the way reality works is that when things exist they are up for grabs and that when they see people own things they can make them into history and take it and this is how they get to present themselves out there like they are really clever but are nothing but scum that live in gutters, like those their fools that love their insolent familiarities and therefore are a real measure of the state this country will degenerate into socially and Politically if they ever actually get to win elections because then people will immediately realise that it does not necessarily mean that the way life itself operates is that when you see a filthy idiot that is fatter than you, he can get involved with you in a traumatic way and get out at the other end looking beautiful, so it is not a social outcome that we want actually; things are okay as they stand with everybody being able to tolerate other people.

This is not to say I don’t find it insulting, I mean they are all the same except that they do not see that, so they tell me about how I would make no progress in Africa and their friends over there talk rubbish about making me give up all that is inside of me daily to push them on to solve problems for everybody which they are trying to at the moment. The fact about it is usually measured from the homosexual culture; where things can happen such as women who get involved with me for protection and because they had that protection from bullying and excess work, they were able to make a bit of money, which then resulted in further bullying and attacks because a man is the female in his homosexual relationship. It is as though there is a slice of the country set out specifically for their convenience and it is reflected in the fact that they are the ones who have the most scandalous histories in the Upper House and thereby raises this question of whether they want reforms to it that are democratic to prove a point. You end up asking yourself the question regularly if it is a matter of as they show themselves to be, that they are very proficient in violence or that they are really stupid academically and incompetent but either which aswer you come up with from both spectrums, the facts always fit perfectly so it is both on both sides and they have already begun claims some person is responsible for bad results at the Polls with a big mouth.

For now we are speaking of the little things, like the fact it is impossible for me to leave my work and or property and return to find it as I left it and this is created from a process where I do PR for my business and somebody takes pictures of himself on it or indeed creates music CDs and albums on it, only to get off on public places to mock me as well. So we end up with a condition where people give them products to advertise and they do so thinking about me when those who give them the products do not want them to nor do I, despite this, they do it anyway whenever they want. Like idiots that are really, really, really good at looking for trouble.

The idea I cannot handle people that are older than I am is completely false. The truth is that they have become my office trash so far and I get the feeling I am not the only person that has made them into such a thing and of course the more media appearances they get to make the better. As for those of them that have power and wealth, they speak of my irrelevance and how I am just a child but no body knows which part of the difference between their old men money and my young mans property that they always do all they can to get out of their own stupid lives to ensure does not make me money, they cannot figure out. For now I ask such questions rhetorically, soon enough I will be asking them personally as well.

As far as I know I am not being made to do anything for anybody, I simply know people are fantasising about such things everywhere. All I know is that I am of some value to the world and the person paying for it all is the Queen of England. I would not like peoples ideas about what should come of their problems because I exist to get in my way.

Its like the big old thing with the lost generation and the fact we are completely out of tune with work environment hence anybody can cause us harm and we also have no real future. I agree with this but the facts behind it is the same old problem in that young people having been that Politicians have destroyed existing system have not been informed about the way the work environment operates. They have not been told by anybody that there are only two kinds of work for example: the professional work and the technical work, each of which require a certain set of qualifications which of course Universities mainly offer professional ones and any technical ones they may be involved with will always have something to do with an ongoing professional one, while the colleges offer the technical ones and any professional ones they offer you will be informed has something to do with the University branch of the college. The main differences between the two are found of course at the employment market in that with technical degrees you may not necessarily unless you put in your work time and effort, earn more than you would have earned working for somebody else; for example you may work 15 hours a day and earn 14,000 pounds every year if you work for yourself and work 8 hours for 12,000 pounds a year if you work for somebody else, so you really need to put in time and effort to earn something about 20,000 pounds using other things to complement you because you work for yourself and control therefore how you work, from advice to extra qualifications or forums or community etc. With professional degrees however there isn’t  a difference between working for yourself and working for somebody else; the bottom line is that you have to look at a problem, find a solution for it and fix the problem and place it at the bosses table to get paid at the end of the Month. The huge problem with the fact young people do not know these things is reflected in how much we pay unskilled workers in this country and the huge irregularities with their pay system; all we do is set a minimum wage and that is it – job done. All the while a set of Politicians will get off pushing people into the education system as well and getting them qualifications on mass, in a Utility sensitive economy like the one we have in the UK which of course can be incredibly destructive. In an ideal situation; what would happen is a condition where employers see everybody as illiterate and pick them, employ them in certain posts and then send them off to Universities which the government may pay for or they get loans for. To this they tell me it is a process where I sit down as usual to craft out inequality in society by suggesting some people should be qualified for the work they do and others should not but clearly it is the old story as it were since they are not aware that we all have to pass though our GCSEs and then wait for a period of time, then get a technical degree or maybe A levels, then wait for a period of time before we get our professional degrees and so if they are out there pushing people into Universities on mass it can be something really destructive indeed; I guess of which is the old issue, they never leave people alone.

Of course I am not going to get myself lured into talking about the fact that for some people the time gap between GCSE and A levels and then Professional qualification can be counted in months and for others it can be counted in years, that will ensure I am talking about going into University when you are not ready doing well academically and then being defeated in the middle by other issues; which will cost you the fees while those who get into your life to create problems that waste any savings that you may have had, have an ample excuse and continue like so in their chosen path of destruction. When I have my revenge which is what I want, they will understand they should not be doing it, I am not having conversations about such matters. So they can get around telling me that I suggest cultures have no right to exist of which I have books I have written which I am now trying to sell, books that have been written based on facts that people can testify to which prove that they have always maintained that do these things not because of the way their society or culture is but because of their power because it gave them pleasures of sadism and mobility and of course liked to threaten me with fascism and work based oppression as well while they are at it. Bearing in mind of course the end products is a condition where I oppress them with work as well and they vote socialist parties which means that they have made their Political platform relevant by doing it. I always say that currently it is impossible for me to leave my property and return to find it, even if it is just a blog on a website, the way I left it and that will not change until it goes badly wrong.

I. Uno

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland